Liam Autisum part 2

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Niall's pov

We are about to go on our where we are tour. Mum has let Liam come on tour with us again and all the boys are very excited. Liam hasn't stopped smiling since she let him go. I can't wait. I have finished packing and I say to Liam "Would you like some help buddy?" Liam nods and signs I can't wait to go with you again I smile and say "I can't wait for you to come with us again" I help Liam to pack and we go downstairs.

Mum says "Niall could I have a word with you in the kitchen?" I nod and follow mum into the kitchen. "Look after Liam won't you?" I say "Nothing will happen to Liam I promise mum. Nothing happened last time. I promise." Mum nods and says "I know. I just worry about you both" I smile at her and say "I know. I promise me and the boys will look after Liam. The boys love Liam just as much as us" mum smiles and says "I know. Let's get you to the airport before you are late for your flight." We go back into the living room and I say to Liam "You ready to go bud?" Liam nods and mum drives us to the airport.

Once we are though security mum hugs me and says "Love you Niall. Look after Liam for me." I hug back and say "Love you too mum. I will look after him" mum hugs Liam and says "Love you Liam. Have fun" Liam says quietly "Love too." He pulls back and signs I will mum. We both board the plane after showing our boarding passes to the person on the gate.

Once we are on the plane I say to Liam "Do you want your ear defenders for when we take off" Liam nods and signs I don't like taking off. I say "I know you don't buddy." I put Liam's ear defenders on and we start to move. Liam grips my hand and shuts his eyes tight. I gently rub his knuckles with my thumb to relax him. Once we are in the air I take off Liam's ear defenders and say "You can open your eyes now buddy." Liam opens his eyes and signs I can't wait to see the boys again I smile and say "They can't wait to see you ether buddy"

Once we land there are loads of fans outside the airport. They all start to scream and Liam hides behind me pulling at his hair like he does when he is scared. I know I am not going to be able to get him though the fans on my own I say to him gently "Grab hold of my top buddy" Liam nods and grabs hold of the back of my top tightly.

I lead him to where the boys are waiting for us and the fans scream louder. Liam starts whimpering and Louis says "Ni he is crying" I turn around and pull him into a hug. He grips onto me. I gently rock him and say "Where is the airport security?" Louis shrugs and says "When we got here there was no group of fans and now there are lots" I say "There is no way Liam will walk though that" I gently rub his back and Harry says "I don't know what we are going to do" Zayn shrugs and says "I'll go and ask at the front desk what is going on" we all nod and Zayn goes off.

I sit down where Zayn was sat and I pull Liam to me. He sits curled up on my lap which makes the fans scream louder. I hold Liam closer to me as he starts crying harder. Why can't the fans leave us alone for five minutes especially because I have my autistic brother with us. Harry sighs and says "I hope they sort something out quickly. They are scaring Liam" I nod in agreement and say "I love the fans but scaring my brother that is not kind they know he is autistic and scared of loud noises" Louis nods and says "That does irritate me a bit. We need to get to London" I nod and Zayn comes back over.

Harry says "What did you find out?" Zayn says "The airport security is going out there to make sure the fans are under control before we go out" we all nod. I look down at Liam not hearing him in a while. I see that he is awake looking at me with his big innocent puppy brown eyes. My heart instantly melts at the sight. I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back. I say to him "We will get to the car soon buddy" he nods and cuddles into me further"

A few minutes later someone comes over to us and says "The fans are under control. You can get out now." We all except Liam nod. I stand Liam up and he looks at me looking like he may cry again. I say "I'll hold your hand" Liam nods and I stand up and Liam grabs my hand. We start to walk towards the entrance and the fans starts screaming again. Liam whimpers and walks slightly behind me still gripping my hand tightly.

We are almost at the car when I feel Liam's grip on my hand go and him whimpering more. I turn around and see that a fan has grabbed him and trying to pull him to her but Liam is struggling and crying. I go over to him and he tries to come to me but the fan grips Liam harder Liam starts sobbing and I gently grab him so the fan can't pull him anymore and I say "Get off him." The fan instantly takes her hand off Liam and he hides his face in my chest sobbing. I gently lift him up and carry him the rest of the way to the car.

I get in the car and move over to the middle and I try to put Liam in the seat next to me that isn't being used by Harry but Liam grips onto me tighter. I say to him "Li bud I need to put you in your own seat. I promise I am still going to be right next to you" I manage to put Liam in the seat and strap him in. I quickly strap myself in and Louis starts to drive off. Liam looks at me with sad eyes and I take his hand. He rests his head on my shoulder and he signs I'm tired now. I say "Get some sleep buddy. I'll wake you when we get to London" Liam nods and falls asleep.

Once they are in London still Niall's pov

I must have fallen asleep as well because I get woken up by Harry shaking me. "Ni wake up. We are here" I nod and swallow a few times before I unstrap both me and Liam before I gently shake Liam. "Li buddy wake up. We are here" Liam slowly opens his eyes. I say "Come on Liam let's get into the house" Liam nods and we go into the house.

The next morning still Niall's pov

Paul has just come to pick us up and he says "You boys ready for another tour?" We all nod and we put out luggage in the van. We all get in and Liam sits at the edge next to me. He leans his head on my shoulder and signs will there be lots of fans where we are going today Nini? I say "There might be a few Liam but I'm not sure bud" Liam nods and signs don't leave me. I say "I won't leave you buddy. I promise" I smile at him and Liam smiles back.

About half way through the tour still Niall's pov

We have had a few good days but also a few bad days. Liam is on stage with us tonight because he refused to stay backstage. Most of the fans love it when Liam is onstage with us because they think he is cute. Which he is. He is staying close by me and I rap an arm around Liam's neck and he smiles big and kisses me on the cheek. I smile at Liam and whisper to him "You are too cute Lili you know that right" Liam nods and he smiles I say into my microphone "Thanks for coming. Give it up for Josh our drummer" there is a cheer "For sandy our bassist" there is more cheering "For Jon our keyboard player" there is more cheering "For Dan our guitarist" there is another cheer "For Harry, Louis, Zayn and my biggest fan my brother Liam" I lift Liam's arm up and there is another loud cheer and Harry says "And for Niall" there is one last cheer before we all run off stage.

That night still Niall's pov

Me and Liam are waiting for the other boys in our hotel room we are sharing. They were going to their own hotel rooms to get changed Liam tugs on my sleeve and I look at him and say "You alright bud?" He nods and signs I miss mum and dad but that was amazing on stage tonight. I smile at Liam and say "Do you want to call mum and dad before the boys get here?" Liam nods and I grab my phone and Skype my mum. My mum answers and says "Hello Niall. How are you?" I say "I'm alright mum Liam wants to talk to you though" mum nods and I spin my laptop round slightly and my mum says "Hi Liam. Are you alright buddy?" Liam nods and signs I miss you and dad. Mum says "We miss you too Liam and we miss Niall. Are you having fun?" Liam nods and signs I went on stage with Niall tonight.

Liam and mum talk for a little while and there is a knock on the door just as they are saying goodnight since it is late for us. I go and answer the door and say "Come in. Liam is just finishing up a Skype call to our mum" the others nod and come in.

I turn around and see Liam has a few tears slipping out of his tear filled brown eyes. I sit on the bed next to him and I pull him to my side. He buries his face in my shoulder and soon his tears soak though my top. I gently rub his back and soon I hear his soft snoring. I lay him down and I try to sit back up but he grips onto me in his sleep. Louis says "He doesn't want you to leave him" I nod and smile down at him.

Just after the tour no one's pov

Liam had an amazing time on tour and Niall and the rest of the boys protected Liam from the mean comments about him. Liam signs to Niall Can I go on the next tour with you please? Niall responds "We will have to ask mum again but I don't see why not" Liam smiles at Niall.

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