Liam sick on easter

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A/n this is sort of like Liam sick on Christmas. Both Liam and Niall are married and they have adopted two children who are biological siblings.
Liam- 27
Niall- 28
Luna- 4 years
Oscar- 6 months


Liam's pov

It is Easter Saturday almost Easter Sunday since it is 11:59pm. I haven't been able to fall asleep. Both me and Niall have been upstairs since about 10:30pm once both Oscar and Luna was asleep. I feel really nauseous. Niall says "Li what's the matter. You never normally move around this much at night?" I whimper as Niall turns on the lamp "Oh babe. You don't look well" I say "I feel sick" Niall says "Do you feel like you are going to be sick?" I shrug. Niall says "Let's get you to the bathroom just in case" I nod and say "What about Oscar. I don't wanna leave him" Niall says "Don't worry babe. Oscar normally sleeps through the night now. If it will make you feel better I will keep the bathroom door open so that we can still see him" I nod and Niall leads me to the bathroom

I crash to my knees in front of the toilet and Niall crouches down next to me. I gag a few times but nothing comes up. Niall says to me "If you let it out you will feel better babe" I nod and throw up in the toilet" Niall gently rubs my back as I throw up in the toilet. I throw up twice more before I cuddle into Niall. He flushes the chain and says "Do you think you have finished babe?" I shrug and lurch forward throwing up into the toilet again. I throw up for five minutes straight before I collapse against Niall. He says "Do you think you are finished?" I nod and Niall helps me up. He helps me into bed and he says. "I'm just going to get a few things from downstairs and check on Luna. Will you be alright?" I nod and Niall leaves the room.

He comes back about ten minutes later with a cloth, thermometer, a bucket and medicine. Niall puts the thermometer in my ear and he presses the button "38.4. Not too bad at the moment babe." He puts a cold cloth on my forehead and he says "Do you want any medicine" I shake my head and say "I just wanna cuddle" Niall nods and allows me to cuddle into his chest

The next morning Niall's pov

Last night was rough on Liam. He was up every half an hour with everything he has eaten in the last 24 hours coming out of him one way or the other. He is currently asleep upstairs. I have taken both kids downstairs so that Liam can get some rest. Luna says "Daddy. Where's papa?" I say to her "Papa is feeling icky today" Luna says "Is papa gonna be ok?" I say "Papa will be fine Lulu" Luna nods and says "When is Uncle LouLou and Freddie and uncle Hazza gonna be here?" I say "They will be here in about an hour Luna" Luna nods and goes off to play with her play kitchen which she still loves from Christmas.

About half an hour later Luna comes in and says "When is Freddie gonna be here? I miss Freddie" I say "Half an hour Lulu." Luna nods again and goes off to play. Luna and Freddie are 2 weeks apart. Luna is 2 weeks older than Freddie so they are quite close. About half an hour later the doorbell goes off and Luna says "FREDDIE" I say "Quietly Luna remember papa is feeling icky and he is asleep upstairs" Luna nods and I pick up Oscar and follow Luna to the door and I open it. As soon as the door opens Luna tackles Freddie in a hug "Louis Freddie come in. Where is Eleanor?" Louis says "She will be here soon. She is just parking up. Freddie got too excited" I laugh and and let them in. Louis says "Is Harry not here yet?" I shake my head "No you three are the first people here." Louis nods as a door upstairs slams shut. I groan instantly knowing what is going on. Louis says "What was that and where is Liam?" I say "That will be Liam. He is sick. From about midnight Liam woke up every half an hour everything coming out one way or the other. Could you watch Oscar whilst I go and check on Liam?" Louis nods and says "I missed this little cutie and my little Lulu" I say "Nice to know you missed us as well" Louis laughs and I go upstairs.

I go into our room and see our bathroom door shut. I knock on the door "Liam are you alright in there?" He groans and I hear a cry of pain. I say "I'm coming in babe" I open the door and see Liam sat on the toilet with vomit down his top and a puddle of vomit by his feet. "Oh babe." I grab the bin and put it on his lap. I gently rub his back as he lets out a load of diarrhoea and vomits in the bin. He says through the rounds of vomit "I don't wanna throw up. M tired now" Once he manages to finish throwing up I say "Have you finished?" Liam nods and I turn around to give him some privacy.

Once he cleans himself up he leans his head on my shoulder and I can feel the heat radiating off of him. I say to him. "Stay in here babe. I am just going to get the thermometer and a clean top for you. Liam nods and I go into our bedroom. I grab the thermometer and a clean top for Liam. I go back into our bathroom and I put the thermometer in his ear and I press the button "39.7 we need to get you in a bath" I run a bath for Liam and I help him to get out of his vomit covered top and he takes off his trousers. He gets in the bath and I clean the puddle of vomit up off the floor. Once I am finished cleaning I look at Liam who is half asleep in the bath. I gently put the thermometer in Liam's ear "39.4 are you gonna get out babe?" He reaches up to be carried. I grab a towel and I gently lift him up with the towel I carefully grab his clean top and I carry him into our room. I gently dry him off and get him into dry boxers and clean clothes. I go back into the bathroom and grab his dirty clothes. I go back into our room and see Liam sat up in bed "Don't leave me Nini" I say "I need to go downstairs babe. Louis and Harry are here" Liam says "I don't wanna be alone." I grab our duvet and say "Let's go downstairs. We can distract Luna and Freddie with the Easter egg hunt" Liam nods and we go downstairs.

Once we are downstairs Luna says "PAPA" Liam whimpers slightly I say "Luna indoor voice please. Papa is still feeling icky" Luna nods and goes back into the playroom with Freddie. We go into the living room and Louis says "Harry is in the garden hiding the eggs" I nod and say "Harry enjoys hiding the eggs doesn't he" Louis nods and Liam lays down on the sofa shivering. I put the duvet on him and he pulls it over himself. Eleanor says "Is he ok?" I shake my head "He is sick. He was up half the night" Eleanor pouts and says "Poor Liam. Hopefully he will feel better soon" I nod in agreement. About ten minutes later Harry comes in and says "The eggs are hidden" we all nod and Louis goes to get Luna and Freddie. I gently lift Liam's head and I sit down on the sofa. I gently run my fingers through his hair and Harry says "Poor Liam. I don't think I have ever seen him this sick and cuddly" I nod in agreement.

A week later no ones pov

Liam felt better after 3 days and they are having a family Easter dinner now that Liam is feeling 100% better.

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