Liam skateboard accident (Request)

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Prompt- Liam gets into a skateboard accident

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's pov

We have just finished our up all night tour. We are all board so we are messing around outside. Harry and Niall are kicking a football to each other, Zayn and Louis are on skateboards and I am just watching not really wanting to get involved at the moment. Zayn comes over to me and says "Here have a go on this Li." I shrug and say "I'm alright Zayn" Zayn shakes his head "Go on Liam have a go." I nod and take the skateboard off Zayn and I stand on it.

Harry says to me "Be careful babe. I know your balance isn't the best" I nod and say "I'll be careful Haz" Zayn says "Go on Liam. Start to move." I shake my head and Zayn pushes me slightly and I start to go quite quickly since we were near a hill I am actually having fun. This is more fun than I thought it would be. Until I am near the bottom I can't slow down. I say "How do I slow down?" Before anyone can answer me I hit a bump in the path and I am thrown off the skateboard. I roll for a bit before Harry catches up to me and stops me from rolling and injuring myself any more. I scream in pain.

Harry's pov

Liam has just been thrown off the skateboard and is rolling. We all run after him. I get to him first and I stop him from rolling more. He starts to scream in pain. I say to no one in particular worried about Liam "Someone call an ambulance. Li where does it hurt babe?" Liam whimpers and says "Head, arm and leg" I nod and say "Do you have any pains in your chest or back?" Liam shakes his head but whimpers at the pain. I nod and Zayn comes over. "The ambulance will be here in five minutes." I nod and look at Liam who is starting to close his eyes "No Li stay awake for me babe" Liam groans but opens his eyes "Why do I need to stay awake?" I respond "Because you need to try and stay awake until the paramedics arrive" Liam nods slightly and we can hear sirens in the background and Liam closes his eyes. I gently shake him but he doesn't open his eyes.

The paramedics rush over and says "Has he responded since he has his fall?" I nod and say "Yeah he spoke to say where hurts and a couple of times after." The paramedic nods and asks "Where did he say hurts?" I respond "His head, arm and leg. He didn't say what arm or leg though." The paramedic nods and asks "What caused his fall?" I respond "He was on a skateboard and he couldn't slow down and he hit a bump in the hill and he fell and rolled a few times" the paramedic nods and loads Liam up on a stretcher and says "One person can come" I nod and say "I'll go" I follow the paramedics to the ambulance

Once we get to the hospital I am told to wait in the waiting room. I sit down and I try to stay positive. I know he will be alright but I can't help but worry about my boyfriend. About ten minutes later the other boys arrive and Niall says to me "Any news on Liam?" I shake my head and we fall into a comfortable silence.

About an hour later still Harry's pov

Liam's name has just been called and we go over to the nurse. The nurse takes us to a room and says "Liam has broken his left knee and his right arm. He has had a surgery to fix his knee and put his arm in the correct position" we all nod and the nurse continues "He is awake and his doctor is just checking him for a concussion" we all nod and I say "Can we go and see him?" The nurse nods and takes us to Liam's room where the doctor is just finishing up his checks on Liam for a concussion. The doctor looks up and says "He has a minor concussion but other than that he is good" we all nod and Liam smiles at us as the doctor and nurse leaves the room. I sit on the chair next to his head and say "How do you feel babe?" Liam shrugs and responds "I don't know" I nod and say "I'm glad your awake" Liam nods and says "Can I have a cuddle?" I nod and I get on the bed and allow Liam to cuddle into me.

The next morning still Harry's pov

Liam is being released from the hospital today we are just waiting for the other boys in the car park. Liam is in a wheelchair since he has broken one arm and one leg so he can't use crutches. Liam says to me "Hazza will you help me if I can't get round the house?" I nod and say "Of course babe. I wouldn't let you struggle" I smile at Liam and he smiles at me just as Louis pulls up next to me. I help Liam into the car and I put the wheelchair down and in the boot. I get in the car and we drive home.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam's casts gets taken off after 8 weeks and Liam felt much better and thanked Harry for looking after him and he never set foot on a skateboard again.

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