Lirry- Liam sick from Harry

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Liam's pov

We are half way through our where we are tour. Harry was sick last week with an awful stomach bug. We managed to get some time off whilst Harry was recovering. It means this week we are really busy. I haven't been able to fall asleep at all. It is about 4am. I feel really nauseous. I slowly get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. I kneel down by the toilet. I wish Harry was here with me instead of in bed but I don't want to wake him up.

I feel my mouth pool with saliva. I instantly know what is going to happen and I swallow thickly trying to avoid it. I gag and let out a sob as I gag again successfully bringing up a large stream of vomit.

Harry's pov

I go to pull my Liam close to me but I am met by air. I hear a sob coming from the bathroom followed by retch. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I crouch down beside Liam and gently rub his back as he throws up. I feel awful. I made him sick. Once he gets a break he says to me "Haz go back to bed you have only just got better" I respond "Li I'm not leaving you babe. You sat up with me all night so I am doing the same for you and you can't tell me not to because I feel awful for making you sick" Liam gags over the toilet again bringing up one more round of vomit before he collapses against me. I ask him "Do you think you are finished babe?" Liam nods and I gently lift him up and carry him to the bedroom.

I put him on the bed and I get into bed next to him. I instantly pull Liam to cuddle into my chest and I gently rub his stomach. Soon Liam is fast asleep.

A couple of hours later still Harry's pov

I get woken up by my phone ringing. I quickly grab my phone and answer it. "Hello." I hear management saying "Harry, you and Liam have over slept. You need to get to the lobby now." I say "Liam is sick. We have been up half the night" management says "You are not having anymore time off. You had the whole of last week off" I respond "Liam is really sick though. He spent half the night in the bathroom being sick" our manager says "Get down here now" they end the call and I sigh.

I gently shake Liam. He whines and I say "I know babe. Come on management wants to talk to us." Liam just whimpers again. I pout as Liam gags. I quickly drag Liam to the bathroom where he instantly falls to his knees hugging the toilet as he throws up violently into the toilet. I gently rub his back as he throws up. Liam gets a small break and let's out a heartbreaking sob before he throws up again. He leans back against me with tears falling down his face. I gently rub his stomach and say "Do you think you have finished Li babe?" Liam nods and I say "Come on then love let's go and see what management wants." Liam nods.

I help Liam up and into our room. I help Liam to get dressed before I get myself dressed. We leave the room just as Niall is about to knock on the door. Niall says "Management is getting impatient. Are you alright Liam?" Liam shakes his head and I say "He's got the bug I had last week and management are being annoying and not letting us stay back at the hotel because Liam is sick." Niall nods and says "Poor Liam. If it is the same bug you had he is in for a rough week" I nod and say "I know. It is going to be worse for him than it was for me since I had time off but Liam can't have the time off." Niall nods and says "Let's go down before management comes up" I nod and help Liam down to where management wants us.

When we get there our manager says "Finally you two finally grace us with your presence. We might have to separate you if you keep on being late because you are up all night talking" Liam instantly looks like he is about to cry. He grips onto my hand and I say "Sorry sir it won't happen again. Liam is really sick though which is why we were late" our manager rolls his eyes and says "Just get to the van." I nod and gently lead Liam to the van.

Once we get to the van I help Liam in and strap him in. He looks at me with his puppy eyes and pout and he says "Cuddle" I nod and sit next to him. I quickly strap myself in and Liam leans his head on my shoulder and he closes his eyes and falls asleep. Louis looks at us and asks "Is Liam alright Harry?" I shake my head and say "He has the bug I had last week but management isn't letting him rest" Zayn says "He is in for a rough week then Harry" I nod and say "I know. I feel awful that I have given him this bug." I gently kiss his forehead and Louis says "He didn't mind staying up with you whilst you were sick. He knew the risks" I nod and we fall into a comfortable silence.

At the photoshoot still Harry's pov

Liam has been struggling through this photoshoot. He looks like he is about to throw up. Our manager comes over to us and says "Liam you need to focus. You are being really slow" Liam doubles over and throws up all over our manager's shoes. He gasps and steps back. I rush over to Liam and gently rub his back as he continues to throw up. I gently lower him to the ground and Zayn hands me a bucket. I put it under Liam's chin and he continues to throw up. After about five minutes Liam finally finishes and Louis says "I'll go and take this to be cleaned" I nod and our manager comes over and says "You and Liam can have the rest of the day off." I say "We are having until Liam is better off." Manager nods and says "Fine. Paul is going to take you back to the hotel." I nod and say "Thank you." I turn to Liam and say "Come on babe let's get you back to the hotel" Liam nods and I help him up and to the van.

Louis runs the bucket out to us and he says "Feel better soon Li. See you back at the hotel" we nod and Paul drives us back to the hotel. Once we get back to the hotel I help Liam up to our room and into some comfy clothes. We get into bed and I say "Get some rest babe. You'll feel better" Liam nods and curls into me. Soon he is fast asleep.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 5 days and he thanked Harry for looking after him. They went back to their crazy schedule luckily no one else got sick.

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