Liam bit by a snake (Request)

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Prompt- Liam is bit by a snake

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's pov

We are on the Australian leg of our up all night tour. We are currently in Brisbane. We are about to do our concert in about half an hour and we don't have anything to do so we decided to mess around outside but where the fans can't see us. We are messing around and I don't realise there is a snake right next to me until it is too late. The snake bites my leg. I look down at it but I don't know what type of snake it is though. I manage to get the snake off me and my leg is bleeding a bit. We go back inside since we need to get ready for the concert. I decide not to tell the boys until after the concert because they will want to take me to the hospital and I don't want to disappoint the fans

About half way through the concert still Liam's pov

My leg hasn't stopped bleeding and I am getting quite worried because my leg is quite painful I don't know what to do. Louis comes over and says to me "Are you alright Li?" I nod and respond "I'm fine Lou." Louis nods and leaves me again.

Louis pov

I know Liam is lying. He looks like he is in pain and there is a stain on his trousers on his lower leg on his left leg. I look at the other boys and they all have look of concern on their faces looking at Liam who has just sat down breathing heavily. I go back over to him and say "Are you sure you are alright buddy?" Liam nods again and I rub his back.

At the end of the concert still Louis pov

We have just ran off stage and Liam runs straight to the bathroom. I run after him and he locks himself in a stall. I knock on the door and say "You alright in there Li?" Liam groans and I hear liquid splashing into the water. I say "Are you being sick Liam?" He groans again and responds "Other end" I say concerned "Are you feeling sick bud?" Liam groans again and says "Sort of. I got bit by a snake earlier before the concert" I say more worried than before "Li you should have told us before the concert. We need to get you to a hospital now. Do you know what snake bit you?" I hear the chain flushing and Liam comes out looking pale and shakey. Liam shakes his head and washes his hands.

We go back to the dressing room and I say to no one in particular "Someone call an ambulance. Liam got bit by a snake before the concert and decided not to tell us" Harry says "I'll go and call an ambulance." I nod and Harry leaves the room. Niall says "Why didn't you tell us buddy?" Liam whimpers and responds "I didn't want to disappoint the fans." Zayn says "The fans wouldn't have minded Liam. We would have re scheduled it. Your health is important and it could have been a venomous snake that bit you" Liam nods and I search up snakes in Australia.

I show Liam a few pictures and he shakes his head at all of them until I get to the Red-naped snake. He nods his head

I say "Now we know what snake you got bit by

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I say "Now we know what snake you got bit by. It is venomous by the way. You should have told us before the concert Liam." Liam nods and Harry comes in and says "The ambulance should be here in the next five minutes and I have let Paul know as well." I nod. About five minutes later paramedics rush in with Paul. The paramedics load Liam up and Paul says "Why didn't you say anything Liam?" Liam shrugs and says "I didn't want to disappoint the fans. I know it is stupid now" Liam's eyes well up with tears and he says "I want Louis to come with me" everyone nods and I take Liam's hand. I gently rubs his knuckles with his thumb and he instantly looks like he feels safe. The paramedics wheel him out to the ambulance and loads him on the ambulance. I get on after him and I take his hand again. I notice a few tears fall down his face I say "Hey what's the matter?" He responds "My leg hurts Lou" the paramedic says "What snake did you get bitten by?" Liam looks at me and I say "He got bit by a red-naped snake. He didn't tell us until the concert was over though" the paramedic nods as we arrive at the hospital

The paramedic rushes Liam in and says rushed "He got bit by a red-naped snake." The doctors nod and rush Liam to the room. Liam says "Lou don't leave me. No" he starts crying and the doctor says "Since we know what he got bitten by you can come with him. Plus he seems really shaken up." I nod and take Liam's hand again. I say to him "You're alright buddy." The doctor wheels him into the room and transfers him to the proper bed before they hook Liam up to the anti-venom. The doctor says "I'll be back in about half an hour to check on him" I nod and as soon as the doctor leaves the room Liam starts sobbing. I gently hug him being careful of the anti-venom. I say to him "Why you crying for buddy?" Liam says "I feel like I have disappointed you and the other boys and all the fans" I say "Why?" Liam responds "I didn't tell you I got bitten by a venomous snake and I didn't perform my best on the concert due to it" I say "No one is disappointed in you buddy. We are just worried about you. We can tell the fans that you got bitten by a snake which is why you sat down for most of the concert" Liam nods and wipes his eyes. I say to him "Why don't you get some sleep buddy" Liam nods and says "Don't leave me though" I say "I won't bud" I let Liam cuddle into me and I say "Before you go to sleep Liam. Would you like me to tweet out that you got bitten by a snake and you are in the hospital recovering" Liam nods sleepily and closes his eyes. I log into the official one direction Twitter page and start a new tweet. 'Just before the concert in Brisbane Liam got bitten by a snake and didn't tell anyone until after the concert had finished. Liam is currently in hospital recovering and having anti-venom. He should be alright in a few days. Thanks for understanding Louis.'

A few minutes later the other boys and Paul come in and Paul says "Has anyone tweeted about what happened?" I respond "I have but I haven't posted it yet because I want you to check it" Paul nods and takes my phone and reads the tweet and says "Yeah that fine" I nod and Paul hands me my phone back. I hit the tweet button and soon there is loads of retweets and comments and a hastag for Liam #GetwellsoonDaddydirection. We all smile and I hold Liam protectively.

A few day later no one's pov

Liam felt much better and thanked Louis for staying with him at the hospital. Liam tweeted out saying 'I'm all better now and if I ever get bitten by a snake again I am going to tell the boys straight away and not wait a while before I tell them'

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now