Liam tourette syndrome (request)

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Prompt- one where Liam and tics and wholesome, so like his tics are funny

Requested by- anonymous

Liam's pov

Ever since I was about 6 I have have had these tics. Most of the time they are alright and don't really affect me. Sometimes they really do especially when I am tired or stressed. The boys know and are very supportive. They have known since the X factor. We are half way through our take me home tour. Today has been alright. I have only had a few tics and they haven't been too bad. I have said a few things and made some animal noises.

We are currently on the bus and we are watching the first Harry Potter movie. The scene comes on when Hagrid tells Harry he is a wizard. I turn to Harry and say "Yer a wizard Harry" everyone laughs

After the movie I kept on repeating some of the iconic quotes from the movie we have decided to get some dinner. We are sat in the kitchen area of the bus. Harry is cooking some spaghetti bolognaise for us and I am trying to help. Harry has just grated some cheese to put on top of the pasta. I grab a handful and throw it and say "It's raining cheese." Everyone laughs. Louis says "Li you have some cheese in your hair." I grab the bowl and try to throw the cheese out of it but Harry manages to grab the bowl out of my hand and puts it out of my reach. He says "Cut the onion for me without cutting yourself. Niall keep an eye on him" Niall nods and Harry gives me the onion and a knife. I start to cut the onion up and Niall is watching me. I manage to cut the onion without cutting myself. I lift up the chopping board and say "Done Harry." I get an urge to try to flip the onions on the chopping board and I lift my arms up higher and onions go all over the floor, me and the chopping board. Zayn comes in and says "That's a big mess." I say "Someone take this board before I try to flip them again." Harry nods and takes the board off me. I sit down to not cause anymore mess.

Zayn sits next to me and says "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah I just made a mess and I don't want to add to it" Zayn nods. We wait for Harry to finish cooking the dinner. About 20 minutes later Harry says "Dinner is ready" we all nod and Harry dishes it all up. I go over to get mine and I put a bit of cheese on my dinner. I grab a bit more and say "Feed Harry" before sprinkling cheese in his hair. Harry laughs as he brushes the cheese out of his hair. I grab my plate and I sit down and put my plate down on the table before I can throw it and make more of a mess.

After dinner we are sat in the living area and Harry turns on the tv and there is an ad for a cat food brand on the tv and I say "Meow. Silly black and white cat" the others laugh and shake their heads fondly. I lay my head on Louis shoulder and my tongue starts clicking like it does when I get a bit tired. Harry puts on friends. There is a scene when Joey says "How you doin'?" I say sleepily "How you doin'?" Before I fall asleep cuddling Louis.

The next day no one's pov

The boys continued to help Liam with his tics and they continue to support him and stick up for him if anyone bullies him.

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