Liam attacked by a bear (request)

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Requested by 1D_luvs_spoons
Liam's pov

We have all decided to go camping for a bit. I have offered to go fire wood hunting around the forest we are in to make a campfire since it is our last night, we have been camping for 2 weeks now. I am quite far away from where we are camped. I am searching for some dry fire wood when a bear cub gets a bit close to me. I back up slightly since I know mama bears are vicious when it comes to their babies.

The bear cub keeps on coming closer to me as I am backing up. Suddenly mama bear appears and decides I am too close to her baby and starts running at me. I start running too but the bear is too fast. Mama bear catches up with me and starts to attack me. I have never been in so much pain as I am now. I close my eyes and pretend to be dead. I feel one last scratch on my arm before mama bear leaves. I slowly open one eye and see that both the mama bear and the bear cub has gone. I slowly stand up. I lean on a tree and I start to stager my way back to the camp leaving the fire wood behind terrified that mama bear might come back if I try and pick it back up.

I slowly make my way back to the camp. I am about 100 yards away from the camp when all the adrenaline has warn off. I lean up against a tree and say "Niall" since I am closest to him and I don't want to call everyone.

Niall's pov

I hear my name being called and I look around. I see Liam leaning up against a tree covered in blood and his face has a look of pain and his top is ripped. I quickly rush over to him and take most of his weight and I take him over to where we are camped. I say to him "What happened Liam?" He says sounding like he is in pain "A bear cub got too close for mama bear's liking. I did try to back away but the bear cub followed me. Mama bear attacked me. I hurt all over" Louis asks Liam "Did you play dead?" He nods. Harry says "We need to clean your cuts so they don't get infected" Liam nods and Zayn passes Harry a bottle of water and he says "Should we call someone to pick us up" Louis replies "No, our phones are dead anyways and Paul is picking us up tomorrow morning at 11am" I look down at Liam as he whimpers. I gently smooth his hair to try and provide comfort to him.

Harry starts to clean up Liam's leg before he raps it in a bandage so it doesn't get infected. "Li can you take off your top so I can clean up the cuts on your chest and arm?" He shakes his head. I gently pull off his top and he whimpers in pain. Harry starts to clean up the cuts on Liam's chest and arm before rapping his chest and arm in a bandage so they don't get infected. Liam starts shivering but I don't want to put on a top and risk moving the bandage on his chest or arm. I say "Could someone get Liam's blanket from our tent?" Zayn nods and he gets the blanket for Liam. Once Zayn comes back with the blanket I gently wrap him up in it and I gently push Liam so he is laid down with his head in my lap. I gently run my fingers through his hair and he says sleepily "I didn't get the fire wood. I didn't want mama bear to come back. I wanna go home" before he falls asleep.

I say to the rest of the boys "We need to make sure mama bear and the bear cub isn't around anymore. He sounded terrified talking about the bears" Louis says "Me and Zayn will go. You two stay here. We don't need anyone else injured" we all nod and Louis and Zayn go off to see if the bear is still out there. Harry says to me "I think you should stay with Liam tonight he seems most comfortable with you. Me and the rest of the boys will take shifts in being lookout. I think that would make us all feel safer" I nod and say "We should get started on dinner. Do we have enough fire wood?" Harry nods and says "There is just enough to cook dinner" I nod and Harry starts cooking dinner.

About 10 minutes later Louis and Zayn come back and Zayn says "We couldn't see the bear so we are assuming the bear has gone." I nod and I say "I would still feel more comfortable if at least one of us kept a watch out. We can take shifts so it is not just one of us" Zayn and Louis nod in agreement and Harry says "Niall you are on Liam duty. Louis, Zayn and I have got it. Dinners ready now as well." I nod and gently shake Liam "Li bud it's time for dinner" He slowly opens his eyes and says "Bears?" I say "Louis and Zayn couldn't find them" He says "I still wanna go home" I nod and say "Paul is coming to pick us up tomorrow morning. Harry has cooked dinner" Liam nods and I help him to sit up. He whimpers "Are you ok Liam?" He shakes his head "My chest hurts when I am sat up." I gently rub his back and he yawns. "Let's have some dinner then we can get you to bed and some paracetamol" he nods and we all have dinner.

After dinner still Niall's pov

I have just given Liam some paracetamol and I am helping him into his sleeping bag he says sleepily "Niall don't leave me here on my own" I say "I won't buddy. Would you like a hug?" He nods and he says "But be gentle." I nod and I gently pull Liam towards me and I say "I will always be gentle bud. Get some sleep Li it will help. In the morning we will get you to a hospital to make sure you are ok" he nods and falls asleep. I fall asleep myself since there is nothing to do.

About 3:30 am still Niall's pov

I get woken up to Liam thrashing around. I gently shake him. "Li wake up buddy" he shoots awake and he starts sobbing. I gently rub his back "Hey. What's the matter?" He says "The bear hurt you and the boys badly and and and none of you s...sur...surv...survived." I gently hug him and he cries out in pain. I give him some pain killers and soon he is back asleep clutching my top. I kiss the top of his head in a brotherly way before falling asleep myself.

The next morning still Niall's pov

I get woken up by Harry shaking me "Niall, Niall wake up." I open my eyes and say "What time is it?" Harry says "Just past 11am. Paul has just got here. We just need to take down yours and Liam's tent down then we will get Liam to a hospital" I nod and carefully get out of my sleeping bag so I don't wake Liam. I say "This is the best he has slept all night I don't wanna wake him." Harry nods. I carefully undo his sleeping bag as far as it can go. I gently pull his feet out of the bit that isn't undone and we both carefully lift Liam up and carry him to the van. We carefully sit him next to a window and I gently strap him in. We go over to the tent and we manage to put the tent down and into the bag. After we are all packed away we all get in the van as Paul loads the van. He doesn't trust us to pack the van ourselves.

After the hospital visit still Niall's pov

Liam only had to get stitches on all of his cuts on his chest, arm and leg. There was luckily no serious injuries like any broken bones. Liam was very lucky in the amount of injuries he has. Once we are at the hotel we are staying at before going back to England it is 10pm and we are about to go to bed. Liam looks over at me. He whispers to me "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep? I don't wanna be alone." I nod and sit on his bed. I sing a soft tune to Liam and he falls right asleep. I carefully get off the bed and quietly leave the room. I go into my own room and get into bed. I mess around on my phone for a while. Soon I feel myself falling asleep.

About 2am Liam's pov

I wake up from a nightmare tears slowly make their way down my face. I look around but I don't see anyone. I slowly get out of bed and I open my door. I accidentally bump into Louis "Li why are you crying bud?" I shrug and let out a half whimper and half cry. Louis takes me to Niall's room since he knows that I will probably open up to Niall more. Louis goes over to Niall's bed and shakes him. They speak in hushed voices for a minute before Niall says "Li come here mate" I go over to his bed and I sit on it. He pulls me to lay down I curl into him and he says to me "Li bud what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I say "I had a nightmare about the bears attacking again" I feel Niall gently rubbing my back and he says "Li the bears won't be able to get you again. We will go back to England soon so we will be far away from here" I nod and grip onto him.

Niall's pov

As Liam grips on to me Louis mouthes "You good with him?" I nod and he leaves the room quietly. I gently run my fingers through his hair and he slowly falls back asleep.

No one's pov

Over the next few weeks Liam is fully physically healed. He is still struggling with the nightmares but he only gets them very rarely and they aren't as bad as they have been.

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