Liam anxiety attak part 2

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Liam's pov

Zayn has just left the band and I haven't had any anxiety attacks since that one when Niall and I had that massive argument. Today management has pushed me and kept on making me make sure that the boys are fine. It is making my anxiety go really high. I can't cope with it for much longer.

Niall walks over and sits next to me "Hey babe. How are ya?" I shrug and Niall says "You are anxious aren't you?" I nod and Niall says "You don't need to be anxious babe. I promise none of us will leave." I nod and Niall pulls me to his chest. About ten minutes later my phone starts ringing. I grab it and see that management are calling me. I pick up the phone and says "Hello" management say "Liam you and the boys have an interview in an hour" I say "But we have the day off today. You can't do that we are all tired since Zayn left" My breathing picks up as my anxiety increases. This is how mine and Niall's argument started last year management says "We don't care. You need to go to the interview" I say "But but..." management says "No buts you have to go to the interview" I shake my head "No you can't do that. We have today off. You can't make us work on a day off" I feel Niall take the phone off me.

Niall's pov

"We are not doing the interview. Liam has already said we are not coming. You said today was a day off so we are not doing the interview otherwise we will find a new management." Management says "You all signed a contract. You can't leave us." I say "In that contract it says we are entitled to at least five days a month off. This month you haven't given us one. You are also making Liam have an anxiety attack so we are not coming and nether are Harry or Louis." Management says "Fine. Your lucky we didn't even book it properly yet. Beginning of next week you will have that interview" I say "That's fine as long as we have today off and you don't call us for the rest of the day that will be fine." I hang the phone up and say to Liam. "Don't worry babe. I sorted it. We will have it next week." Liam nods and I pull him to my chest and he rests his ear over my heart and he curls into me "I love you babe" he smiles and says "Love you too Nini"

Harry and Louis come in and Harry say "What was all that yelling about" I say "Management decided that we had an interview today but I managed to move it till next week luckily" Louis says "That's good. We have the day off today" I nod and look down at Liam. I smile seeing him asleep I say "They made him have an anxiety attack. Luckily it wasn't as bad as the one last year but still" Harry and Louis nods and Louis says "That was a bad one" I say "I still feel bad about causing that" Harry says "It was managements fault again" I say "But I started the argument" Louis says "But management technically started the argument because they told Liam that we had loads of interviews that day." I nod and say "I still feel bad that Liam had a bad anxiety attack that day" Harry and Louis nod and Harry says "But still it wasn't your fault" I nod

A few days later no one's pov

Liam felt much better and they are back to their crazy work schedule.

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