Lilo- Liam toothache request

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Requested by VictoriaVanorden2
Prompt- Where Liam and Louis are in a dating and Liam has a toothache and they go to a dentist and Liam has a cavity and it needs to be filled. Liam is scared so Louis comforts him.

Liam's pov

We are in the middle of the Take Me Home Tour. For the past week I have been having tooth pain but I haven't told any of the boys including my boyfriend, Louis, although I think that he thinks something is up. We are down at the hotel restaurant and I am hungry bit I don't want to eat anything. Louis looks at me and says "Li babe. You need to eat something." I look up at him and realise that it is just him and me. I shake my head and say "I'm not hungry" but my stomach rumbles and Louis says "I think your stomach disagrees with you." I sigh and I eat some making sure to use the other side of my mouth. Louis says all concerned "Are you ok Li bear? You look like you are about to cry" I nod and I stop eating "Let's go up to our room" Louis looks at me suspiciously and responds "Alright Li"

We get up to our room and I quickly grab some painkillers. Louis comes up behind me and says "Why are you taking painkillers for?" I jump slightly and turn around. "Um I have an um headache yeah" Louis sighs and says "I know you are lying. What's wrong?" I shrug and take the painkillers and I lay down on the bed. I hold a hand to my jaw and I whimper. "Li do you have a toothache?" I shake my head "Why are you holding your jaw then?" I shrug and take my hand off my jaw. I do NOT want to go to the dentist. "Let's have some ice cream" Louis tells me and I reluctantly agree. We go into the kitchen and Louis leaves the room and he comes back 20 minutes later with 2 cones of ice cream. He hands me the bigger one and says "I had the bigger one last time" I nod and slowly start to eat the ice cream. When I am half way through my ice cream. I feel a tear slip down my face. I quickly wipe it away and throw away the rest of my ice cream and I burry my head in my arms and whimper.

Louis pov

We are eating our ice cream and Liam has just thrown away half of his and buries his face in his arms. I just wish he would tell me that he has a toothache and he needs to go to the dentist but Liam is the most stubborn person I know and I know a lot of stubborn people. "Li are you ok?" He nods but doesn't look up. "Would you like something to drink?" He nods and I grab a can of coke from the fridge and pour it into a glass and I hand it to him "Thanks" I smile at him. He drinks the coke but whimpers every time he took a mouthful. "Li you have a toothache don't you?" He shakes his head again. I sight and say "You can tell me anything you know, I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong." He whimpers again "I do have a toothache. Don't make me go to the dentist. I don't want to go to the dentist." He gives me a puppy look and I almost give in. But I don't "Li we need to go to the dentist." As soon as I say that Liam starts crying. "Just so we know what's wrong with your mouth" I pull Liam into a hug "I promise I will be there with you the whole time ok." He nods and says through tears "You promise" I nod and say "I promise" Liam nods and I call a dentist and make an appointment for 2:30pm today "Liam you have an appointment at two thirty this afternoon." Liam pouts and nods.

I tell the rest of the boys where we are going and they are shocked that I managed to get Liam to go to the dentist or the doctors.

Skipping to just before the dentist appointment Liam's pov

I really don't want to be here but Louis has promised that he would stay with me. I grip his hand. I am terrified of the dentist. I have always hated going Louis knows that. Louis looks at me and says "You'll be alright. I will stay with you." I nod and I feel a tear fall down my cheek. Louis hugs me and says "You'll be alright love." Then he whispers in my ear "I love you and I am so proud of you for facing your fear" I nod and whisper "I love you too."

As half two comes closer I am starting to get more jittery and I keep muttering to myself "I am not scared. I am not scared" I hear Louis sigh and then he pulls me to his side and says "It's ok to be scared Liam." I nod. The dentist comes out and says "Liam Payne" I feel my breathing to get quicker and heavier. Louis says "I am coming with you. Calm down babe." I slowly begin to breath normally again. We walk over to the dentist and we get taken into a room and I get told to sit on the chair. I grab Louis hand an grip onto it. The dentist begins to check my mouth and after a few minutes she says "You need a filling because you have a cavity." The dentist leaves the room. I feel my breathing quicken as becoming more uneven. I press a hand to my head like I always do when I am having a panic attack and Louis immediately pulls me up and stares into my eyes.

Louis pov

I notice Liam starting to have a panic attack and I pull him up and I stare into his eyes and say "Calm down Liam I will be here with you. You need to relax copy my breathing" I start to breath and Liam copies me and he eventually calms down falls into me sobbing. I hold him and I try to sooth him "You're ok Li. Calm down. It won't take long and you will feel much better and when we get back to the hotel we can cuddle and watch toy story." I feel Liam nod against my chest and he pulls out and says "I will get this filling for you" I smile at him and say "That it the Liam I know" Liam sits back down in the chair just as the dentist walks back in. "Are we ready to have this filling" Liam nods and grabs my hand and I squeeze it. I look into Liam's eyes as he is having the filling done and once he is done the dentist says "All done you boys can go home now" I nod and say "Thank you" and we leave the room and go to my car and we drive back to the hotel and just as I promised Liam we cuddled in bed and watched all three toy story movies then we watched the first three Harry Potter moves before we fell asleep. The next day Liam is feeling much better and not in pain any more which is a good thing. I hate it when any one is in pain but especially Liam Payne.

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