Liam sick on stage

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Liam's pov

We have just started our take me home tour. We have had a very busy day and I have been feeling sick for pretty much the whole day. No one knows not even Louis who is my boyfriend. I am currently layed on the sofa trying to get some sleep. I just feel really nauseous. I am going to get through the concert then I will tell Louis because we have a week off after this concert. I curl into myself and I try to fall asleep. I wish I had Louis here to cuddle with me. He always makes me feel really safe. Eventually I fall into a restless sleep

Louis' pov

I decide to go and check on Liam. I haven't seen him since the end of the rehearsals we have just had normally he comes and messes around with us to annoy Paul. I go into the dressing room and see Liam asleep on the sofa. I gently place my hand on his head to feel for a fever but I don't feel one. Liam starts whining and I say "Shh go back to sleep babe. I'll wake you for the concert" Liam starts softly snoring. I hope he is alright. I think he is just washed out from the tour and our crazy life.

About ten minutes before the concert I decide to wake Liam since he needs to get dressed and go to hair and makeup. I have already been. I gently shake Liam and he groans but opens his eyes. He looks exhausted. I gently put a hand to Liam's forehead and feel that he is slightly warmer than normal. I say "Li are you alright babe? You feel a bit warm" Liam nods and says tiredly "I'll go and get ready for the concert" I nod and decide to keep a close eye on Liam for the whole concert. I know what he is like. I text the other boys to keep an eye on him as well.

Liam's pov

I feel really sick and tired. I just wanna sleep and cuddle with Louis. I sit in the chair as Lou does my hair. She says "Liam are you feeling alright? You look pale and you feel slightly warmer than normal. You are unusually quiet as well" I nod and say "I haven't slept well in a few days" Lou nods seeming to buy my lie and she continues to do my hair. Once I have finished with my hair and make up I quickly get dressed and by the time that has happened we are ushered on stage by management.

Louis pov

We all run out on stage. Well Harry, Niall, Zayn and I all run Liam half stumbles and half runs on stage. He really doesn't look well and I think that the fans has noticed how unwell Liam looks because they all gasp when they see him.

About half way through the concert still Louis' pov

I have been keeping a close eye on Liam the whole concert and he is starting to go down hill and quickly. He looks really pale but his cheeks are really red and he looks exhausted. I go over to him and make sure that both of our mics are away from our mouths and I whisper to Liam "You alright babe?" Liam shakes his head and whispers "My head hurts" I nod and whisper "Anything else hurting?" He points to his stomach. I nod and whisper "Do you think you will last for the whole concert?" Liam shrugs and says "I'll try" I nod.

About ten minutes later everything goes downhill very quickly for Liam. One second he is standing up the next he is on the floor heaving up everything in his stomach. I run over to him as the others distracts the crowd. I gently rub Liam's back and I have to catch him and hold him up as he vomits because he is so weak that he can't hold himself up. Once Liam has finished he collapses against me and looks around and he starts crying silently realising that he is on stage. I gently help Liam up and help him off stage and Paul says "I'll take him to the bus to get changed and in bed. Don't worry I won't let management near him" I nod and carefully transfer Liam to Paul. Liam is so out of it that he doesn't even realise.

I go back on the stage and cover up the puddle of vomit on the floor with an old towel. Once the concert is over I say to the fans "Liam is feeling unwell tonight. He probably just has a stomach bug so he should be right as rain by the end of the week. We'll keep you updated as he gets better" the fans scream as we all run off stage. I run to the tour bus wanting to know how my Liam is.

Once I am at the tour bus I run in and see Liam throwing up over a bin and sobbing. Paul says "He has been calling for you Louis for about five minutes but there was no point in pulling you off stage since the concert was about to end" I nod and sit on the other side of Liam.

Paul keeps the bin steady and I rub his back as he pukes into the bin. I have to hold him up because he is too weak to hold himself up. Once he has done he looks at me and crashes his face in my chest and he sobs gripping onto my top. I gently rub his back and say to him gently "Shh babe. You are going to make yourself more sick if you keep crying like this" I hum a gentle tune and soon I feel Liam getting heavier as he falls asleep.

Harry, Niall and Zayn comes in the bus and Harry says "Get well soon Payno is trending on Twitter" I smile and say "He is asleep at the moment" the others nod and Niall says "How is he?" I respond "He threw up not long ago but now he is asleep" Zayn says "At least he is asleep" I nod.

A week later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after five days and Louis kept the fans updated on Liam as much as he could using the get well soon Payno hashtag. Once Liam was better Louis tweets out 'Liam is feeling much better and can hold down foods now. We are all ready to get back on tour and see all of our amazing fans again.'

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