Lirry- Liam asthma atack part 2

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A/n this is a part 2 to Lirry- Liam asthma attack. If you haven't read it already I recommend that you do.


Harry's pov

We have started our where we are tour and so far Liam's asthma hasn't acted up. We are on the stage and Liam stops running around and having a water fight with Louis and walks over to me and pull my mic away from my mouth and whisper to him "Are you ok?" Liam nods but I can hear his breathing wheezing slightly "Do you need your inhaler?" Liam shakes his head "Just need to not run around and sing for a moment. I'll be fine" I look at Liam worriedly knowing that the last time he had a proper asthma attack he didn't tell us and we had to take him to the hospital because he was passed out on the shower floor barely breathing.

Flashback to just after the take me home tour still Harry's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour and Liam has got the flu. I have been more worried about him this time because he has just been diagnosed with asthma and he has been coughing a lot. He has his head resting on my chest and I feel that he is burning up and his breathing is slightly wheezy. He starts coughing again which makes his breathing more wheezy. Louis hands me the thermometer and I gently place it in his ear and I press the button I read 39.2 "Come on Liam let's get you in the shower your fever is getting to high" Liam nods and I take him upstairs and turn the shower on and make it a cooler temperature "I'll be downstairs" Liam nods and I leave the room and I go downstairs.

About 5 minutes later we hear a crash coming from upstairs. We look at each other and rush upstairs. I try to open the door but Liam must have locked it. I knock on the door "Li are you ok?" I don't get a response and Louis comes back with something to pick the lock with. I manage to unlock the door and I rush in and see Liam face down on the floor and he is pale and barely breathing and the breaths he is taking is very wheezy.

I quickly turn the water off and carefully pick up Liam's limp form and I see Liam's nose is bleeding. I wrap a towel around him "Zayn call 999 and get an ambulance, Louis go and get Liam some clothes, Niall stay and help me try to stop his nose bleeding" Louis and Zayn go off to do their job and Niall grabs a cloth and gently places it on Liam's nose. I carefully start to dry him off making sure that the towel covered him and he is still breathing. Louis comes back in with some clothes for Liam. I take the towel off Liam and quickly put some clean boxers on him then I put some jogging bottoms on and a loose t-shirt on Liam. Zayn comes in and says "The paramedics are on the way. I'll wait downstairs for them and take them up here" I nod

About 5 minutes later Zayn rushes in with the paramedics following him. They put Liam on a stretcher and they put an oxygen mask on Liam. They say "One person can come" I follow the paramedics out to the ambulance. The paramedics asks me "Do you know why he is like this?" I nod and say "He has asthma and he has the flu so the flu is messing his asthma up" About 2 minutes into the journey Liam starts to come round looking scared. I gently take his hand and say "Don't worry Li, you'll be fine" Liam nods.

We took Liam home the next day once the doctors decided that he would be fine.

Present day still Harry's pov

Liam waves his hand in front of my face "Are you sure your ok?" Liam nods and goes over and chucks water all over Louis and he runs to the other end of the stage.

At the end of the concert still Harry's pov

We are all stood in a line to bow and I am stood next to Liam like normally and I hear him wheezing badly again. Once we finished our bows I keep my arms around Liam. I carefully lead Liam off stage and I take him to the dressing room "Liam where did you put your inhaler?" Liam tries to answer me but it is just a wheez. I look at Liam and he points to his bag. I go though Liam's bag and I find his inhaler quickly. I go back over to Liam and gently poke the inhaler at Liam's lips. He allows me to put the inhaler in his mouth and I press the bit with the medicine in it and he takes 10 breaths and his breathing starts to go back to normal so I press down again and he takes another 10 breaths and his breathing is pretty much back to normal "How you feeling babe?" Liam shrugs and cuddles into me. He is always slightly clingy and tired after an attack. I say to him "Let's go to the van then we can get back to the hotel and cuddle all night." Liam nods and I pick up our bags and we go down to the van. Me half carrying half dragging an half asleep Liam. When we get to the van Louis says are we ready to go?" I nod and we go to the hotel. We get into the lobby without any incidents but once we were in the lobby Liam is practically asleep on my shoulder. I make sure that I don't see any fans before I pick Liam up and I say to the others "I am taking Liam up to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Niall says "I'll come and unlock the door for you." I smile and we make our way to the lifts "Are you sure you want to be in the lift?" Niall nods and we manage to make it to our room without any incidents again. Niall unlocks the door for me and says "Night Lirry" I smile and say "Night Nialler" I carefully put Liam down in the bed and I put Liam's bag on the bedside table and mine on the floor next to the bed. I carefully take Liam out of his stage clothes and into some joggers. I start to strip down to my boxers when Liam says sleepily "Hazza where are you? I need my Hazzy cuddle" I smile at him and say "Just getting out of my stage clothes" Liam nods sleepily "Ok" I quickly get changed and I carefully get into bed next to him and hold him close. I gently rub Liam's stomach with one hand and slowly run my fingers though his hair with the other. Liam instantly falls asleep and I am lulled to sleep by his soft snores.

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