Liam hurt whilst filming you & I

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Liam's pov

We are just about to finish filming you & I. We are just walking up the pier and it is very cold and slippery. I have no clue how I haven't fallen over yet but I am very grateful that I haven't since there are loads of fans out there and I really don't want to embarrass myself in front of them.

As we finish I we all stop and start to kick around a football but I go to tackle Harry but I slip and I land on my arm funny. I wince and Harry crouched down beside me and says quietly so only I can hear him since no one not even the boys or management know about our relationship. We have been together for about 6 months now. "You alright babe?" I shake my head and wince in pain. I respond "I landed funny on my arm. It really hurts Hazzy" Harry helps me up and we he drags me to the trailer where we got our hair done.

Harry sits me down and says "Li babe could I have a look at your arm?" I nod and Harry carefully rolls up the sleeve of my jumper. I whimper as Harry rolls up my sleeve. Harry says "I'm so sorry baby. Oh Li babe. Your arm is swollen." A tear slowly makes its way down my face. Harry gently wipes the tear away from my face. I say tearfully "My arm really hurts Hazzie" more tears fall.

Harry's pov

Liam starts crying. I gently pull Liam into a hug and I kiss his head. Liam starts crying softly into my shoulder as the other boys come in. Niall says "Is Liam alright?" I shake my head and say "I think his arm is broken. We need to get him to the hospital" Louis says "Poor Liam. I'll go and let Paul know." I nod and Louis leaves the trailer. I gently rub Liam's back and Zayn says "How did he break his arm?" I respond "He landed funny on his arm" Louis comes back and says "Paul is ready for us to take Liam to the hospital." I nod and I help Liam up and to the van.

Once we get to the hospital I help Liam out of the van and into the hospital. We get taken straight back into a room and soon a doctor comes in and says "Hello boys. What seems to be the problem here?" Liam looks at me and I say "Liam fell over earlier and I think he has broken his arm" the doctor nods and says "Let's take you down to the x-ray room and we will get an x-ray." We both nod and the doctor takes us down to the x-rah room.

Once Liam has his x-ray done still Harry's pov

We are sat back in the room we were in before and Liam is resting his head on my shoulder falling asleep. I gently tap his cheek and say "Li babe stay awake for me" he whines and says "but I'm tired Hazzy" I respond "I know you are babe I know you are" about five minutes later the doctor comes in and says "You have broken your arm Liam. Would you like to choose a colour for your cast?" Liam says "Can I have purple please?" The doctor nods and puts a purple cast on Liam. "You will need to come back in a six weeks to see if your arm is healed" we both not and we leave the hospital.

6 weeks later no one's pov

Liam's cast got taken off after six weeks and Liam felt much better. Liam and Harry told the boys about their relationship when they got back from Liam having his cast being taken off and all the boys supported Harry and Liam.

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