Liam has a cold

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Louis pov

We are just starting up our take me home tour and I get woken up by someone sneezing. I hear Liam say croakily "Lou. Are you awake?" I get out of bed and I open his curtains and see Liam looking washed out and sniffling "Oh babe. Are you ok?" Liam shakes his head and says "I'be got a cold. My throat hurts and I beel conbested" he sniffs and coughs into his elbow a few times before I respond to him "You sound congested as well."

I take Liam out to the main area of the bus. "I'll go get you some cold and flu and a throat sweet" Liam nods and I go into the kitchen. I grab the cold and flu tablets and a packet of strepsils (A/n it is a brand of throat sweets) and a bottle of water. I go back to Liam and hand him the pill and the bottle of water and I sit next to him. He swallows down the cold and flu tablet and he falls back on me "thanks Lou" he covers his mouth and nose with his hand and let's out a few sneezes. "I'm tired" I respond to him "Get some sleep" Liam nods and lays his head on my lap falling asleep snoring due to being congested. I smile and I gently play with his hair. He smiles softly in his sleep.

About an hour later still Louis pov

Niall has just come out and he says "Morning Lou. Is Liam ok? He doesn't normally snore" I nod and say looking down at Liam "He has a cold and is congested. That is why he is snoring" Liam starts coughing in his sleep which wakes him up. He sits up. After he finished coughing he leans his head on my shoulder. "Morbing Biall" Niall responds smiling at Liam "Morning Li. How do you feel?" Liam responds "I'b got a cold. I feel conbested" I respond to him "You sound more congested than you were earlier" Liam nods. Harry comes out and says happily "Morning boys" Liam groans and I laugh slightly. Me and Niall respond "Morning Haz" and Liam says "Morbing Baz" Harry says to Liam "Are you congested?" Liam nods and says "I'b got a cold. I beel like rubbish" he covers his mouth and nose and lets out a few sneezes. Liam groans and closes his eyes. Soon he is snoring again.

Zayn comes out a few minutes later and says quietly hearing Liam snoring "Morning boys. Is Liam ok?" I shake my head and say "He has a cold and is very congested. Which is why he is snoring" Zayn gives Liam a sympathetic look.

About half way through the concert Liam's pov

Louis has given me a paracetamol before the concert but it has done nothing to help my headache. I start to sing my solo in last first kiss "Baby I, I wanna know, what you think when your alone. Is it me? Are you thinking of me? Yeah oh. We've been friends now for a wh..ile, wanna know that when you s..." I try to sing but nothing comes out of my mouth Louis looks over at me and continues my solo.

When he finished he comes over to me and asks "Are you ok?" I shake my head and try to talk but nothing comes out. I point to my throat and Louis nods in understanding. "Have you lost your voice?" I nod and Louis goes over and tells Harry, Niall and Zayn he comes back over to me and says "Do you want to go and rest? Or stay on stage" I point to the stage hoping Louis understands. Louis nods and once the song ends Louis says jokingly "Liam has come down with a cold today and has pushed his voice too hard and he has carelessly lost his voice" I smile at that comment and gently kick him. Louis smiles cheekily at me and continues "He is going to stay on stage just won't be able to sing" the crowd screams. I start coughing into my elbow. Once I am finished coughing I grab a tissue and I sneeze into it a few times before I blow it.

A few days later still Liam's pov

I am feeling loads better but unfortunately Louis has got my cold. I help him to get better like he helped me.

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