Liam and Harry hurt on stage

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Liam's pov

We are three quarters through the on the road again tour. We are singing what makes you beautiful. Me and Louis has just finished our water fight. Now we are spraying each other with silly string. I run away from Louis but I don't see a massive puddle of water on the floor. I slip and I see Harry right in front of me I start to say "Harry wat..." I crash into the back of him and knock him down. He lands half on me and half on the stage. We both wince and I say "Sorry Harry I tried to warn you." Harry says "It's alright Liam. I heard you trying to warn me" Louis and Niall come over to us and Niall says "Are you two ok?" I nod and Harry nods "My arm hurts where Harry landed on it." Harry says "Sorry Liam I'll get off your arm." He sits up and I also sit up. "Are you ok Harry?" He nods and says "I'm fine. Your arm broke my fall" we all laugh and Harry says "Honestly. It was just my head that hit the stage hard but I'll be fine" we nod.

At the end of the concert still Liam's pov

"Are you ok Liam? You still look like you are in lots of pain." I say "Mh arm still hurts" I take off my jumper and Niall says "Liam your left arm is swollen" Harry says "Li that is the arm I landed on" I say "I know I'm fine though. How's your head?" Harry says "I have a headache forming but I will be fine" Niall says "We need to get the both of you to the hospital" I say "I'm fine I don't need to go to the hospital" Louis says "This is not something something you have a choice in Liam. Nether do you Harry. You both need to get checked out." Both me and Harry sigh but agree. We both know what Louis and Niall are like when it comes to taking care of people they love.

At the hospital still Liam's pov

Both me and Harry got taken into the same room once my X-ray was done. Harry is just being checked now and I am waiting for the results from my X-ray. "Right Harry, you just have a mild concussion" Harry nods and says "Do you know about Liam's X-ray yet?" The doctor says "I am not sure. I'll go and check" both me and Harry nods and Harry says "I'll feel really bad if your arm is broken" I say "Don't be. It wasn't your fault. If Louis and I didn't have had a water fight then I wouldn't have slipped over and bumped into you"

About five minutes later the doctor comes in and says "Liam your arm is broken. We are going to put a cast on your arm what colour would you like?" I say "Purple please" the doctor nods and the doctor puts a cast on my arm. Once the cast is on the doctor says "Come back in six weeks and we will re X-ray it." I nod and we leave the hospital.

Six weeks later no one's pov

Harry's head felt much better after a day. Liam's arm is better after six weeks and they are all more careful when it comes to water fights

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