Liam sick on his birthday

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Liam's pov

Today is August 29th my birthday, it is midnight now but a bad thing is I have just woken up with a stomach ache. I feel really sick. I gently rub my stomach to try and soothe it. After a couple of minutes I am starting to fall asleep again but I wake up suddenly feeling really nauseous and I start throwing up all over myself and the bed. I start crying which makes me throw up more.

Louis' pov

I get woke up by some noise, it sounds like a cry but I am not sure in my half asleep state. I hear some retching and I am instantly up. I wait for another sound. I hear a soft cry from Liam's bunk. I open his curtains and see he has thrown up all over himself and the bed and he is crying "Hey Li, sh don't cry" Liam looks at me and starts sobbing.

I carefully help Liam out into the main area of the bus so he doesn't wake anyone up. I gently rub his back and he slowly starts to calm down once he is calm he says "Lou, I feel sick" I respond "Do you think you might be sick" Liam shrugs.

I notice Liam going slightly green. I quickly go and grab the bin from the other side of the room and I get back just a little too late, he starts throwing up all over himself again. I put the bucket under his chin I rub his back and say "Shh your doing so well bud" once he is done I say "I am just gonna empty the bin and get you some clean clothes and change your sheets" Liam looks up at me pleadingly "Stay with me please" I sigh and quickly empty the bucket.

I go back to Liam and say "How about I make you a deal yeah" Liam nods so I continue "I will go and change your sheets and get you some more clothes, then we can cuddle for the rest of the night" Liam says quietly "Can I come with you?" I nod and say "You can sit on my bed yeah Li" Liam nods and follows me into the bunk area. I make sure that Liam is sat down on my bunk before changing Liam's sheets. I grab some clean clothes for Liam and help Liam to the bathroom

Once we are in the bathroom I say to Liam "I wanna check your temperature." I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button "38.2 not that high but you still need a bath" Liam pouts but nods. I carefully help Liam take off his vomit covered clothes and I put them in the corner to wash at some point. I quickly fill up the bath with luke warm water. I turn to Liam and see he is shivering I help Liam into the bath and I help Liam wash up. Once he is clean I help Liam out of the bath and hand him a towel. He dries himself off and gets dressed with minor assistance from me. We go back to the main area of the bus and I say "Do you want to go back bed or the sofa" Liam leans on me and says "I wanna cuddle" I nod and lead Liam to the sofa. We lay down and I rub Liam's stomach and say "Go to sleep buddy, I'll be here if you wake up" Liam nods and falls asleep.

At 6 am still Louis' pov

I get woken up by someone crying. I open my eyes knowing it is probably Liam and I see him rubbing his stomach. I gently rub his back and say "What's wrong buddy?" Liam points to his stomach and whimpers "My tummy hurts and I feel sick" I hand Liam the bin just in case and rub his back. Liam starts to throw up but because of how much he threw up last night he is just bringing up stomach acid and bile. "Your doing so well Liam" Liam finishes and slumps back on me. "Li I need to go and empty the bin let me up" Liam shakes his head and grips onto my top tighter. I sigh but put the bin down and rub his stomach "Go to sleep buddy" Liam nods and closes his eyes.

Once Liam is asleep I carefully stand up and empty the bin and rinse it out. I go back to the bunk room and grab my phone. I see the date and realise it is Liam's birthday. I instantly feel bad for Liam. I quietly go back out to Liam and I gently lift Liam's head up and I sit down with Liam's head in my lap because I know there is no point in going back to sleep.

Liam starts to whimper in his sleep. I gently rub his stomach and he instantly relaxes. An hour later Niall comes out "Lou, what are you doing up and is Liam ok?" I respond "I am up because I can't sleep and there was no point of going back to sleep. Liam is sick, I have been up with him since midnight. Although we have both been asleep before now. Liam woke up at 6 and so I didn't fall back asleep." Niall gives Liam a sympathetic look and say "It's his birthday today." I nod and respond "I know, although I forgot until 6 when I went to get my phone. Poor guy. Let's hope he will feel better for the concert tonight" Niall nods.

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