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December 2010 Liam's pov

The day that I was meant to be picked up by my dad and sisters they got into a car accident and they all passed away on the scene. I have been devastated. All the boys have tried to contact me but I have been ignoring them not wanting to talk about what happened. My mum has not spoken to me since the accident. She probably blames me. I know I blame myself. I feel a tear slip down my face but I wipe it away furiously. I am not allowed to cry I killed them it is my fault they are gone. Before I know it I am sobbing. I curl into myself hiding under the duvet "Why why did you have to leave me?"

I hear my door open but I don't move from under my duvet "Stop crying. You don't deserve to cry. You killed them if you didn't go on the X-factor then they would still be here" I hear my mum say coldly. That makes me cry more knowing my mum blames me. I feel the duvet getting ripped off me and my mum glaring down at me. I back up into the corner of the room scared of my own mother with tears falling silently "Come here don't try backing away you are trapped" I feel my mum grab my arm roughly and she throws me on the bed "You killed them. It is all your fault" she punches me and I lost count of how many punches she threw at me. I know I did boxing but I don't have the energy to fight back and I think to myself 'I deserve this beating' she soon left me and I grab my duvet and cover myself with it and sob silently. Soon I fall asleep.

January 2011 still Liam's pov

I have been beaten every day and now I feel really sore. Last night she was the hardest on me. She kept on telling me that if I told anyone then I would be sorry. There is a knock at the door and I know it is going to be one of the boys. I look out of the peep hole and see Niall. I open the door and Niall instantly hugs me tight. I hug back wincing slightly and trying not to cry. Niall pulls back and says "How you feeling Li?" I shrug not wanting to talk. I turn away from Niall not wanting to let him see me cry.

I quickly grab my stuff and leave the house. Niall says to me "Arn't you going to say bye to your mum?" I shake my head and say "She's at work. I said bye to her last night" I put my bags in the boot and I go to the front door and lock it using the spare key under the mat. I get in the car and I lean my head on the window trying not to cry. But soon I have silent tears falling down my face.

Niall's pov

It is odd that his mum didn't want to wave him off today. When I hugged him he felt a lot skinnier than before we went home for Christmas. We are now in the car and I look at Liam and see he has got silent tears falling. I gently rub his back hoping to provide some comfort to him Liam looks at me but then rests his forehead on the window again with multiple tears falling. Soon he cried himself to sleep. "He's fallen asleep" Harry responds "How is he?" I shrug and say "Don't know but he has just cried himself to sleep" Louis responds "Poor Li, it must be so hard loosing a parent and sisters just before Christmas" we all nod and fall into a comfortable silence. I go on my phone.

After a couple of minutes I look over at Liam feeling him shift around and hearing him muttering in his sleep. I see his face scrunched in pain. I gently shake Liam and soon he is up and he says "M sorry don't hurt me" I gently rub his back and say "No one will hurt you Liam" Liam looks around and he buries his face in my shoulder and I feel his tears soak through my top. I gently rub his back and I whisper some comforting words. Soon Liam calms down and leans on me. "Shall we get some lunch? The others has already gone in" Liam shakes his head "M not hungry" I sigh "I am come in with me" Liam says "Only of you don't make me eat. M not hungry" I nod and say "Ok Li"

We go into the services and we sit down with the boys "Lunch is on the way" I nod and glance at Liam and see he has tears in his eyes. I give him a small smile which he tries to return but it disappears quickly. Louis brings over the food and we all start eating apart from Liam.

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