Liam cochlear implants (Request)

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Prompt- one where Liam has cochlear implants or hearing aids

Requested by- anonymous

Louis pov

Liam and I are brothers. Well my mum and stepdad adopted him when he was 2 because his mum and dad died in a car accident. Liam is deaf and has cochlear implants to help him hear. We are just about to start our take me home tour. Last tour he stayed home so he could finish school but loads of people picked on him for being deaf. My mum has managed to persuade me to take him on tour with me this time because he kept on asking when I was coming home. The boys know about Liam and his cochlear implants as they have already met him a couple of times before.

I walk into Liam's room and I tap Liam on the shoulder. He jumps slightly and looks at me. I sign 'Sorry Liam. Would you like some help packing?' Liam nods. I help Liam to pack. He signs 'I can't wait to see the boys again' I smile at him and sign 'They can't wait to see you ether' Liam smiles. I sign 'Let's get some sleep now buddy. We have an early morning' Liam nods and climbs into bed. He takes off his hearing aid and curls into himself. I sign to him 'See you in the morning. Love you bud.' Liam signs back 'See you in the morning. Love you too Lou' Liam's hearing dog Bambi who is a 2 year old cocker spaniel jumps up onto Liam's bed and cuddles with him. Liam smiles and cuddles Bambi. We have had Bambi since she was 18 months old after she completed her hearing dog training

 We have had Bambi since she was 18 months old after she completed her hearing dog training

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The next morning still Louis pov

I go into Liam's room and I see him still asleep cuddling Bambi who is awake. I smile and gently stroke her. Bambi licks Liam's face and Liam wakes up and giggles. I smile and sign 'Lets get you ready to go. We need to go and pick the boys up' Liam nods and gets out of bed. He puts cochlear implants on his head and he signs 'I'm ready to go.' I sign 'You need to get dressed' Liam shakes his head and signs 'Wanna be comfy' I nod and sign 'Come on then Liam.' Then say "Bambi come" we leave the room and go downstairs.

My mum says to me "Look after Liam for me won't you Louis." I nod and say "Of course me and the boys won't let anything happen to him" my mum smiles and hugs me and says "See you soon Louis. Love you and have fun. I'll miss you" I respond "I will, see you soon. Love you too mum. I'll miss you too" my mum hugs Liam and pulls back slightly she sighs to Liam 'See you soon Liam. Have fun love you. Call me lots yeah. I'll miss you' Liam nods and signs 'See you soon mum I will. Yeah I will mum. Miss you too mummy' mum hugs Liam one last time before I say "Mum we need to go now" mum nods and let's Liam go.

We go out to my car. My mum waits by the front door and Liam gets in the car and straps himself in. I get Bambi in the car and restrain her in the car. Liam looks at me and signs 'Is Bambi coming' I nod and sign 'She is in the car Liam' Liam nods and I shut the car door. I get in and my mum waves at us. We both wave back as I drive off. I glance over at Liam and say clearly "You alright Liam?" I see Liam nod and he leans his head on the window. I drive to Harry's house and I sign to Liam 'I'm just going to and knock on Harry's door' Liam nods and I get out of the car.

I go over to Harry's house and I knock on the door. Anne opens the door and says "Hello Louis. How are you? Harry, come on Louis is here" I say "I'm good thanks. How are you?" Anne responds "I'm great thank you" Harry appears at the door and I say "Hi Harry. How are you?" Harry says "Hi Lou. I'm good. How are you?" I say "I'm good. Liam is with me and so is his dog Bambi" Harry says "Aww I can't wait to see them both again" I nod and we go to my car. Harry puts his luggage in the boot and he gets in the back. He signs 'Hello Liam' then he says "Hello Bambi" Liam signs back 'Hi Harry'

I get in the car and we drive to the airport to pick Niall up. Once we get there I get out of the car and get Bambi's assistance dog harness. Liam takes the lead off me and we walk into the airport

 Liam takes the lead off me and we walk into the airport

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We wait for Niall's plane to arrive. Once Niall comes over to us. He hugs all of us and says "Hello everyone. Where's Zayn?" I say "We are just about to pick him up" Niall nods and signs to Liam 'Hi Liam. How are you?' Liam signs back 'Hi Niall. I'm good. How are you?' Niall signs back 'I'm good.' I smile at my friends they are so kind to Liam.

We go to my car and I put Niall's luggage in the boot. I take off Bambi's harness and restrain her in the car by the collar. We all then get in the car and I drive to Zayn's house. Once we get there Liam is asleep. I get out of the car and go and knock on Zayn's door. Zayn opens and says "Mum they are here" Trish comes to the door and says "Hello Louis. How are you?" I say "I'm good thanks how are you?" Trish says "I'm good. Have fun Zayn. See you soon" Zayn nods and follows me to the car. He says "Liam is with you." I nod and say "So is Bambi. My mum persuaded me to bring Liam. I wasn't going to because I'm not sure how the fans are going to react" Zayn nods and we put Zayn's luggage in the boot

Zayn gets in the car and says "Hello everyone. How are you all?" Harry and Niall responds "We're good." Zayn nods and I get in the car and say "Let's go back to London" everyone nods and I drive us back to London.

Once we are back in London Liam wakes up and gently tugs my sleeve just before I could get out of the car. I look over at him and sign 'You alright buddy?' Liam nods and signs 'Where are we?' I sign back 'Our house in London' Liam nods and we all go into the house.

A few weeks later still Louis pov

We have rang mum everyday. The fans has been very accepting of Liam and the fact I have brought him on tour with us. He has been missing home today. He has been very emotional and not wanting anyone but me. Management has let him come on stage with us tonight and the interviews we had today. The fans love it when Liam is on stage with us. We are about half way through the concert and Liam comes over to me and I sign to him 'Are you alright buddy?' Liam shrugs and signs 'Very loud. Can we call mummy later?' I nod and sign 'Of course buddy' I pull Liam to my side and the fans in front of us awws at us as Liam leans his head on my shoulder.

At the end of the concert we are all dressed in comfy clothes and we are driving back to the hotel. Liam starts yawning. I sign to him 'Go to sleep buddy' Liam shakes his head and signs 'I wanna talk to mummy' I nod and we get to the hotel quickly. I help Liam up to our room and I quickly Skype my mum. I make sure both of us are in the shot. Mum picks up and says "Hello Louis." I say "Hi mum." Liam signs 'Mummy. Miss you' mum signs 'Hi buddy. I miss you too. You'll be home soon' Liam nods and signs 'I'm having fun though' mum nod and signs 'That's good.' Liam nods and signs 'I have been on stage' I smile at him and Liam starts yawning. Mum signs 'Get some sleep buddy' Liam nods and takes his cochlear implants out and Bambi jumps up on Liam's bed with him. They both cuddle and Liam instantly falls asleep. Mum smiles and says "He looks exhausted" I nod and say "Bambi hasn't been very settled recently. She seems to be alright at the moment. Last night she wasn't very settled so when Bambi has an unsettled night so does Liam" mum nods and says "I remember." I start yawning myself and mum continues "I'll let you go it must be quite late where you are" I nod and say "Alright. I'll call you later on" mum nods and says "I love you Louis" I say "I love you too mum. Speak to you later" mum nods and says "Speak to you later." The call ends and I get into my own bed and I fall asleep.

After the tour no one's pov

Everyone is back home with their families and Liam sighs to Louis 'Lou can I come with you again' Louis signs back 'Maybe Liam. We will have to see what my management and mum says alright' Liam nods and signs 'I had fun on tour with you and the other boys' Louis signs back 'We all had fun with you on tour as well.'

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