Liam Feeding tube (Request)

477 16 10

Prompt- Liam has/gets a feeding tube

Requested by- LisaW00

Liam's pov

We are half way through our take me home tour. Louis and I are in a relationship. We have been together since the beginning of the band at the X-factor. We put on an act at the X-factor that we hated each other because management didn't want us to come out but that act slowly stopped happening. Ever since I was a child I have had a gastrostomy tube in my tummy. I struggled and still am struggling to maintain a healthy weight because of my kidney issues so the tube helps me because I can't always hold down food.

The boys have known since the X-factor and Louis had been very protective of me especially when we go through crowds. He doesn't want me to get hurt or any of the fans to accidentally move or pull out my feeding tube. My mum showed the boys how to properly help me take care of my tube and how to set up my feeds. The boys are very helpful but not always there but Louis is always close by whenever I have my feeds. The fans has been very supportive as well since they found out just after the X-factor when someone leaked out the fact I have a feeding tube.

Louis sits next to me and says "It is time for your feed Liam" I nod and Louis sets it up. He flushed the tube with some warm water and then connects the tube to the one in my tummy. He then starts the feed and asks "Is the speed alright for now?" I nod and say "Yeah that's fine for now" Louis nods and sits next to me and takes my hand. Louis asks "How does it feel when you have your feed? I have always wondered how it feels" I shrug and say "It is hard to explain. It feels like I am getting the food but not actually eating food if that makes sense" Louis nods and says "Sort of." Louis smiles at me and kisses my head. I say to him "You know you can go and get ready for the concert right. You don't need to be here if you don't want to. It is very boring" Louis says "Li babe I tell you this every time you tell me this and I always say the same thing. I am not leaving you alone. I want to keep you company. We have plenty of time to get ready a bit later on after your feed has finished" I nod and say "I just feel bad"

Louis pov

I look down at Liam and ask "Why do you feel bad babe?" Liam shrugs and says "You are always sitting with me when I have my feeds when you could be doing something with the boys or getting ready for a concert or something but you stay with me" I say to him "Li babe. You are my boyfriend and I love you. I am not leaving you alone where you could be lonely. I don't want you to feel lonely ever alright Liam. I love you too much for you to ever feel lonely" Liam smiles and says "I love you too Louis." I kiss Liam on the lips

I know the other boys have walked in because I hear the door open and shut them I hear a collective "Awww" I break the kiss and Liam blushes. I smile and say "Did you have to ruin our moment?" Niall nods and say "Yes we did" I roll my eyes at them and Zayn says "Lou said that she is ready for you two as soon as you are ready" I nod and look at Liam feed and say "We should be done in about five to ten minutes" the other boys nod and Harry says "You two are perfect for each other. Louis you never want to leave Liam in the dressing room alone when he is having his feed and Liam balances you out and you are not so crazy" I laugh and look down at Liam I kiss his forehead

About ten minutes later the feed finishes. I quickly disconnect the feed and quickly flush the tube with some more warm water before Liam closes the tube. I say "Come on then Li let's go and get ready for the concert" Liam nods and we go to where Lou is. She says "Hello boys. You finished your feed then Liam?" Liam nods and I say "Yeah it has only just finished we came as soon as we could" Lou nods and she quickly gets our hair and make up done before we get ready to go on stage. Management ushers us towards the entrance to the stage and one of them say "You should have gotten ready for the concert ages ago." I say "Liam needed a feed before he went on stage." Management glares at me and I say "Just leave us alone. Liam needs his feeds before we go on stage to give him the energy" we turn to face the front of the stage so I don't punch one of them in the face.

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