Liam and louis hurt on stage

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A/n this is inspired by the video that is after the picture. It is when Liam slips down the ramp and takes Louis out with him

Liam's pov

We are half way through the take me home tour. Louis and I have been having a water fight as usual but this time we got the whole band involved. All of us are soaked. Niall is about to do his speech he says "Josh you dissve it. Ok guys I just wanted to say a massive thank you for coming to see us tonight uh for buying a ticket to be here as you can see we had fun up here tonight so thank you so much for making that happen and" he starts laughing and says "What's going on? Yeah so thanks for being here tonight and for being with us for the last three years because we have had the best three years of our lives so uh yeah it's been an amazing three years." I start climbing up the ramp to get Josh as Niall continues his speech" So if you guys stay behind us like you have done then maybe we will have a lot more years like that so please do keep supporting us"

As Niall finishes I start to go back down the ramp but Josh throws water at me and makes the ramp slippery. I slip over and bump into Louis. I smack my head on the stage and Louis lands on top of me. Zayn says "Ohhhhhhh no" Niall laughs as Louis gets off me and Niall says "Ohh it's like ten pin bowling up here" Louis opens a bottle of water and starts pouring it all over me. Sandy puts a pink bag on top of my chest and Louis continues to pour water all over me. Niall continues "I'm going to stand out of the way of this" Zayn says "That was a big fall" Niall says "I don't know about this" I sit up and I give two thumbs up even though I have now got a killer headache. Sandy puts my cap back on my head which makes my head hurt more. Louis turns my cap around and Niall says "Thank you so much for everything because none of this. All this craziness would have happened without you guys so thank you so much for everything" I stand up but the world spins slightly. Niall continues "And as Harold said under all maybe we will see you guys next year so. I know you didn't hear a word I just said" he laughs and says "Anyway but yeah we have one song left um it's been a wonderful night. We have had a real laugh up here and we didn't get as wet as we usually do but uh yeah. Have a safe trip home and maybe see you next year. Thank you very much for a great night" I go over to Niall and grab his microphone and I say "Quick message for everybody I have lost my microphone so from now on Niall will be singing my bits from now on. There you go Niall." Niall says "Thank you. Eh two microphones lost that leaves three of us to do a five man job eh. This is what makes you beautiful"

One of the stage crew gives me a microphone just as the music starts I start singing "Your insecure don't know what for you turning heads when you walk through the Do-oo-r don't need make up to cover up being the way that you are is en-ou-ou-ough"

At the end of the concert still Liam's pov

Once we are off stage all my adrenaline from the fall wears off and I am more aware of the headache. I think I might have given myself a concussion. I say to Louis "Are you ok? I took you out with me. Sorry about that by the way" Louis says "I'm fine. My ankle aches a little from where you knocked me down but there is no serious damage. Just bruised. You broke my fall. Are you ok. It seemed like you had a hard fall" I say "My head hurts which is making me feel nauseous but I'll be fine" Louis says "Do you think you might be si..." I cut Louis off by throw up all over myself and the floor. Louis continues "Sick" Niall puts a bin under my chin and I throw up again. I feel two hands on my back. I know one of them is Louis but I don't know about the other. I know it won't be Niall since he is holding the bin. I throw up again. I hear Zayn say "I think we need to get you both checked out at the hospital" I hear Louis say "I don't need to go. Nothing hurts. My ankle is just a bit bruised" Harry says "Fine you don't need to go but Liam does. Just to make sure he is going to be ok" I throw up once more and I push the bin away from me. Zayn takes the bin from Niall and he says "I'll go and empty this and go and let Paul know that we need to go to the hospital" the others nod. Harry hands me some clean clothes and I get changed. Once I am changed I fall back onto Louis and I close my eyes. Harry says "Liam bud don't go to sleep" I say "I won't but the light is hurting my head more"

About five minutes later Zayn comes back in and says "Paul is ready to take us to the hospital" Louis says "Liam bud you need to open your eyes and walk to the van." I nod slightly and open my eyes. I slowly stand up but the world starts to spin. I feel Louis hand on my back and he says "Careful mate" I close my eyes to try and stop the spinning. I take a deep breath and open my eyes I say "I'm ready. I think we might need to bring the bin with us" Niall says "Already got it Li" we walk to the van and I sit down and strap myself in. Louis sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

Once we are at the hospital the boys but Louis waits in the van. Louis takes me into the hospital and signs me in. About five minutes later a doctor says "Liam Payne" both me and Louis stands up and we go into the room the doctor says "What happened then?" I look at Louis and he says "We were finishing up our concert and we were messing around and our drummer threw water at Liam and he slipped over." I say "I knocked you over as well Lou." He says "My ankle doesn't even hurt that much. I'll be fine. But Liam smacked his head on the floor. He threw up just after we got off stage" The doctor nod and begins to check me. He says "I would like you to answer some questions" I nod and he says "What's your name?" I say "Liam Payne." The doctor says "What is your friend's name?" I say "Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik" the doctor asks "What is the name of your band "One direction" the doctor says "You have a mild concussion. I wouldn't worry. If he isn't better in two weeks then bring him back" Louis nods and we go out to the van. Louis tells the boys what the doctor said.

A couple of weeks later no ones pov

Liam felt much better after a good nights sleep and they didn't have to go back to the hospital.

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