Liam hurt whilst working out

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Liam's pov

We are all at the gym having a work out. I have already been on the exercise bike, I have lifted weights, I have done some boxing and some sit ups. I am about to go on the treadmill. Harry comes up to me and says "Babe I think you should slow down before you get injured. We don't want you injured." I say "I'll be fine. I always go like this" Harry says "I know but you should slow down a little going at such a fast pace is a way to get injured." I say "Alright I'll slow down a little" Harry sighs but nods. I get on the treadmill and Harry gets on the one next to me. I roll my eyes as I start the treadmill. I start to run on the spot and I slowly increase the speed.

I soon get to 10mph. Harry stops his treadmill and says "Liam slow down you can barely keep up and you are sweating like crazy" I shake my head and focus on running. I have to hold on otherwise I will probably fall off. I feel my hands slipping. I try and get a better grip on the handles but I start to slip and fall. I crash into the wall feet first. I feel my left leg snap. I scream in pain and start sobbing.

Harry's pov

I see Liam slipping. I try to react quick enough to press the emergency stop button but Liam slips and is sent full speed to the wall. There is a snapping sound then Liam's ear splitting scream followed by his sobs. I quickly shut off his machine and I run over to him. I take his hand and he grips it hard still sobbing. Niall, Louis and Zayn all run over to us and Zayn asks "What happened?" I say "Liam got thrown off the treadmill and he got thrown to the wall at full speed. I think his leg is broken." I say to him "Li babe do you think you could turn onto your back for me instead of laying on your stomach." Liam shakes his head still sobbing hard. Louis, Niall and I slowly turn Liam on his back being careful of his left leg which has the bone penetrating the skin. Zayn looks away and says "I'll go and call an ambulance" we all nod knowing Zayn isn't too good with blood Liam looks and immediately starts to gag which makes him more upset. Niall says "I'm going to get something to cover his wound" I nod and Louis says "Li calm down buddy. We will get this sorted." Liam gags again and throws up all over himself. Louis and I carefully turn Liam on his side facing me so he doesn't choke on his vomit.

He is sick twice more before he whimpers and says "Done." We both nod and carefully lay him on his back again. I gently lift his head up and I gently place his head on my lap and I gently smooth his hair back out of his face.

Niall comes back with Paul and a clean towel. He gently places it on Liam's leg and he instantly screams in pain followed by sobs again. Niall says "I'm sorry Liam. I really don't mean to hurt you." I say "He knows you don't Ni." Paul says "Zayn told me to tell you that the ambulance will be about five minutes. He said he can't deal with the blood so he is waiting for them" I nod.

About five minutes later the paramedics get lead in by Zayn. They instantly load Liam on a stretcher and Liam sobs more and says "My Hazzy" the paramedic says "Whoever he is calling you can come. We need him calm" I nod and I take his hand I say "Hey Shh. I'll go with you." Liam looks at me and nods slightly. We get taken out to the ambulance and the paramedic asks me what happened so I explained what happened whilst Liam was being checked over for anymore injuries. Liam is gripping onto my hand tightly as if he is terrified that I will leave him.

We soon arrive at the hospital. I get told to wait in the waiting room because Liam is going right back for surgery. It took a few minutes to pry Liam's hand off mine and you could hear him sobbing and calling for me. It broke my heart. I am sitting down waiting for the other boys to arrive. I place my head in my hands.

About ten minutes later I feel a hand on my back. I look up and see the boys. Niall asks me "Have you heard anything?" I say "He got taken straight down to surgery. He was sobbing for me. It broke my heart to hear him sobbing and calling for me but I know it will help him" the others nod and Louis says "Somehow the fans found out that an ambulance got called. There is a crowd around the hospital. They don't know that the ambulance got called for Liam." I say "They aren't causing any problems are they?" Zayn shakes his head and says "They let us through no problem. They are just worried about who ever is in the hospital. They obviously know it is ether going to be you or Liam since they saw Niall, Louis and I come in the hospital" I nod.

About two hours later still Harry's pov

We have heard nothing from Liam. I am so worried about him. I told him to slow down. I just want him in my arms again. A doctor comes out and I have no hope that it is going to be Liam. I get tapped on the shoulder and I look up. Louis says "Liam's name got called" I nod and stand up. I follow the boys to the doctor and the doctor leads us to a private room. The doctor says "Liam has had to have surgery to mend his leg. He is still asleep currently. His injury could take up to 6 months to heal properly maybe a little longer." We all nod and the doctor continues "He is still asleep at the moment but he should be awake in the next 20 minutes or so." We all nod and I say "Can we go and see him please?" The doctor nods and takes us to Liam's room.

Once we get to Liam's room the doctor says "I'll be back in about half an hour to check on Liam" we all nod and I slowly open the door. I go over to Liam's bed and I sit down in the chair closest to his head. I take his hand and gently rub his knuckles.

About 20 minutes later Liam starts stirring. I say to him "Keep coming round babe." Liam's eyes slowly opens and he whimpers. I say to him "How do you feel babe?" Liam shrugs and says "Hurts" I ask "Where does it hurt Liam?" Liam points to his leg and whimpers. I nod and say "The doctor should be here soon and we can ask if you can have some more painkillers." Liam nods and says quietly "Hazzy cuddle" I nod and get into bed next to Liam and he cuddles into my side. Liam rubs his eyes tiredly

About ten minutes later the doctor comes back in the room. The doctor smiles and says "Hello Liam. How do you feel?" Liam shrugs and says tiredly "Leg hurts" the doctor nods and says "I can give you some painkillers if you would like them" Liam nods and the doctor sets up the iv painkillers. The doctor then says "You will need to stay in the hospital for tonight just so we can observe you and keep an eye on if your leg starts to swell or not" we all nod and Liam asks "Can Harry stay with me?" The doctor nods and says "Yeah since you are on a private ward" we all nod.

After visiting hours the boys leave and I am left with my poor Liam. I look down at him and see he is asleep on my chest. I smile down at him and kiss him on the forehead. Liam begins to stir. He says "Haz" I say "I'm here babe I'm here" he asks me "Why does my leg feel heavy?" I say "You broke your leg Liam. You fell off the treadmill at the gym." Liam asks "Do the fans know?" I say "They know ether me or you got rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. They know it isn't one of the other boys because there was a calm group of fans out the front of the hospital" Liam nods and says "I wanna let them know before the press gets hold of the information." I nod and say "Do you want to do a twitcam?" Liam nods. I tweet out 'There is going to be a twitcam in five minutes. Liam and I will explain what happened and why one of us got rushed to the hospital'

About five minutes later I log into twitcam and I make sure we are both in view before I start the twitcam. Within minutes there is loads of people on the twitcam. I say "Hello everyone. As all of you probably can see Liam and I are in the hospital at the moment. We had a bit of an accident earlier." Liam says "I was an idiot and didn't listen to the boys when we were in the gym. I was on the treadmill and the speed of the treadmill was quite fast and I couldn't keep up with it and fell off." I say "You didn't just fall. You flew across the room" Liam rolls his eyes at me and says "True. My left leg snapped and I had to get a surgery to mend my leg I am still in a cast so I will probably struggle during some of the concerts but I will try my best" I say "The break was bad the bone was sticking out of his leg" Liam smacks the back of my head and says "You didn't have to tell that bit. What time did I last have painkillers?" I say "Probably about two whilst the other boys were here. Are you alright?" Liam nods and says "My leg hurts that's all" I look at the comment section and see loads of supportive messages. I smile and say "Liam has to stay in hospital over night tonight but he should be released tomorrow" Liam says "I am probably going to have a large scar on my leg" I nod and say "Probably"

The next day still Harry's pov

Liam has been released we are currently waiting for Paul to come and pick us up. The other boys have an interview this morning. The van pulls up next to us and I help Liam to stand up and get in the van. I help Liam to sit down and strap in before I sit down next to Liam. I strap in and Paul says "Hello boys. How are you feeling Liam?" Liam shrugs and says "My leg hurts thats all" Paul nods and says "Let's go and pick up the other boys from their interview." We both nod.

A few months later no one's pov

Liam's leg healed properly after 6 months. He still had to take it easy for a while. He thanked the boys for taking care of him over the past 6 months

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