Lilo- Liam sick at louis' parents house

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our up all night tour. Louis and I are in a relationship after the boys got board of our constant fighting and arguments they locked us in a dressing room for over 2 hours and somehow we ended up kissing after arguing for well over an hour and a half. We have already told my parents and now we are on the way to tell Louis' mum, stepdad and sisters. I am so nervous. Louis looks over at me when he stops at a red light. "You alright babe?" I nod Louis asks "Are you sure? You are being very quiet" I nod and say "Just a bit nervous" Louis says "Don't be nervous babe. They will love you" I nod and look back out the window as Louis drives off.

Once we get to the Tomlinson house I am really nervous. My tummy is starting to feel nauseous and I am starting to sweat. Louis comes round to my door and opens it for me. He frowns realising I am sweaty. He asks "Are you sure you are alright Li?" I nod and say "Just nervous" Louis helps me out of the car and pulls me into a hug. He says "You'll be fine I promise" I nod and Louis takes my hand. We go to the front door and Louis knocks on the door. About a minute later Jay opens the door and says "Louis, Liam come in. Mark and the girls are in the kitchen waiting for you." Louis nods and we go through the door.

We go into the kitchen and we are both attacked in a hug by Lottie, Felicity, Daisy and Phoebe. Jay laughs and says "Let's all have some dinner then Louis you and Liam can tell us what you wanted to tell us" we both nod and sit down and Jay dishes up some lasagna. She hands all the plates out and we all start eating. I eat about 3/4 of what is on my plate before I start to push the rest of the food around slowly eating some more every now and then. I can feel Louis' eyes on me and he says "You don't have to eat anymore if you are full up" Jay adds "I gave you a big plate so please don't feel like you have to eat everything" I nod and put my cutlery down and say "It was delicious thanks" Jay smiles.

At the end of dinner we all go into the living room and Mark asks "What did you want to tell us boys?" Louis takes my hand and says "Liam and I are in a relationship. We have been since about half way through the tour and the other boys got tired of us arguing all the time so locked us in a dressing room." I smile and Louis continues "I really don't think they were expecting to unlock the door and find us kissing they were surprised to say the least" Jay smiles and says "Congratulations boys. Love is love at the end of the day. I accept you both" Mark says "Yeah congratulations boys" Lottie, Felicity, Daisy and Phoebe all hug us and we hug back

Louis pov

I am so glad we have now told my parents and sisters. We are currently watching the lion king for the twins. There is something wrong with Liam. He is being very cuddly normally even when we are alone or with the other boys he isn't this cuddly. He likes to have his own space which I respect. I do love having cuddles with him and he loves cuddles as well. He has refused to let me up the whole time the movie has been going on and I don't know whether it is the lighting or not but he seems to be getting paler by the minute. I gently kiss his forehead secretly checking his temperature. He is slightly warmer than normal but not too much warmer.

By the end of the movie Liam is asleep on me. My mum says "Right girls bedtime. I let you all stay up way past your bedtime to watch the movie" all the girls nod and they all go upstairs. I look down at Liam trying to figure out a way of moving him without waking him up so I can carry him upstairs to my room. My mum looks over at me and says "Aww that's a cute sight" I look up at her and I say "I physically can't move. If I do I will wake him and he finds it really difficult to go back to sleep after he has been woken up" Jay nods and Mark walks over to us. He carefully lifts Liam up and starts to carry him upstairs. I hug my mum and say "I think I am going to go to bed as well" mum nods and says "Night Lou. See you in the morning" I respond "Night mum see you in the morning"

I follow Mark upstairs and into my room. He says "You get into bed first and I will put him next to you." I nod and I get into bed. Mark gently puts Liam next to me on the bed and Liam instantly cuddles into me. I say "Thanks Mark" Mark smiles and says "Your welcome get some sleep" I nod and Mark leaves the room. I gently pull Liam to my side and I close my eyes and fall asleep myself.

About 3 am Liam pov

I wake up feeling very nauseous. I know it isn't nerves now. I am actually sick. I know I am going to throw up soon. I try to get up but there is strong arms holding me down. I look over and I see Louis holding me. I feel really nauseous I gag and slap a hand to my mouth. I shake Louis to try and wake him. I gag again and throw up I take my hand away from my mouth and I continue to throw up. I feel a gentle hand on my back. I look up and see Louis rubbing my back. He asks me "Do you think you have finished babe?" I shake my head and gag and throw up 5 more times whilst Louis rubs my back.

Louis' pov

I rub my Liam's back as he throws up. I look up as my bedroom door opens. I see Daisy and Phoebe standing at the door. Daisy says "We will go and get mum" I nod knowing Liam won't let me go anywhere without him. I ask him "Have you finished now babe?" Liam nods and I say "Let's get you out of the vomit covered clothes and check your temperature" Liam nods and I help him to take off his jumper just as my mum walks through the door. My mum says "Lou you get Liam to the bathroom. I'll sort your bed" I ask "Are you sure mum?" Mum nods and says "He will probably be more comfortable with you helping him" I nod and help Liam to the bathroom.

Once we are at the bathroom I rummage through the medicine cabinet and I quickly find the ear thermometer. I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button "39.8. Let's get you in a cool bath Liam." I run the bath on the cooler side of warm and I help Liam out of the rest of his clothes. Whilst I am waiting for the bath to fill up I gently rap Liam up in a towel just as there is a knock on the door. I say "Come in" my mum walks in and asks "How's he doing?" I respond "His temperature is 39.8 so I am running a cool bath for him but he hasn't thrown up since he threw up on my bed." I look over at Liam and see he is half asleep. Mum takes the rest of Liam's clothes and says "I'll take these to be washed as well." I nod and say "Thanks mum." Mum responds "Your welcome Louis. Feel better Liam" she leaves the room and I turn off the tap.

I go over to Liam and unwrap him from the towel. I say "Let's get you in the bath babe" Liam shakes his head and I ask "Why not babe? We need to cool you down a bit. Your temperature is way too high" I lift Liam up and I take the towel off him. I help him in the bath and he instantly starts crying. I gently wash his hair hoping to bring some comfort to him. After I finish washing his hair I make him sit in the bath for another 5 minutes before I say "Let's check your temperature. Then we can get you back to bed" Liam nods and I grab the thermometer and put it in his ear. I press the button and see the thermometer says 38.5. I say to Liam "Let's get you out babe." Liam reaches up to be carried. I unplug the drain and grab the towel and gently lift him up.

I carry him into my room and see my mum finishing making the bed. Mum says to me "Your bedding and Liam's clothes are in the wash. Just finishing putting the new bedding on the bed" I nod and help Liam to get dried and into some clean clothes whilst my mum is putting the rest of the bedding on the bed. Once my mum has finished putting the bedding on the bed she says "Do you need anything else before I go back to bed?" I shake my head and say "No I don't think so. Li is practically asleep anyways. Don't want to keep him awake for too much longer." My mum nods and says "You good if I go back to bed then?" I nod and say "Thanks mum night." Mum responds "Your welcome Lou. Night" mum leaves the room and I put Liam in the bed. Liam pouts and I get into bed next to Liam. He instantly curls into me and I gently rub his back. Soon he is fast asleep. I smile and follow Liam to sleep.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 4 days. Louis and Liam stayed at Louis' parents house for another week before they went home again.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora