Liam hurt whilst filming drag me down

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Liam's pov

Today we are filming drag me down I have just finished filming my space 'training' scene. I am trying to get off the exercise bike but I forgot that my left foot is strapped to the pedals. As I try to get off I fall and hurt my ankle since my foot is at a weird angle. I feel it snap. I bite my lip hard enough to taste blood to not make any noise of pain. The people who are helping us help me back on the bike and they unstrap my foot from the pedal. One of them says "Are you alright?" I nod and another one says "Stop biting your lip. You are going to make it bleed in a minute." Harry comes over to me and pulls my lip out of my mouth. I bring my finger to my mouth and I bite down on it to not make a noise of pain. Harry pulls my finger out of my mouth and I hide my face in his shoulder and I whimper

Harry's pov just before he goes over to Liam

I see Liam fall as he gets off the exercise bike and I see the people help him back on and unstrap his foot. I notice that he is biting his lip and I know he is in pain. I walk over to him and gently pull his lip from between his teeth. He instantly starts to bite his finger so he doesn't make any noise of pain. I gently pull his finger from his mouth and he instantly buries his face in my shoulder and he whimpers. I gently rub his back and say "Where does it hurt babe?" Liam responds quietly sounding like he is in pain "My ankle" I nod and say "Do we need to stop filming?" Liam shakes his head and says "We have almost finished getting every shot we need I will be fine." I nod and say "If you are sure Liam but I think we should stop. You are in pain" Liam nods and says getting off the bike "I don't want to disappoint the fans. We need to get this music video done"

Once we finish the video and the director yells "That's a wrap" Liam instantly falls to the ground with tears slowly falling down his face. I run over to him and I pull him so his head is on my lap. I say to him "I told you we should have stoped filming" Niall and Louis comes over and Niall asks "Is Liam alright?" I shake my head and respond "He says his ankle hurts. He fell off the exercise bike earlier but his foot was still in the foot holds so his foot was at a weird angle." Both of them nod and Louis says "Let's get him to the dressing room and we can get his shoe off and get him to a hospital there is no way that he should be in that much pain" I nod and Louis and Niall gently lift Liam to his feet taking all of his weight as I get up. I go over to them and gently lift Liam in my arms and I carry him to the dressing room.

When we get to the dressing room I sit Liam on my lap and Louis says "Let's get this boot off that might help the pain a little" I know Liam is going to want to bite something so I say "Wait Lou. I grab Liam's jumper and I say to Liam "If you want to bite something then bite your jumper it will not hurt you more" Liam nods and puts the jumper in his mouth. I nod to Louis and Niall and I take one of each of Liam's hands for him to squeeze. Louis starts to gently untie Liam's shoe Liam bites down on the jumper and squeezes both mine and Niall's hands tightly as tears roll down his face.

Louis gently manages to take off Liam's boot and he gently takes off Liam's sock. We all gasp because Liam's left ankle is triple the size of what it should be. I say to Liam "No wonder why your ankle hurts so much babe" Liam looks at his ankle and he buries his face in my chest and he starts sobbing hard. I gently rub his back and Louis gently touches his ankle and Liam screams in pain. Louis instantly takes his hand off Liam's ankle Niall says to me "We'll go let Paul know that we need to get Liam to a hospital ASAP. You are probably the best person to calm him down" I nod and Louis says "I'm sorry Liam. I really didn't mean to hurt you" I nod and say "He knows Lou." Louis nods and leaves the dressing room with Niall.

I gently rub his back and I hum a gentle tune to him and soon he is only whimpering with the occasional hiccup looking exhausted on my lap. I say to him "Let's get you into some comfy clothes then we will go and get your ankle checked out" Liam nods and I help him out of his clothes that we borrowed for the music video and into his own clothes. I say to him "Let me get changed then we can be off" Liam nods and I quickly get changed back into my own clothes. I say to him "Do you want to walk?" He instantly shakes his head and I nod and gently pick him up. He instantly wraps his arms tightly around my neck and I gently carry him to the van.

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