Liam coughing fit (Request)

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Prompt- one where Liam has a coughing fit and it is bad and there is no one there to help him

Requested by- KALEYBOURQUE2

Liam's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour. All the boys has gone out to a restaurant to celebrate a successful tour. I have decided to stay home because I don't feel well. I've got a bad cold. I can barely breath through my nose and I am exhausted. The boys offered to stay with me but I said that I was just going to get some sleep. They should go out and enjoy themselves.

I walk to the living room and I flop down on the sofa. I can't be bothered to climb up the stairs and to my room. I pull the blanket up to my chin and I curl into myself and I try and get some sleep. I close my eyes but as soon as my eyes close I start coughing. I sit up and I continue to cough. I hate this. Soon I manage to stop and I take in a deep breath before I start coughing again. I feel tears running down my face as I continue to cough. I do wish someone was here with me. I continue to cough for what feels like ten minutes before I manage to stop. I take in gasps of breath trying to fill my lungs with oxygen again.

I go into the kitchen to get myself some lemon and honey tea to hopefully help so I can get some rest. I drink the tea and it actually soothes my throat. I put the tea cup into soak then I walk sluggishly back to the sofa where I curl into myself shivering under the blanket. I grab a tissue and I blow my nose which sends me coughing again. I sit up and cough into my elbow. I feel something come up my throat. I quickly grab the bin and I cough and gag over the bin. I throw up twice before my stomach settles. I put the bin down and I cough into my elbow for a few minutes. Once I finish I collapse into the sofa exhausted. I close my eyes and soon I am asleep.

What feels like 5 minutes later I get woken up by coughing again. I sit up and cough into my elbow once I get a break I start crying at the pain in my throat and I start coughing again. I wish someone was here. I start gaging again. I grab the bin and I throw up two more times before I fining coughing. I lay down curled up into a ball on my side crying softly. Soon I fall asleep.

I get woken up again what feels like 10 minutes later coughing yet again. I prop myself up on one arm and I cover my mouth and nose with my other arm. I don't have the energy to sit up. I continue coughing for about 15 minutes before I manage to stop. I am exhausted I just wanna sleep longer than 10 minutes. I was up every half an in the night coughing and now I can't even sleep for more than ten minutes. I lay down on my back and that doesn't help at all. I cough as soon as I am layed down. I sit back up on my arm and cough for about five minutes. Once I am done I curl up in a ball on my side and I cry. I wish someone was here with me. Soon I am back asleep.

The next time I wake up I am feeling a little better. I am feeling less exhausted and I hear the front door open. All the boys come into the living room and Harry says seeing that I am awake "Hi Li how you feeling?" I respond quietly "A little better. My throat is killing me though" Louis pouts and asks "Did you throw up whilst we were out?" I nod and respond quietly "Only because I was coughing so much" I cough a couple of times before I stop. I am glad it doesn't seem to be coughing fits anymore. Zayn says "I'll go and empty the bin" I nod and he leaves the room Niall says "You should have called us Liam. We would have come home knowing you were throwing up." I shake my head and say quietly "No I would have felt bad that you missed out on celebrating because I am stuck here sick" Harry says "Liam I know you are sick but you can be so silly at times. We hated the fact that you were here all alone with a cold. Even if it is just a cold. Everyone deserves some company when they are sick." Niall asks me "Answer me honestly how many coughing fits did you have and how long did they last for?" I shrug and respond quietly "I don't know. I had about 6 coughing fits but I don't know how long they lasted for" all the boys nod and Zayn comes in with the clean bin. I curl into myself and say quietly "I'm still tired." Louis says "Get some more sleep Li" I nod and Zayn says "We will be here when you wake up this time." I nod again and I fall asleep.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam felt much better about two days later and he thanked the boys for looking after him

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