Liam injured

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Liam's pov
I wake up to Zayn screaming "LOUIS" meaning Louis probably woke him up some way probably dumping water on him. I try to go back to sleep but can't but I must have dosed off because the next thing I know Niall has jumped on my bed right onto my right wrist "Ow, Niall"

Niall's pov
I feel Liam's wrist under my knee and i quickly move off his wrist "Sorry Liam. I didn't know your arm was under the cover. Are you ok?" Liam smiles at me and responds. "I forgive you. It is fine and I am ok thanks. What did Louis do to Zayn?" I laugh at Liam's concern for Zayn " Louis just dumped water over Zayn. Are you sure you are ok? I landed on your wrist." Liam looks at me and rolls his eyes and laughs "I am fine honestly. What do we have today?" "We have like two interviews, rehearsal and a concert tonight. I'll let you get dressed we area leaving in an hour. We will meet you at the restaurant to have breakfast" I leave Liam and my hotel room and go down to breakfast

Liam's pov
As soon as Niall leaves the room I take my arm out from under the covers and see that my wrist is swollen. I go and get dressed with a bit of a struggle due only using my left arm. I finally get down to breakfast "There you are Liam" Louis says to me. I smile at them to try and not cause suspicion "Good morning to you too Lou" I notice Harry looking at me suspiciously "Are you ok Haz?" I ask him

Harry's pov
"Are you ok Haz?" I hear Liam ask me I smile at him "I'm fine Liam, are you ok? You look like you are in pain." He smiles at me and responds "I am fine Harry." I did not believe him one bit so I decide to keep an eye on him today. During the sound check Liam is wearing a jumper. I walk over to him "Why are you wearing a jumper Li?" He looks up at me "Because I am cold" I put a hand on his forehead "You are definitely not cold. Take that jumper off Liam before you overheat please" He shakes his head "I am fine" I notice him holding his wrist "Why are you holding your wrist Liam?"

Liam's pov
"Why are you holding your wrist Liam?" I hear Harry ask "Um I don't know" I feel Harry gently grab my arm and roll up the sleeve of my hoodie. I hear him gasp "Liam your wrist is probably broken. How did this happen?" I look down embarrassed "Um this morning Niall jumped on my bed and landed on my wrist. But it wasn't his fault it was my own because I had my arms spread out over the bed under the covers so he couldn't see that my wrist was there" Harry lifts my head gently so I looking at him. "Liam, why didn't you tell anyone before or let Niall know when it happened?" I avoid eye contact with Harry "Because we had a busy day and didn't have time to go to the hospital" I hear Harry sigh again "Liam we need to get to the hospital" I look at Harry " I can't disappoint the fans tonight"

Niall's pov
I see Harry and Liam talking over one side of the stage and see that Harry is starting to get frustrated at Liam so I walk over and see Liam's wrist is swollen I gasp and both Liam and Harry look at me "Liam is that from when I jumped on your wrist accidentally this morning?" Liam nods and quickly adds "But it was not your fault Nialler" and pulls me into a hug with his left arm "We need to get you to the hospital Li" he looks away from me and Harry and we have to listen carefully to hear him say "I can't disappoint the fans tonight if I have to go to the hospital" Me and Harry look at each other before Harry says "Li if we go now we will be able to get back in time for us to get to hair and still be able to do the concert tonight"  Liam look back at Harry and I "Are you sure?" I look at Harry and he says "Yes now lets go and take off that jumper"

Liam's pov
"Yes now lets go and take off that jumper" I hear Harry say and I struggle to take off my jumper with my left arm because it hurt to use my right arm. I feel someone help me take off my jumper. "Come on lets go tell Louis and Zayn that we need to get you to the hospital then Liam" Niall says. We walk over to Louis and Zayn. "Guys we need to take Liam to the hospital because he has most likely broken his wrist" I feel Harry gently grab my arm and show the others my wrist. I hear the others gasp and Louis asks me "How did this happen Li?" I hear Niall reply "I accidentally jumped on his arm this morning. Sorry Liam" I look at him and say "It is not your fault Ni I should not of had my arms spread out on the bed this morning. Let's just go to the hospital and get back in time for the concert tonight" 

No ones pov
"Paul we need to take Liam to the hospital because he broke his wrist" Louis explains to Paul. Paul takes a look at Liam's wrist and sees it is swollen "Alright let's go then" He replies back. They all go to the van.

Skip car ride when they get to the hospital
Niall's pov
I have been pacing around for the last 20 minutes "It has been 1 hour surly he should be out by now" I say to no one in particular and getting more worried by the second. Harry grabs my arm and pulls me to sit down on the chair closest to me and looks me in the eyes and says to me "Liam will be fine. Stop worrying and pacing around" I sigh and I decided to go on Twitter for a bit. 10 minutes later Liam comes out with his arm in a cast. I go up to him and say "I am sorry Li I broke your wrist you probably hate me" I hear Liam laugh and I look at him "Niall you are one of my best friends no you are my brother so I don't hate you" He smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back "Let's go we have a concert to get to" I say excitedly and we go back over to Harry, Louis and Zayn. Over the next 6 weeks I help Liam with some stuff that is difficult to do one handed

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