Liam and Harry sick

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Liam's pov

We are just finishing up our up all night tour and it is 3am. Luckily we have a day off today. My stomach is hurting. I hear someone stumble into the bunk room. I open my curtains and see Harry stood there wit tear stains on his face "Haz are you ok?" Harry nods and gets into his bed and closes his curtains. I close my curtains as well and I feel my stomach flip I place a hand on my stomach and I try to fall asleep. I toss and turn for hours before I hear someone wake up "Liam stop moving you woke me up." I hear Zayn say and I whimper "Sorry" Zayn opens my curtains and sees my face "Are you ok mate?" I shake my head "I feel sick. I want Harry" Zayn says "Sorry bud Harry's sick as well" I start crying. Zayn takes me to the main area of the bus so I don't wake anyone up

"Why are you crying buddy?" I respond through my tears "I want Harry" I feel Zayn rub my back and I start gaging. Zayn pulls me to the bathroom and I crash to my knees and throw up. I feel Zayn rub my back and I start crying more which makes me throw up more "Calm down buddy" Zayn starts to hum a song to me and soon I've calmed down enough to stop vomiting. "You done bud?" I nod and Zayn flushes the toilet. He takes me into the living room and I see Harry with a puddle of vomit at his feet. I try not to look at it. Zayn takes me into the kitchen and he goes back out to Harry

Zayn's pov

I go over to Harry and say to him "Have you finished?" Harry nods and says "Is Liam ok, I thought I heard him crying "He's sick and wants you but you are also sick." Harry responds "I'm not throwing up as much as I was last night. Can I go and sit with him in the kitchen?" I'm unsure because I know Liam won't let Harry out of his sight if Harry hugs him. Harry must have noticed my unsure look because he says  "I'll be fine. If I need to throw up or if he needs to throw up I will call you" I nod and Harry goes into the kitchen. I clean up the vomit on the floor.

Harry's pov as he goes into the kitchen

"Hey Li, how are you feeling?" Liam looks at me and starts crying and he reaches for me "Hazza" I gently hug him and say "How are you feeling?" Liam whimpers and says "My tummy hurts. How are you feeling?" I respond "I feel better than I was last night please don't cry" Liam soon falls asleep on top of me and Zayn walks in "Why don't we go to the sofa and cuddle yeah. Try and get you two better" I nod and gently carry Liam into the main area of the bus and we cuddle and watch Disney movies. Louis and Niall come out just as we decide to watch the lion king and we all cuddle.

Liam wakes up to throw up twice which doesn't set me off luckily so I could help comfort him with Louis, Niall and Zayn. I smile down at Liam who has fallen asleep on my lap. Louis comes back in with some crackers and hands me them "Thanks" I slowly eat the crackers and I manage to hold them down for an hour before I throw up in the bin which wakes Liam up and he throws up into the bucket.

Louis pov

Liam and Harry has just fallen asleep again. They both have fevers, Harry's is 38.1 and Liam's is 39.3. I go and grab two cloths and run them under cold water and place one on Harry's head and one on Liam's head. Liam begins to wake up but I hum a soft tune to him and run my fingers through his hair and he is back asleep.

They both stay asleep until dinner time. We have heated up soup for them to eat. Harry eats all of it and manages to keep it down and Liam eats about half before he throws up into the bucket.

No one's pov

The next day Harry felt loads better only a slight headache but Liam was feeling worse. He couldn't keep anything down. At one point his fever got to 40.3 but they put an very emotional and clingy Liam in the bath for about half an hour before his fever got down to 38.9 and they took him out for a bit but then his fever started to climb again so they put him back in the bath again for another half an hour and this time it was more effective. His fever got down to 38.3. Niall gives him water. He drinks it slowly and he manages to keep it down for an hour before he threw it back up. The next day after Liam not being able to even hold water down he managed to hold down a glass of water and his fever is slowly going down. The next day Liam managed to hold down a glass of water and a small slice of toast for about an hour before he throws it up. Liam falls asleep with his head on Zayn's lap and his legs across Harry, Niall and Louis' laps. The next day Liam managed to hold down some cracker, a slice of toast and a glass of water. He didn't throw them up until just after dinner time when he had a small bowl of soup and he throws up everything he ate that day. After that day everything kept on getting better for Liam. He eventually stoped throwing up after every meal and his fever brakes that night and soon he is back to his normal bubbly self

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