Liam stomach bug

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Niall's pov

We are in the middle of our OTRA tour and I can't sleep so I go on Twitter for a bit replying to a few fans and following a few as well. It is midnight now and I hear a whimper coming from someone's bunk I open my certain and look out but there is no movement so I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake the others up and look in Louis' bunk and see that he is asleep, then I look in Harry's bunk and see he is asleep also. I sigh and I think to myself it can't be Liam he is never one to show he is in pain or is sick. I get shook out of my thoughts hearing the whimper agin and I go over to Liam's bunk and open the curtain and see him curled up in a ball sweating. I gently place a hand on his head to feel for a fever and instantly pull my hand away because he is burning. I gently shake his shoulder and whisper "Li wake up bud" he slowly begins to wake up and looks at me with his big brown puppy eyes and I can tell he is sick. He whimpers agin. I carefully help him up and out of the bunk room "What feels bad Li?" He look at me and points to his stomach. I see where he is pointing and ask him "Do you feel like you are going to be sick?" He shakes his head then says "Not at the moment anyways" He pouts and my heartbreaks at the sight of him "I am just going to get the thermometer to see how high your fever is" I get up off of the sofa and go into the small bathroom and I grab the thermometer and some medicine. Then I go back to Liam and sees he has got a slight greenish tint to his face I grab the bin and put it under his chin "Are you going to be sick" he looks at me and whimpers and nods his head and gags a bit over the bin. I gently rub his back and he starts to vomit into the bin after a 5 rounds of throwing up he leans on me and whimpers. I look at him and ask him "Can I take your temperature?" He nods and opens his mouth. I carefully put the thermometer under his tongue and I wait for it to beep. Once it beeps I take it out of his mouth and sees his fever is 38.7 (101.6) I say to him "That's not too high but is still quite high why don't you try and get some sleep yeah" He nods and cuddles close to me and closes his eyes. I grab my phone and I log onto Twitter for a bit. 30 minutes later Harry comes out "Niall what are you doing up now?" I look a Harry and I sigh "I can't sleep and Liam is sick." I see the bin still full of sick and I carefully lift Liam up so I can get up and I go into the bathroom and empty the bin and rinse it out then I go back into the room as soon as I get into the room Harry asks me "What do you mean Liam is sick? He is never sick" I look at Liam and reply back to him "I heard someone whimpering and yeah Liam is sick. He actually threw up earlier. And he has a fever of 38.7" Liam starts whimpering again and I sit on the sofa and gently pull him so he is leaning on me and I gently rub is stomach and he slowly starts to relax "Do you need anything?" Harry asks me I reply "I don't think so. You can go back to bed if you want. I will call you or Louis if I need anything." He smiles and replies "You try and get some sleep as well. Night" He leaves the room and goes back to his bunk. I slowly start to fall asleep.

I get woken up a couple of hours laterby Liam crying out in his sleep. "Liam wake up it's just a dream" I gently shake his shoulder. He wakes up and starts vomiting all over himself I quickly grab the bin and put it under his chin and rub his back. After 5 more rounds of vomiting he looks up at Niall and whimpers out "Sorry" He starts to cry. I look at him and ask "Why are you sorry for?" Then I pull him into a hug not caring that he is covered in his own vomit. Liam cries "I puked all over myself and the floor and sofa." I rub his back to try and comfort him and say to him "It doesn't matter we can clean it up and you can go in the bath yeah" He nods "Let's take your temperature again then" he nods and opens his mouth. I carefully put the thermometer in his mouth and I wait for it to beep. When it beeps I take it out of his mouth and look at it and see his fever is 39.8 (103.6) "We need to get you to that bath now your fever is to high" I carefully lead him into the bathroom and peel off his vomit covered clothes but leaving his boxers on and I start to run the bath on a cool temperature not cold though. "Come on then Liam in you get" I carefully help Liam in the bath. "I am just going out to clean the floor and sofa. Liam whimpers "No stay with me please" and gives me his best puppy expression "Alright Li let me just go and get Harry or Louis to clean up the floor and sofa" I quickly leave the room and go into the bunk room and open Harry's curtain and shakes his shoulder "Haz wake up I need help, Li has just thrown up all over himself and the floor and sofa" Harry opens his eyes and says "What Niall?" I sigh and respond "Liam has just thrown up all over himself, the floor and the sofa" Harry immediately gets out of bed "Poor Li. He is really sick" I nod and we go into the main part of the bus and I hear quiet sobbing coming from the bathroom. "I am going to check on Liam. Are you ok to clean the floor and sofa?" He smiles and nods and I go into the bathroom "Oh Liam what's the matter?" I ask him noticing that he is still crying "My tummy and head hurts and I want a cuddle please." He pouts and looks up at me "Let's check your temperature yeah" He nods and opens his mouth again. I put the thermometer in his mouth and I wait for it to beep. I take it out of his mouth and I read it 38.8 (101.8). "Your fever has gone down a little so I suppose you can get out if you want" he nods and I grab the towel from the towel rail and help him out and wrap the towel around his shivering form "Let's go to get some clothes on yeah" he nods and says "Carry me please" and he pouts. I sigh and carefully pick him up and Liam clings onto me. We go into the main part of the bus and I see Harry and he gives me a sad smile "I will go and get you some clothes for Liam" I nod and Harry goes into the bunk room. I sit down with Liam on the sofa "Li do you want to try some medicine?" He pouts and shakes his head "It will make you feel better" I hear him sigh and then he nods and I measure out some fever reducers and pain medication. I grab a water bottle for after he has taken the medicine "Open up then Li" he opens his mouth and I hand him the fever reducer and he takes the medicine without any prompting and so I give him the pain medicine "This should help your headache and tummy ache as well ok" He nods and takes the medicine and pulls a face. I quickly give him the water and he takes small sips. Harry comes back out with some clothes for Liam. Harry hands me the clothes "Thanks Hazza" he smiles at me "Your welcome Nialler. Call me if you need me" I nod and Harry goes back into the bunk room and I help Liam into his clothes "Why don't you go to sleep yeah Li and hopefully you will feel better in the morning" he nods and says "Please stay with me" he gives me his best puppy face and pout. "Of course I will stay Lima I wouldn't leave you like this" he cuddles into me and closes his eyes

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz