Liam hurt whilst filming strip that down

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Liam's pov

Today I am filming strip that down. It is my first solo music video. I don't really know how to feel about that though. I miss the boys. I wish they were here to support me but they aren't. We are just about to shoot the last scene. As the director yells "THATS A WRAP" I fall to the floor in a joking way but as I fall down I hit my chin on something sharp. I hold my hand to my chin and then I pull my hand away. I see my hand has got some of my blood on it. My eyes widen and I start to panic. Quavo comes over and says "Are you alright?" I shake my head and say trying not to show that I am panicking "I've cut my chin" I move my hand and Quavo says "That looks bad. Let's go and get you checked out." I shake my head and say quietly "Louis" I bite my lip and put my hand back on my chin. Quavo asks "Who's Louis? And put this on your chin instead of your hand" I take the tissue and put it to my chin and I respond "From my old band. I need him" Quavo says "Why don't you call him." I nod and grab my phone out of my pocket.

I log in and find Louis' number. I click on the FaceTime button and he picks up quickly "Hi Li you finished shooting your first solo music video?" I nod and say "You know how we used to fall on the floor randomly to annoy management?" Louis nods and I continue "Well I did that after I finished shooting the video and I maybe sort of cut my chin" I move my hand and Louis gasps and he asks "Is there anyone with you?" I nod and say "Quavo was with me for a bit of the music video and he is still here" Louis nods and says "Go to the hospital and I will meet you there" I nod and say "See you soon" Louis says "See you soon Li" and he ends the call. I say "Louis said he would meet me at the hospital." Quavo nods and says "I'll make sure you get there alright" I nod and we go out to a taxi. Quavo speakers to the taxi driver and then we are going off.

Once we are at the hospital I say "Thanks for the lift." Quavo responds "I am going to make sure you find your friend before I leave you" I nod and we both go out and we go into the hospital. I see Louis sat in a chair closest to the entrance writing on some paperwork. I sit next to him and say "Hey Lou." Louis looks up and says "Li how are you babe?" I say "Bleeding but I'm alright. What are you doing" Louis responds "I am signing you in since I know most of your medical history" I nod and Louis looks at Quavo. Louis says "Thank you so much for looking after him and his silly ways" I glare at Louis and Quavo says "Your welcome. You alright if I leave now Liam" I nod and lean my head on Louis shoulder as Quavo leaves. Louis says "Li can I go and give this to reception?" I nod and let Louis stand up. He goes over to the receptionist.

Louis pov

I hand the sign in sheet to the receptionist and the receptionist says "A doctor will call your friend through soon" I nod and go back over to Liam. I sit down next to him and he leans his head on my shoulder. I say to him "You sure you are alright babe?" Liam nods and says "I missed you on the set and I missed the other boys as well" I smile sadly at my Liam. I haven't seen him properly in a few days except briefly in the mornings and evenings. I miss hanging out with I say "Shall we have a movie day tomorrow just the two of us. We both have a day off tomorrow" Liam nods and says "I'd like that. We haven't hung out as much as I want to" I say "I know. We can watch whatever movie you want to watch and just sit and cuddle and talk about anything" Liam nods and a doctor says "Liam Payne" we both stand up and I take Liam into the room.

Once we get there the doctor says "What happened?" Liam responds "I just finished filming my music video and I fell jokingly to the floor but I hit my chin on something" the doctor nods and says "Could I have a look at your chin" Liam nods and takes the tissue off his chin. The doctor has a look at Liam's chin and says "Your chin needs stitches. I'll go and get the stuff I need and I will be right back" I nod and Liam says to me "Louis I'm scared" I say "You don't need to be scared Liam. I'll be here the whole time" Liam nods and we fall into a comfortable silence

A few minutes later the doctor comes back in the room and says "Are you ready" Liam nods and grips hold of my hand as the doctor puts on some gloves. The doctor puts some numbing cream on Liam's chin and says "We will give that a couple of minutes to work" I nod. A new minutes later the doctor gently touches Liam's chin and says "How does that feel?" Liam responds "Numb" the doctor nods and says "Right let's get these stitches done" I nod and the doctor stitches up Liam's chin. Once the stitches are in place the doctor says "you will need to come in to get your stitches removed in ten days. You are free to go" we both nod and leave the hospital.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam and Louis hung out as much as they could over the ten days and they invited Harry and Niall round for a couple of days. Once Liam's stitches was removed he thanked Louis for looking after him and they celebrated the release of Liam's first solo music video and the good response from it.

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