Liam dyslexia

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Liam's pov

All through out my secondary school life I have been bullied because I am dyslexic so I can't spell or write very well or quick and I can barely read. I am basically stupid. The boys don't know and I plan to keep it that way. I have avoided writing anything during x-factor in front of people because I don't want the same experience of bullying in the band than I did in school. Niall sits next to me "You ok Liam?" I nod and smile weakly at him "What's up you seem sad? I don't like it when people are sad" I look into Niall's eyes and see he is telling the truth but I still don't know if I can fully trust him so I just say "I'm fine just missing my mum's cooking that's all" I decide to tell him because it is part of the truth and Niall nods looking like he wasn't believing me fully. We go and rehearse our performance for Saturday night.

After we get back to the x-factor house I go up into our room whilst the others go to grab something to eat and I grab out my book that I use to try and get better at spelling especially names. I decide to write down my band mates names down. I start off with Niall. I grab my pen and start to write 'Niale Horen' I decide it looks right and I go on to Louis. I write down 'Louie Tomlnsun' then I go onto Harry. I write "Harrey Sliles.' Then I decide to write Zayn's name I put 'Zain Malike' I put my pen down and look at the writing and I finally decide to write one direction. So I grab my pen again and write 'One Direcsion' Niall opens the door and I quickly shut my book and hide it. "What were you doing Liam?" I shake my head and say "Nothing." Niall sighs and sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder "What's bothering you Li?" I look at Niall questioningly and say "Li?" Niall smiles and says "A nickname. Now what's bothering you?" I look down and say "You'll think I'm stupid then you will tell the others and I will be bullied again by people I have to work with" a small tear slips down my face and I wipe it before Niall can see "Li I won't think you are stupid" I keep my head down and say "I am stupid though" and more tears fall, Niall says to me "You are not stupid" I nod and say "I am to and I am a waste of space as well" Niall lifts up my head and looks me in the eyes "You are not stupid and you are not a waste of space" and he pulls me into a hug "I don't know who told you that you are stupid and a waste of space but they are wrong" I nod even though I don't believe him.

Niall's pov

"Now what were you doing when I came in?" I say to him and he says "It's nothing important" I hear the door open and see Harry in the door he says "Is Liam ok?" I nod guessing that Liam doesn't want everyone to know that he is upset. Harry nods and says "I came up to ask if you two wanted to come out into the garden as this is one of the last nice days there is going to be this year" I nod and say "We'll be out in a bit" Harry nods and leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. I put my focus back on Liam and say "What were you doing when I came in?" He shrugs and grabs something out of underneath his pillow and he says "Please don't tell anyone. I have a condition called Dyslexia. I can't spell, I can barely read and I often mispronounce words as well. See I am stupid" I sigh and say "No you are not stupid you just find it difficult to read and write." I smile at him and he opens his book and I see that he has tried to spell our names. I smile at him and say "You did a very good job" Liam looks at me and says "But. There is always a but with me" I sigh and I go over how to tell him he spelled all of them wrong but the 'one' in 'one direction' "Li you had a very good try but they are spelled wrong" he starts crying and he says "I can't do anything right" I pull him into a hug and I rub his back and say to him once he has calmed down "Do you want me to show you how to spell the names?" Liam nods and I turn to a fresh page in the book. "I'll write my name first as you almost spelled it correctly" Liam nods and I write down what Liam put which is 'Niale Horen' then I put a cross next to it and then I put how to spell my name underneath 'Niall Horan' and put a tick next to it I say to him "Is that ok?" Liam nods and I continue. I write down how Liam spelled Louis which is 'Louie Tomlnsun' and put a cross next to it and I write down how to spell his name underneath 'Louis Tomlinson' and put a tick next to it. Next I write Harry's name 'Harrey Stiles' and I put a cross next to it and write down his name underneath 'Harry Styles'. I put a tick and I look up at Liam feeling something wet hit my hand and see he has tears running down his face "What's up Lili?" He starts sobbing and he manages to sob out "I am so stupid" and he buries his face in his pillow and sobs. I sigh and I rub his back and say "You are not stupid" and continue to write down 'Zain Maike' and I put a cross and put 'Zayn Malik' and finally I wight down 'One Direcsion' and I put a tick by the 'one' but a cross by the 'Direction' and write down 'One Direction' and put a tick.

I shut Liam's book and put it down on the bedside table and I say to Liam "Do you need a cuddle?" He nods and I say "Come here then" and he launches himself at me sobbing. I rub his back and say "It doesn't matter that you are dyslexic. I will help you and I am sure the other boys will help as well" Liam sakes his head at telling the rest of the boys and he says trough his tears " I d..d..don't w..w..want t..t..them k..k..know" I rub Liam's back and say "Why not buddy?" He says "Because they will bully me like people did in school" and he starts sobbing again. I rub his back and say "I am sure they won't bully you Li" Liam nods and says "They will bully me like all my fiends except one." He eventually calms down and says "Sorry" I smile at him and say "It doesn't matter. Let's go and find the others. You don't have to tell them that you are dyslexic if you don't want to." Liam nods and we start to head down to the garden.

We see Harry, Zayn and Louis sat down by a tree and we walk over to them. "Hey." Liam smiles at them and we sit down "There you two are. We was just about to come looking for you." I sigh and look at Liam "We got lost" Harry looks between me and Liam and says "Sure. Are you ok Liam?" Liam nods. After 5 minutes it starts raining hard so we quickly walk back up to the house and we go into our room. Harry walking in first followed by Louis then Zayn then me then Liam.

"Liam what is this book" Liam's eyes widen and he hides the book and he says "It's nothing important." We all quickly get changed and we all sit down "Hey Liam, you know you can tell us anything right?" Louis says and Liam nods but stays quiet. I look at Liam and he shakes his head knowing what I wanted to say before I said it. "Li can I talk to you?" Liam nods and follows me out. I take him somewhere more privet and say to him "Why don't you want to tell them about your dyslexia?" Liam looks down and says "Because I will be called stupid. I am but it's different being told that I am stupid by other people" I sigh and say "Liam you are not stupid. I think you should tell them. They will find out eventually and I am sure you would want to be the one to tell them." Liam nods and says "Fine but only if you promise to go in before me and tell them not to laugh or call me stupid out loud. They can in their heads though is they want" I sigh and say "You are not stupid but sure if it gets you to tell them."

We walk back to our room and I walk in before Liam "Where is Liam? Is he ok?" I nod and say "He is just outside. Liam wants to tell you something but he has said that you are not allowed to laugh or call him stupid" Louis says "I would never laugh or call anyone stupid at something important" the others agree and I motion to Liam to come in. We sit on the bed and Liam look at me for conformation and I nod my head.

Liam's pov

Once Niall nods I say quietly "I have a condition called dyslexia." Niall says "You will need to speak up a bit Liam I could only just hear you and you are sat right next to me." I look down and say louder "I have a condition called dyslexia. I am stupid. I can't spell. I can barely write and read. I am so stupid I can't even spell your names" Niall tells me for the 100th time it feels like "You are not stupid" I nod my head not believing him then a tear slips down my face and I wipe it away quickly and I lay down in my bed and hide from everyone under my duvet sobbing silently.

Niall's pov

I look at the others and see they have got sympathetic looks "Liam is not stupid" I nod in agreement after a few minutes I decide to check on Liam and carefully pull his duvet down and see he is crying silently. I gently rub his arm and carefully pull him into a hug and let him cry. After 5 minutes I look down at Liam and see he has fallen asleep clutching my top. I smile and tell the others. "He is asleep, what do I do?" Louis smirks at me and says "You are stuck now you can't move" I glare playfully at him. "Are you three going to help Liam as well" they all nod and Harry says "One of my friends is dyslexic so I know quite a bit about it and how to help someone with it"

No one's pov

All of the boys have been trying to help Liam spell, write and read and eventually Liam can spell his band mates names and the name of the band he is in plus a few simpler words to spell and he is starting to read with help from Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn. Liam's handwriting is starting to be more readable to other people than Liam's band mates and Liam is finally happy again.

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