Ziam- Liam sick on Zayn's bithday

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Zayn's pov

I get woken up by some noise, I don't know why I am awake at this time I normally sleep like a rock. I hear a small cry. Who would be crying at, I look at my phone and see it is 3am on the 12th January, my birthday. I carefully get out of bed and I see Liam's curtains open and he is not in bed 'That's odd, Liam is always in bed'

I go out into the living area and see Liam curled up in a ball "Oh Li, what's wrong?" He looks up at me and starts crying "My tummy hurts Zaynie. I feel sick" I sit on the sofa next to him and gently rub his back "Do you feel like you are gonna be sick?" Liam shrugs and I place my hand to his forehead "You feel slightly warm. I am gonna get the thermometer, I'll be back in a minute" Liam nods and I go to the small bathroom and grab the thermometer and some medicine.

I go back to Liam's and I put the thermometer in his ear and press the button. Once it beeps I take the thermometer out of Liam's ear "38.3, not too high but still a fever. Do you think you might be able to hold down some medicine?" Liam shrugs "Let's just try yeah" Liam nods and I hand him the medicine and water and he takes them. He leans his head on my shoulder "Go to sleep babe" Liam nods and closes his eyes after a few seconds his eyes snap open and he starts gaging. I quickly go over and grab the bin but I am too late Liam starts throwing up on his lap. I quickly put the bucket under his chin and I gently rub his back once he is finished he falls back in me and whimpers "Do you think you are done?" Liam nods and I say to him "Can I go and empty the bin and get you some clean clothes?" Liam nods and let's me up.

Liam's pov

Zayn had just gone to empty the bin and I start to feel saliva pool in my mouth. I don't wanna throw up again, I see Zayn go into the bunk room and I feel bile rise up in my throat I gag throwing up on myself again, the vomiting episode lasted for another 5 minutes, just after I finish Zayn comes out. I start crying when I see him "I'm sorry, I threw up on myself again" Zayn rubs my back and says "It doesn't matter, I've got you some clean clothes. I nod and Zayn helps me take off my top and put on a clean one. I manage to take off my own joggers and Zayn hands me some clean ones and I put them on, Zayn let's me lay down with my head on his lap and he runs his fingers through my hair and soon I am asleep

Zayn's pov

Liam has just fallen asleep and I continue to run my fingers through his sweaty hair. I must have fallen asleep at some point during the night because I am woken up by Harry shaking me "Zayn wake up" I glare at Harry and say "What?" Harry responds "Liam is calling you from the bathroom, he sounds quite upset" I instantly rush to the bathroom and open the door "Are you ok Liam" He lifts up his head and shakes his head, he puts his head in the toilet again and gags. I gently rub his back and say "I don't think you have anything in your stomach to throw up Liam" He throws up once more before he sits up. "You done?" Liam nods and I flush the toilet and help Liam up and to the living area.

"Are you ok Liam?" Harry asks and Liam shakes his head sadly "I feel sick" He pulls a sad face and he whimpers. I lead him to the sofa and I let him lay down with his head in my lap "Go to sleep Li, hopefully you'll feel better when you wake up again" Liam nods and closes his eyes. "Poor Liam, he is sick on your birthday Zayn, by the way Happy birthday Zayn" I smile at Harry and say "Thanks Harry"

A few seconds Niall and Louis comes out and Louis pretends to faint "Zayn out of bed before 12pm on a day off, never thought I'd see the day" I glare at Louis and say "Liam is sick and it is my birthday" Louis nods and says "Happy birthday, I was just messing with you" Niall says "Wait did you say that Liam's sick" I nod and say "I've been up with him since 3am" Harry responds "Why didn't you wake us up? We could have helped out" I nod my head and say "I know but we all know what Liam is like when he is sick, he clings to one person the entire time he is sick. Could someone grab the thermometer for me please" Niall goes into the bathroom and grabs the thermometer and he hands it to me, I put it in Liam's ear and press the button "38, not too high I'm surprised that his fever is not higher than it is. We will need to keep an eye on his fever, his fevers normally gets really high, a lot higher than that" the others nods and we make quiet conversations so we don't wake Liam up.

The next day no ones pov

Liam wakes up with the others asleep on the sofas around him and he relies that he doesn't feel sick, his stomach is just a little sore and his throat hurts. Liam gently shakes Zayn and he opens his eyes "Are you ok? Do you feel sick?" Liam shakes his head and says "No, thank you for taking care of me Zee, you didn't have to. It was your birthday yesterday and you looked after me" Zayn smiles at Liam and says "I will always look after you" the next day Liam felt 100% again

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