Liam exhusted (Before hiatus)

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Liam's pov

Zayn has just left the band about three months ago and management are on my tail to make sure that no one else leaves. They have been phoning me at stupid times in the morning and keeping me later in the venue. A few times the bud almost left without me. Luckily the boys realised that I was missing. I am so tired. I lay down in my bunk and close my eyes hoping to get a few hours of sleep.

Just as I am about to fall asleep my phone starts to ring. I sigh but open my eyes. I grab my phone and answer it " 'Low" the voice at the other end of the phone says "Liam you guys have an interview in half an hour" I close my eyes to try and fight off tears. I say "You can't keep on doing this to us. We are all tired" they respond "You need to do the interview" I nod and a tear slips down my face. I say "Alright let me tell the boys" the call ends but I keep my eyes closed.

I hear someone enter the back area of the bus. I hear Niall saying "Li are you ok?" I shake my head and open my eyes. Niall hugs me and says "What's wrong why are you crying?" I feel my shoulders start to shake as I sob silently into Niall shoulder. I say "We have another interview in half an hour. I'm sorry" Niall responds "Li it's not your fault. I'm sure you tried to get us out." I nod against his shoulder. After about a minute Niall says "We are staying back here until we are there so you can calm down. I've texted Harry and Louis so they know and they do not blame you. They blame management" I nod and start to fall asleep with my face buried in Niall's shoulder.

What feels like 2 seconds later I am being shaken awake by Niall "Li we are there now." I nod and open my eyes. I rub my eyes and Niall says "Are you ok?" I nod and stand up but I get a wave of dizziness. Niall puts a steadying hand on my back and says "Are you sure?" I nod and we go into the studio.

Niall's pov

I go up to Harry and Louis and whisper to them "Is it just me or is Liam more quiet?" They nod and Louis whispers back "Do you think it has got something to do with the interviews?" I look over at Liam who is struggling to stay awake I shake my head and whisper back "He had like a twenty minute nap earlier. I don't think he has slept well" Harry whispers "Let's keep an eye on him" we nod and I sit next to Liam. I gently tap him on the shoulder "Li bud wake up" he jolts awake and he starts rubbing his eyes "Come on we are about to go on" Liam nods and stands up and almost falls over again. I put a hand on his back and we walk to the stage.

About halfway through the interview still Niall's pov

Liam is still struggling to stay awake and only answering questions directed to him. "Liam you are being very quite. How's tour going since Zayn left?" Liam responds "It's ok. We miss Zayn but we know why he left and understand." I look at him and he looks like he is about to fall asleep any minute. I smile at Liam and he tries to return it.

At the end of the interview Liam goes straight into the dressing room and he lays down on the sofa and closes his eyes. He has just drifted off when management comes in. "You have a meet and greet in five minutes" I responds "Seriously. I do love our fans but this is getting ridiculous now. Liam is taking a nap he never naps unless he is sick. You still have to do the meet and greet" The management says "He better not be sick" I glare at them and say "Fine I'll wake Liam up but you can explain why he can't rest" they nod and I gently shake Liam. His face scrunches up and he groans "I know bud but you need to wake up for a few minutes" his eyes open and I help him to sit up. He looks terrible. Really tired management says "You have a meet and greet in five minutes" Liam looks like he might cry. I pull him into a hug and soon I feel his tears soak through my top. I gently rub his back. I am quite worried about him. He never cries in front of people. "Are you ok Liam?" He shakes his head and says quietly so only I can hear him "I'm so tired. I wanna go to sleep" I glare at where management left us. Once Liam is calm we go to the meet and greet.

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