Liam injured but tries to hide it

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Request by- OhMyUser
Prompt- One where Liam gets hurt and he tries to hide it from the other boys and then something bad ends up happening

Liam's pov

We are on our take me home tour. We have our first full day off, Except a concert tonight, and I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don't know what and that worries me. Louis comes into the main area of the bus. "Let's play football. It is nice and sunny outside" Niall responds "Let's go then" The others run outside and I slowly walk outside because that bad feeling in my gut gets a lot worse. "Come on Payno, hurry up" I nod and go over to them.

Harry decides to be the ref. It is me and Niall against Louis and Zayn. About half way though the game. I go to tackle Zayn but before I get to him. I twist my ankle and fall to the ground. Harry and Niall run over to me. Whilst Louis and Zayn go and get the first aid kit. Niall says "Are you ok Liam?" I nod and say "Only a small graze on my knee and elbow. I'm fine" I smile at them through my pain. Louis and Zayn come over with the first aid kit and Harry starts to clean up my grazes. Once my grazes are clean Harry says "Shall we continue the game?" I don't want to so I say "Can I sit out. I'm tired" Louis glances at me worriedly. Zayn says "Are you sure you're are ok?" I nod and Niall says "How about you be the ref and Harry is on my team" I nod and stand up. I try to put weight on my left foot but pain shoots through my leg. I can't let anyone know. I'm sure that my ankle will be fine.

At the end of the game we start to go back to the bus and Niall comes to me and puts an arm around me making me twist the same ankle and almost fall over but Niall catches me "Are you sure you're are ok?" I nod not wanting to talk. When we are on the bus I say "I'm going to have a nap. I didn't sleep well last night." The others but Niall nods and Niall looks at me "Are you sure you're are ok?" I am starting to get really irritated at that question. "I'm fine" I go into the bunk and I sit on my bunk and try to take off my sock but pain shoots through my ankle again so I give up. I lay down and fall asleep.

A few hours later I get shaken awake by Louis "Come on Li time to wake up, we need to go and get ready for the concert" I respond "I'm awake" I get out of bed and we go into the stadium. Niall says "You are the only one that needs to get ready." I nod and go and get my hair done. Once I am done with the hair and my stage make up I go and get dressed. When I try and put my shoe on my left foot terrible pain shoots through my foot which make tears well up in my eyes. I loosen the laces as loose as they can go and put it on my foot and gently tighten them. I whimper slightly and a small tear slip down my face I wipe it away before I go over to the other boys. Niall looks at me worriedly and says "Li why are you limping?" I respond "I'm not" I try to put my foot down and I let out a slight whimper.

We run, well I limp, out on stage as we heard the first note of up all night. I start to sing "It feels like we living in fast forward, another moment passing by, up up up all night, the party ending but it's now or never nobody going home tonight, up up up all night." As the concert continues things get more crazy because Louis starts throwing water all over me. I through water right back at him making sure not to put too much weight on my foot.

Louis starts running towards me with a bucket full of water. I know I will get soaked if I don't run but it will hurt my ankle. I decide that I would rather hurt my ankle more than get appositely soaked. I start running as fast as I can with what I think is a sprained ankle. It feels like everything is going in slow motion. One second I am running the best I can and the next I am twisting my left ankle again, for the third time today, and falling on the floor in agony. I clutch my leg in pain. Louis gets to me first and chucks the water all over me before noticing that I am in pain. "Li are you ok?" I shake my head and say hoping he will understand "Ankle" Louis nods in understanding and helps me to sit up "Do you think you can stand?" I shake my head. Louis helps me up and he helps me to hop over to a stage prop and sit down.

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