Ziam- Liam sick from Zayn

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Liam's pov

We are half way through our up all night tour. All of last week Zayn was sick. I helped get him better. He is now 100% again. Unfortunately it is about 2:30 in the morning and I can't fall asleep. My stomach is cramping and I feel nauseous. I toss and turn for a few more minutes and I hear Zayn saying "Liam babe stop moving around. You woke me up." I nod and say "M sorry."

Zayn sits up and asks "Babe are you alright?" I shake my head and say "I don't feel well Zee." Zayn gently puts his hand on my head. He says "Oh Li you feel warm babe" I pout and say "I feel nauseous" Zayn asks "Do you think you might be sick Liam?" I shrug and Zayn says "Let's get you to the bathroom just in case. I'll help you babe" I say "No you have only just got better." Zayn rolls his eyes and says "I don't care Liam. You are important to me. I am taking you to the bathroom and staying with you so you are not alone like you did for me" I nod in defeat and allow Zayn to lead me to the bathroom. When we arrive at the bathroom I kneel down by the toilet with Zayn sat behind me.

Zayn's pov

Liam is hovering over the toilet. I know he is going to be sick soon. I gently rub his back as his breathing gets heavier. I say to him "Li babe. I know you don't like throwing up but you will feel better once you have been sick" Liam gags and successfully brings up some vomit in the first round. He continues to throw up for ten minutes letting out heartbreaking sobs whenever he got a break. I am sat by his side the whole time he is throwing up. Once he is finished he falls back on me sobbing. I gently rock him and soon he is fast asleep.

I gently pick him up and carry him to our bed. I gently put him down and get into bed next to him. I gently pull him into my chest and kiss his feverish forehead.

The next morning about 8:30am still Zayn's pov

We have had a rough night. Liam was up every half an hour to ether throw up or let it out the other end. We decided to stay in the bathroom once we rushed in here for the tenth time last night. We are both exhausted. I have just called management and luckily management were feeling generous today. They have given us all the whole of this week off. I texted the other boys on the group chat and they all said 'Poor Li. Glad we got the week off though.' I look over at my Liam and smile sadly. I gently lift him up off the floor and carry him into the bedroom. I gently place Liam down on the bed. I get in bed next to Liam and I fall asleep myself holding Liam close to me.

A couple of hours later still Zayn's pov

Both Liam and I have managed to sleep for a couple of hours. I have been awake for about half an hour. Liam is still asleep luckily. Liam feels really warm though. I am really worried about him. I text Paul saying 'Do you have the ear thermometer? Liam feels really warm. I don't want to have to wake him up at the moment unless I have to.' Paul messages back saying 'Yeah I'll bring it now' I message back saying 'Alright use your key to get in. Liam won't let go of me even in his sleep' after a couple of minutes Paul comes in the room. He hands me the thermometer and says to me quietly "If you need anything else just text me. Keep the thermometer in here whilst he is sick then give it back so we know where it is if we ever need it again." I nod and say back quietly "Will do Paul. Thank you." He responds "Your welcome" he leaves the room.

I gently place the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. The thermometer soon beeps and I take it out of Liam's ear. I read the screen and say "39.8" my eyes instantly widen. I carefully get out of bed and run a cool bath for Liam. Once the bath is at a decent level I turn off the tap and go into the main room. I gently shake Liam and say "Li babe. Wake up for a minute" Liam whines and I say "I know babe. Come on we need to cool you down. Your temperature is way too high" Liam just whines again and I gently lift him up and carry him to the bathroom.

I quickly undress Liam and put him in the bath. Liam instantly starts crying. I say to him "I know babe, I know." I gently start to wash his hair. I make Liam sit in the bath for another five minutes before I say to him "Let's check your temperature babe." Liam nods and I put the thermometer in his ear and press the button. Once the thermometer beeps I take it out of Liam's ear and say "38.8. That is so much better. Let's get you out now." Liam nods and reaches up. I grab the towel and unplug the drain before I help Liam up. I gently wrap the towel around Liam and say "Let's get you some clean dry clothes Liam" he nods and I gently lift him up into my arms. I carry him back to the room and gently lay him on the bed. I quickly find Liam some clothes and help him to dry off before I help him to get dressed. I say to him "Get some more sleep babe. You'll feel better" Liam nods and says "Cuddle me" I nod and get into bed next to Liam and allow him to cuddle into me he instantly falls asleep.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after one week. They all went back to their crazy work schedule. Luckily no one else got the horrible sickness bug.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora