Niam- Liam sick on Niall's birthday

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The night before Niall's birthday Liam's pov

We are half way though our second concert at Pasadena (It is the day before Niall's birthday) and my stomach starts cramping. I continue to run around with Louis not thinking anything about it.

After the concert still Liam's pov

We have just finished the concert and I am more exhausted than usual and my stomach is still acting up. "I am gonna go to bed now. I am tired" Niall looks at me worriedly and says "Are you ok?" I nod and respond "I didn't sleep well last night" Niall still looks at me worriedly. "Are you sure? Do you feel ill?" I shake my head "Ni, I'm fine"

I go into the bunk room and lay down in Niall's bed because I can't be bothered to climb up into my bunk and because it will smell like Niall. I shut the curtains. I pull the duvet over me and gently rub my stomach. Soon I fall asleep.

Niall's pov

Liam has gone to bed really early. I keep on glancing where Liam disappeared a couple of minutes ago. "Niall he said he was fine stop worrying about him." I look back at the others and say "He never goes to bed this early. He only goes to bed this early is if he is sick or homesick or reading hate again. I am gonna check on him" the others nod and I go into the bunk room. I open Liam's curtains and see he is not in bed "Liam." I notice that my curtains are closed. I know I left my curtains open this morning. I carefully open my curtains and see that Liam asleep in my bunk. I smile and gently run my fingers though his hair.

Liam slowly begins to wake up "Shhh go back to sleep babe" Liam curls into himself and falls back asleep. I smile and shut the curtains again. I go back into the main area of the bus. "How is he?" I look back and say "He is asleep. He didn't feel warm or anything, so hopefully he isn't sick" the others nod.

A couple of hours later still Niall's pov

I look on the clock and see that it is now 12:24am. Harry says "We have quite an early day tomorrow we should probably go to bed" I nod wanting to check on Liam anyways and we all go into the bunk rooms. I sit in Liam's bunk and Zayn says "Why are you in Liam's bunk?" I shrug and say "Liam is asleep in my bunk and I don't want to wake him" the others nod and we all go to sleep.

At 2:17am Liam's pov

I get woken up by my stomach cramping and feeling really nauseous. I hug my stomach tightly and whimper. I just want Niall, he makes it all better. I feel vomit start to come up my throat. I quickly as I can get out of bed and rush to the bathroom on the bus but I trip over something on the floor and I start to throw up all over myself and the floor. I start crying and say "Niall I want Niall"

Harry's pov

I wake up due to a crash coming from the main area of the bus so I carefully get out of my warm bunk and I go and see what the noise is. I go into the main area of the bus and see Liam throwing up. I put a hand on my own stomach not having the strongest stomach when it comes to vomit. I hear Liam saying over that he wants Niall. I gently place a hand on Liam's back but he moves away from my touch "I want Niall Hazza"

I rush back into the bunk area and quickly open Liam's curtains and I shake Niall roughly "Niall you need to wake up" Niall mutters in his sleep "Go 'way" I shake him roughly again "Wake up, Liam is throwing up and calling for you. He won't let me touch him" I take the pillow out from under his head and I smack him across the face with it. Niall instantly wakes up "Oww why did you do that for?" I point to the door and say "Liam has been sick, he wouldn't let me touch him, he kept on calling for you" Niall is instantly out of bed and goes towards the living area of the bus.

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