Lirry astma attack

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Liam's pov

We are in the middle of the take me home tour and we have a full day off so we have been watching movies and now it is 3pm and we go outside and we have decided to play football. I don't know why but I have a terrible feeling like something is going to go wrong. About 10 minutes into the game I start to find it hard to breath but I don't know why I don't have asthma. I stop for a minute and try to catch my breath. Harry looks at me suspiciously and say "You ok Liam?" I nod and start running after the ball again.

Harry's pov

Liam has just stopped after 10 minutes of playing football he doesn't normally do that. I decide to keep an eye on him because I know how stubborn Liam is and he doesn't like any help.

Liam's pov

I am really struggling to breath. My chest feels tight like an elastic band is around my lungs and every time I take in a breath it is all wheezy. I debate wether or not to tell Harry but I decide against it thinking to myself 'I don't need to tell Harry or anyone I'm fine I don't need help after all I am daddy direction.' Harry comes up to me and says "Are you sure you're ok" I nod again but Harry says "No you are not. Go and sit down for a bit" I shake my head and I start coughing into my elbow. Harry takes me over to the sideline and sits me down in a chair. You are sitting out for some of the game so you can catch your breath" I nod and Harry goes back to play. After 2 minutes I get up and start to play again finding it easier to breath. At the end of the game (Me and Harry won) we start to go to get something to eat and I find it difficult to breath again and I stop walking to try to catch my breath but I can't and I start panicking and try to shout "Harry help" but all that came out was a wheeze. Luckily at that moment Harry turns around. My eyes start to close and I feel myself falling.

Harry's pov

I turn around to talk to Liam and see he is not there but about 100 meters away from us about to pass out. I start to run over to him but he passes out just as I get to him. I yell to Louis Niall or Zayn "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE LIAM HAS JUST PASSED OUT" I put Liam in the recovery position seeing that he is still breathing slightly and Niall and Zayn come over to us and Niall says "Louis is just calling the ambulance now I nod and watch Liam worried for my boyfriend's health. 10 minutes later the ambulance arrives and they put Liam on a stretcher and says "One person can come with Mr Payne" I stand up to go with him and say "I'll go" the paramedics nod and we go to the ambulance and they put an oxygen mask on Liam's face and we go to the hospital Liam being monitored the whole way. Once we get to the hospital I am told to wait in the waiting room because they need to run some tests on Liam. I sit on a chair worrying for Liam. None of us haven't seen Liam like that before. He quite often get breathless during the concerts but he has never passed out after a concert or playing football with us before.

Ten minutes later the rest of the boys come into the waiting room. Louis says "Any news on Liam?" I shake my head and say "They took him for tests but I don't know what's wrong with him or what could be wrong with him" the nurse comes out and says "Liam Payne" we stand up and go over to the nurse and the nurse takes us into a privet room and I start to worry more. The nurse says "Right so there is some news would you like the good news or the bad news first?" I say "Bad news" the nurse says "It is not the worst news there could be but did you know Liam has asthma?" We all look at each other confused and I say "No he has never mentioned that." The nurse nods and says "Liam has asthma" I nod and say "What's the good news?" The nurse smiles and say "Liam is awake and fine he has got a preventer inhaler which is brown to take in the morning and a reliever inhaler to take when he needs it but he can't take more than ten puffs." We nod and I say "Can we see him?" The nurse says "Yes. We want to keep Liam here tonight to monitor him tonight but you can take him home tomorrow" we nod and we get taken to his room and I sit on the bed next to Liam and say "Never scare me like that again Liam. I thought I lost you. How do you feel?" Liam shrugs "My chest is still a little tight but I can breath now if that's what you mean." Liam smiles at me and I know Liam is going to be fine.

A/N- I might do a part two to this soon.

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