Ziam- Liam sick at Zayn's parents house

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our where we are tour. Zayn and I have just started a relationship. The boys and my parents know but Zayn's parents aren't aware yet though. I am going to meet Zayn's parents for the first time as Zayn's boyfriend today. I am so nervous. Zayn is driving us up to his parents house now which is in Bradford. He asks me "You alright Liam? You have been very quiet this whole journey" I nod and respond "I'm just a bit nervous that's all" Zayn nods and says "Don't be nervous. My mum and dad and sisters will love you" I nod

A couple of hours later still Liam's pov

We have just arrived at Zayn's parents house. I am so nervous. It is making me start to feel nauseous. The bad thing is that I don't know if it is from nerves or I am actually sick. I had stomach pains last night as well but I assumed that it was just nerves. Before Zayn knocks on the door he gently pulls me into a hug. He says to me "Don't be nervous Li. They will love you" I nod and Zayn knocks on the door. A couple of seconds later Trisha and Yaser come to the door and they both hug Zayn before Trisha hugs me. She asks "Liam how have you been?" I respond "I'm great thanks Mrs Malik. How are you?" Trisha responds "I'm great. And please call me Trisha not Mrs Malik it makes me feel old" I nod and Yaser says "Come in boys. Zayn your sisters are waiting for you." Zayn nods and we walk through the door and we go into the living room we are both tackled into a hug by all of Zayn's sisters.

Trisha asks "What did you tell us boys?" Zayn takes my hand and says "Liam and I are in a relationship. We have been together since the start of the tour." Trisha smiles and says "Congratulations boys. I'm so happy for you" I smile and then look at Zayn's dad. Zayn says "Dad please" Zayn's dad says "Alright I'll allow it but no funny business in my house." We both nod and Zayn says "Thanks dad" Zayn looks at me and smiles but then he frowns "You alright Li? You are looking very pale" I nod and I suppress a gag not wanting to throw up all over the carpet. Zayn asks "Are you sure?" I whisper to him "I'm gonna throw up" Zayn says "Let's get you to the bathroom." I nod and Zayn gently pulls me to stand up.

Zayn's pov

I tell my mum "I'm taking Liam to the bathroom he isn't feeling well" my mum nods and I gently lead Liam to the bathroom. Once we are at the bathroom Liam crashes to his knees and throws up. I gently rub his back as he throws up. I say to him "Are you still nervous?" He shakes his head and says once he gets a break "I feel sick" he gags and throws up twice more before he falls back on me. He says to me "I think I need to let it out the other end" I nod and help him to stand up. I say to him "Would you like some privacy?" Liam nods I say to him "I'll wait outside for you. Call out if you need anything" Liam nods and I leave the bathroom as Liam starts to pull down his trousers and boxers. I shut the door so Liam can have a bit of privacy. I see my mum and she asks "How's Liam doing?" I respond "He has thrown up and he is now experiencing the other end now. That is why I am waiting out here" mum nods and says "I'll go and get you the thermometer to check Liam's temperature" I nod.

My mum goes downstairs. About five minutes later Liam comes out of the bathroom looking half asleep on his feet. He leans his head on my shoulder closing his eyes fully. My mum comes back upstairs and hands me the thermometer. She looks at Liam and says "Oh Liam. You do look really poorly" Liam just whines and nods. My mum says "Get him to bed Zayn and check his temperature" I nod and my mum goes downstairs. I lead Liam to my room and I lay him on my bed. I say to him "Li before you go to sleep, can I check your temperature and can you have some water please" Liam nods and I help him to sit up. I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. I say "38.4. Not too bad at the moment Li. Can you have some water for me please?" Liam nods and I hand him a glass of water he takes a couple of sips before he hands it back to me. I help him to lay down and he says half asleep "Cuddle" I nod and get on the bed next to him. I pull him to my chest and I rub his stomach soon Liam is fast asleep. I smile and I wait a while before I carefully detach myself from Liam.

I quietly leave the room and I go downstairs. I go into the kitchen and find some fever reducers and  pain killers. I grab the bucket and Safaa comes into the kitchen and she asks "Is Liam alright Zee?" I nod and say "He will be Safaa" she nods and goes back into the living room. I go back upstairs and see Liam awake covered in his own vomit. He looks up at me and starts crying. I say "Hey Li why are you crying? It doesn't matter" Liam just coughs and gags again. I put the bucket under Liam's chin just in time. He throws up for five minutes straight. I say to him "Let's get you in the bath to get all of the vomit off of you." Liam nods and I say "Let's check your temperature" Liam nods and I put the thermometer in Liam's ear. I press the button and say "39.7. Let's get you in the bath Li." Liam nods and I help Liam up. I carefully lead Liam out of the room.

Just before we get to the bathroom Doniya comes out of her room and says "Are you alright Liam?" Liam nods and I say "He threw up" Doniya nods and says "I'll let you take Liam to the bathroom then" I nod and she goes back into her room. I take Liam the rest of the way to the bathroom and I run a bath that is slightly cooler than normal. I help Liam out of his vomit covered clothes and I help Liam in the bath before I ask him "Can I go and clean the bed?" Liam nods and I leave him in the bathroom. I go back into my room and I strip the bed. I get some spare bedding and I put the bedding on my bed. I take Liam's clothes and the bedding downstairs and I put them in the washing machine. I put the washing machine on and I go into the living room. Mum asks "How's Liam?" I say "I have had to wash the sheets. He threw up on them. He is currently in the bath to cool him down" mum nods and I say "I'm just gonna check on him" mum and dad both nod and I go upstairs.

Once I am upstairs I go to the bathroom. I knock on the door and say "Li are you alright in there?" I hear him whimper. I ask "Do you want me to come in?" I hear Liam whimper and say "Yeah." I walk into the bathroom. I see him half asleep in the bath and I say to him "Come on babe. Let's go to the bedroom" Liam nods and I help him out of the bath. I grab a towel and wrap it around Liam's shivering form. I help Liam back to my room. I help Liam into loose fitting clothes. I say to him "Let's check your temperature Liam" Liam nods and I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and I press the button. Once the thermometer beeps I take it out of Liam's ear I say "38.5. Much better than it was" Liam nods and I say "Do you want some medicine?" Liam shakes his head and I nod and say "Get some sleep then Li" Liam nods and says with his puppy eyes and signature pout "Cuddle me" I nod I get on the bed and Liam curls into me and falls asleep.

A week later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 3 days and both Liam and Zayn spent the rest of the week with Zayn's parents luckily no one else got sick

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