Ziam (Frienship)- Liam stressed

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Zayn's pov

We are a month a way from releasing our debut album and Liam has been working hard over the last few weeks and we are all worried about him. He always looks tired, he doesn't always eat claiming he is too busy to eat and he will eat later. Every time we ask him if he is ok he always shrugs us off and all of us are starting to get really worried. I have decided to try and talk to him.

I go to his room and I knock on the door "Liam can I come in?" I don't hear anything so knock again this time louder and I hear a faint "Leave me alone I don't want to talk." I sigh but open the door anyways. Liam looks over at me and glares "I thought I said go away" I respond "You actually said leave me alone, but that is not happening. Liam what's wrong why don't you eat much and you look like you haven't slept much" he just looks away from me and looks back at his phone "Liam you better not be reading hate again. None of that is true you know." He nods and says "I am not reading hate just reading some messages"

Liam's pov

Oh no I wasn't supposed to say that, Zayn asks me, "What messages?" I shake my head "Nothing Zee just forget I said anything." Zayn ignores me and snatches my phone our of my hands. "Zayn give me my pone" He shakes his head "Not until I know what is wrong" I turn my back on Zayn and tears start to fall down my face. After about 2-3 minutes I feel someone wrap their arm around my shoulder "Li are you stressed about the album coming out in a month?" I nod and say "There is so much to do with not much time to do it and I am scared that the album is not ready to be released by the release date" I start crying and Zayn pulls me into a proper hug and I just cry

Zayn's pov

Liam just breaks down. I pull him into a hug and he cries into my shoulder after about 10 minutes Liam's breathing evens out and there is soft snoring coming from Liam. I carefully lay him down and I put the covers over him and I go downstairs and I go into the kitchen "I have found out what is wrong with Liam." They all look up at me and Niall says "What is it tell us?"

I sigh and say "Liam is really stressed about the album coming out in a month and management is going on at Liam about the album and making sure that he is making sure that we are behaving and not messing around so close to album release date but is putting so much stress on him. He has literally just cried himself to sleep." Louis looks towards the stairs and says "Poor Liam he must be really stressed" I nod. "I think we should so that Liam can focus on caring for himself for once we should take more responsibility around the house to try and relieve some stress he is feeling" they all nod and we start to clean up.

Over the next few weeks we have all taken lots of responsibility that Liam normally has and we start to see a difference in Liam. He doesn't have dark bags under his eyes any more and he is much happier and he is eating enough again. We are all happy that Liam is happy again and we are now looking out for signs that Liam is stressed then we can help him, and he we make sure that Liam knows that we want to help him and we care about him and we don't want him to be stressed. I tell him "If you feel stressed again tell us and we will help you ok" and he just nods at me.

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