Niam- Liam sick from Niall

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour. Niall had a stomach bug just before the end of the tour. He had to do the concerts though. None of us were happy about that though. We are really busy with interviews for our new album midnight memories. It is about 2:30am and I can't sleep. I have been having stomach cramps for a few days. I am cuddled with Niall in bed. I can't sleep. I am feeling really nauseous. I put a hand on my stomach and I can feel it gurgling. My tummy really hurts.

About half an hour later I am still feeling really nauseous. I carefully get out of bed and go into mine and Niall's ensuite. I crouch down by the toilet and lean my head on it. After a few minutes my stomach settles without me actually throwing up. I can't be bothered to go back into bed so I lay down on the floor and close my eyes.

About an hour later I get shaken awake. I open my eyes and see Niall. He asks me "Why are you asleep on the bathroom floor babe?" I shrug and say "Got nauseous. Didn't want to wake you as you have only just gotten better" Niall says "You should have woken me babe. Have you been sick?" I shake my head. Niall asks "Do you feel sick?" I nod and hover over the toilet. I feel Niall's hand on my back gently rubbing soothing patterns on my back. I gag over the toilet.

Niall's pov

I rub Liam's back as he throws up into the toilet he continues to throw up for five minutes before he collapses against me. I quickly flush the chain so we don't have to look at the vomit. I say "Oh my poor boy. I'm sorry I made you sick" Liam whines and says "Not your fault Ni." I say "Can I get the thermometer for you babe?" Liam nods and I stand up and grab the thermometer from the bathroom cabinet. I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. The thermometer beeps and I take it out of Liam's ear. "38.2. Not too bad at the moment Liam. Let's get you back to bed where you can be more comfortable." Liam nods and I take him back to our room.

I help Liam back into bed and he reaches out for a cuddle. I smile and cuddle him close to me. I gently rub his stomach. Soon he is fast asleep. I smile and fall asleep myself.

A couple of hours later still Niall's pov

I get woken up by someone opening the door. I open my eyes and see Louis. He says to me "We need to get to an interview. Management are getting annoyed that you aren't ready. I'm surprised that you two aren't first up" I nod and say "Li is sick. He has what I had at the end of the tour. I found him in the bathroom asleep at about  4am this morning." Louis says "Oh no I hope he feels better soon. Does management know?" I shake my head and say "I fell asleep before I could call or text them." Louis nods and Liam starts whimpering in his sleep. Louis says "I'll go let management know. You try to wake Liam up just incase I can't get him time off." I nod and Louis leaves the room.

I gently shake him "Li wake up babe" Liam groans and opens his eyes and I say "I know babe. We need to get ready for an interview." Liam shakes his head and starts sobbing. I hug him and say "I know babe. You don't feel well do you?" I feel Liam shake his head against my chest as he continues to sob. I gently rock him. Soon his sobs has turned to sniffles and he looks up at me. I kiss his head as Louis walks in looking mad. He says "Management isn't letting him have any time off." I sigh and Liam starts crying again. I kiss his head again and gently rock him. Soon he is fast asleep. I ask Louis "Is Paul there already?" Louis nods and says "Yeah he arrived about five minutes ago." I nod and gently pick Liam up and carry him downstairs followed by Louis.

Half way through the interview still Niall's pov

Liam has been very quiet during this interview. I have never been more glad to be doing a radio interview. I am keeping a close eye on Liam. For the last five minutes or so he has been loosing the colour to his face quickly and he is starting to turn a pale greenish colour. He looks over at me and I see the tears in his eyes. I instantly feel bad for him.

He places a hand on his stomach and he gags slightly. He manages to stop himself before he throws up everywhere though. Now Liam looks even more green than he did before. I discreetly put a hand on Liam's back whilst Harry is answering a question. Liam looks over at me and he gags and throws up all over himself and me. Some even landed on Zayn who was sat on the other side of me. The interviewer says "That's all we have got time for I'm afraid. Thank you for tuning in." The interviewer turns off the off air sign and I gently rub his back as he continues to throw up on my lap.

Once he is done he instantly starts crying. I gently rub his back. I say "It doesn't matter Li." The interviewer says "Go and get him out of those clothes. I will get someone to sort the floor don't worry about it." I nod and I help Liam to stand up. Zayn and I support the poorly boy back to the dressing room. Zayn says to me "I'm going to get changed." I nod and Zayn goes into the bathroom.

I quickly take off Liam's vomit covered clothes and he is just in his boxers shivering with goosebumps all over his body. I quickly find Liam some warm clothes. I help him to put them on before I get changed myself. He looks up at me and says "I wanna go home Nini" I say to him "I know babe. I know." I hug Liam seeing him still shivering. Liam slowly starts to fall asleep. About ten minutes later management come in and say "You two can go home. Liam is too sick." I glare at them and say "Louis tried to tell you that this morning but you didn't listen" our manager says "Paul is waiting round the back for you." I nod and they leave the room.

I gently lift Liam up and carry him out to the van. I gently place Liam on a seat and strap him in. I sit down next to him and I strap myself in before I lean his head on my shoulder. We soon make it home luckily there were no incidents on the way home. I carefully unstrap us both and I start to carry Liam up to the house. Paul says "Hope he feels better soon." I nod and open the door. I close the door behind me and I carry Liam upstairs and into our room. I lay him down on the bed. I lay next to him and he curls into me still asleep. I smile and decide to go to sleep myself.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 6 days. He thanked Niall for looking after him. Luckily no one else got sick after Liam.

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