Liam heartbroken (Request)

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Requested by: MPMuskan

Prompt- a Lilo one where everyone ships Larry together but Liam and Louis have a crush on each other but they don't tell each other. Liam is upset about Larry and starts not to eat and he develops an eating disorder and one day on stage he faints. Louis takes care of Liam and they tell each other

Liam's pov

We have just started out take me home tour. I don't really want to be here because there is someone in the band I have a crush on but he will never like me back because of Larry. He will obviously like Harry more than me. I mean we argue all the time. No one knows about my crush on Louis. It's true I have a crush on Louis and I don't know what to do about it. Telling him is not an option. I don't want him to hate me.

We are having a band movie night on the bus but I don't wanna go and join in because I will have to suffer through Larry being all cuddly with each other. I hate it. Every time I see it another part of my heart breaks.

Niall comes in and says "Li are you coming to join us" I say "I don't wanna" Niall sits next to me and says "Li you haven't done anything with us lately. What's wrong?" I say "It's nothing." Niall suddenly says "You have a crush on someone don't you?" I nod and a tear slowly makes its way down my face. "But he will never like me back" Niall says "He? Is it someone in the band?" I nod and Niall says "Is it Louis" I nod and Niall says "You need to tell him" I shake my head and I start crying "I can't with the whole Larry thing. I mean Louis will always choose Harry over me. We argue all the time. Every time I see Larry together a piece of my heart breaks. I don't wanna go out to the movie night" Niall hugs me and says "I'll tell the others that you are not feeling well. I'll be right back" I say "You don't have to come back you can stay with the others" Niall shakes his head and says "You are upset I am coming back" I nod.

Niall's pov

Poor Liam. He is so sad. I thought he had a crush on Louis because of the way Liam looks at Louis I go out into the main area of the bus. I say to the others "Liam isn't feeling well. He is going to stay in bed. I'm going to go and look after him" before anyone could say anything I go back into the bunk room and I see Liam curled into himself facing the wall and crying quietly to himself. I gently tap his shoulder and he turns around and I say "do you need a hug?" He nods and I get into his bunk and he curls into me crying into my shoulder. I gently rub his back and soon he is asleep. Louis comes in and says "Is he alright?" I nod "He's fine Lou. I've got him" he nods and looks at Liam who still has his face buried in my shoulder. Louis goes back out into the main area of the bus.

The next day Liam's pov

I have seen fan pages today pointing out 'Proofs' of Larry from our latest interview and the concerts. It is making my heart break more. I can't enjoy anything. We are about to go out on stage. I really don't wanna go. I know there is going to be signs about Larry there always is. I can't stand it. We are all waiting for our cue to go up on stage and I am trying to keep my tears at bay. Niall looks over at me and he grabs my hand and starts to take me somewhere private. Louis says "Niall we need to go on stage soon." He says "We will be two minutes"

Niall drags me back to the dressing room and I immediately burst into tears unable to keep them back any more. Niall instantly pulls me into a hug and gently rubs my back as I sob into his shoulder. After a few minutes my sobs has calmed down to sniffles and Niall gently pulls me back and hands me some water. I take a few sips and I wipe my eyes. I say to Niall "I don't wanna go out there. I know I have to though." Niall smiles sadly at me and responds "I know bud. I wish you could stay here tonight." I nod and say "Do I look like I have been crying?" Niall looks at me and says "Your eyes are a little bloodshot but other than that you don't" I nod as Paul comes in. "Liam Niall there you are. You need to go and get ready to go on stage" I take a deep breath and we both nod and we go to the entrance to the stage Louis says sarcastically "At last you two decided to grace us with your presents" I glare at him. I may be in love with him but he is still annoying.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now