Liam experiments part 2 (Request)

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Prompt- part 2 of Liam experiments

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons
Louis- alpha
Zayn- beta
Harry- beta
Liam- omega

Louis' pov

It has been a couple of months since Liam had been rescued from those horrible humans. Liam has refused to be alone ever since. He is still so terrified. I am so angry at the humans that made Liam terrified of all humans. Not all humans are bad but Liam is now terrified of anybody unless they are in our pack and he knows them quite well. I have set him up a bed in my room but almost every night he ends up in my bed after a nightmare. No one has ever seen Liam like this. He normally tells me about his dreams but not always. I hate it when he is sad. Liam is currently eating some dinner and sitting as close to me as possible without actually sitting on me.

The next day still Louis pov

Liam didn't end up in my bed last night for the first time in 3 weeks. We are all doing training outside and Liam is just sat down still recovering a little from the experiments he had done on him. Suddenly hear Liam's muffled screams I look over just in time for him to be dragged out of the territory. "Noooo Liam" I run as fast as I can but by the time I am there he is gone. The others come over to me and Niall says "We will find him again." I nod and say "I hope this doesn't affect him too much. He already is shaken up enough as it. Last night was the first time in three weeks the Liam slept all night without a nightmare and getting into my bed"

Liam's pov

I get dragged back to where I was three months ago and all the horrible memories comes flooding back to me. Louis promised that I wouldn't be taken again. I am so scared I want Louis to save me. I don't want it to be 2 months again. I want him to come now.

I hear that same voice saying menacingly "Well well well what do we have here. My little experiment. You escaped last time but your little werewolf friends won't rescue you this time. The person punches me and I howl in pain he slaps me and says "Shut it werewolf" he sticks something in me and I howl again and pass out due to the pain.

About a month later still Liam's pov

No one has come for me yet. I hope they will come soon. The person comes back and says "Well I think your little werewolf friends has forgotten about you" I start whining and soon tears fall down my face because I think they have as well the person says "Oh stop those tears" I whimper out "I just wanna go home" the person laughs and says "Well that is never going to happen." I cry and whimper more and the door slams open and I see Louis throwing the man across the room and Niall, Zayn and Harry all come over to me and try and give me a hug. I whimper and move away scared that they might hurt me. Niall says with a sincere look on his face "Li we are here to rescue you. We don't want to hurt you" I nod and allow them to hug me.

About five minutes before Louis pov

I hear the horrible human that took our Liam twice say to Liam "Well I think your little werewolf friends has forgotten about you" I hear Liam let out a heartbreaking whine and all three of Zayn, Harry and Niall has to hold me back we want to hear what the person is doing to Liam before we go in. We hear the human say "Oh stop those tears" I hear Liam whimper out "I just wanna go home" the horrible person laughs at that and says to Liam "Well that's never going to happen" I hear Liam cry and let out heartbreaking whimpers. I break free from their grips and slam the door open. I make sure the other boys have Liam before I throw the person up against the wall.

I walk over to him and lift him up by the collar I say in my alpha voice "I thought last time I said to never touch Liam again. Now you are going to regret it." I hold him tighter round the neck and soon he starts to choke and gasp for breath but I just hold on tighter" Zayn says "Alpha stop you're scaring Liam" as soon as Zayn says that I let go the man who falls to the floor gasping for breath. I rush over to Liam and gently scoop him up in my arms. Liam tries to push me away and I say "Shh Li I am never going to hurt you" Liam slowly relaxes against me and sobs. I glare at the man as I hold Liam close and say "If you ever touch Liam again you will be sorry that you messed with him. Next time I won't stop" the man nods and fleas the room like a coward. I say "Let's get this one home" everyone nods and we all run home. I am holding Liam as close to me as possible.

Once we are home I take Liam straight to the pack doctor and the doctor says "It's great you found him again Alpha" I nod and gently put Liam on the bed. Liam whimpers and Tears form in his eyes. I say "Li don't cry please I hate it when you cry. I promise you I will be here" I take Liam's hand and he instantly relaxes. The doctor checks Liam over and says "I am prescribing him some antibiotics again as he has an infection and he needs lost of rest and plenty to eat and drink. I think that is everything Alpha" I nod and the doctor bows and leaves the room.

I gently scoop Liam back into my arms and I gently carry him to our room. I try and lay Liam on his bed but he whimpers and grips onto me tighter. I say to Liam "Let me just go and shut the door then I will give you a cuddle again. I promise you" Liam nods and slowly loosens his grip on me. I go towards the door and I hear Liam whimper. I look over at him just in time for some tears to spill out of his big brown puppy eyes. I quickly shut the door and I rush back over to Liam. He instantly latches himself onto me whimpering and crying. I gently rub his back and whisper comforting words to him and soon he is asleep. I gently try and get out of his grip but he whimpers and grips onto me tighter in his sleep. I sigh and decide to stay with Liam since he needs his sleep.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam has barely left Louis' side the whole time he was recovering and even after he recovered from the experiments he went through and Louis was more overprotective of Liam and barely let Liam out of his sight and when they are training Louis makes sure to always keep half an eye on Liam and they built a higher wall around the training area so no one can kidnap Liam again.

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