Liam hurt whilst filming familiar

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Liam's pov

I am filming my music video for familiar with J Balvin. We have almost finished shooting the video and I slip. I land funny on my right arm and I feel something snap. I bite my lip and J Balvin comes over to me. He asks "Are you alright Liam?" I nod and stand up "Yeah yeah I'm fine. Let's finish the video" J Balvin nods and we finish shooting the video. Once the video has finished and the director tells us to go I quickly rush to my dressing room with my right arm cradled by my chest.

Once I am there I grab my phone in my left hand I quickly manage to unlock my phone and I quickly find Louis' number. I press the call button and I hold my phone to my ear. It rings a few times before Louis answers. He says "Hey love. I'm on my way. I'm about ten minutes away" tears start streaming down my face hearing Louis' voice and I say "Please hurry. My arm really hurts" Louis responds "I'll be there as quickly as I can. I'm going to go now. See you soon. Love you" I nod and say "See you soon Louis. Love you too" Louis ends the call as there is a knock on my dressing room door. I wipe my eyes and say "Come in" J Balvin walks through the dressing room and he asks concerned "Are you sure you are alright?" I shrug and say "My arm hurts a bit. Louis is on his way to pick me up he should be here in about ten minutes" he nods.

About ten minutes later Louis walks through the door and looks at me. He comes over and gives me a gentle hug being careful not to crush my arm between him and me. I burry my face in his chest and Louis gently rubs my back. "What's wrong Li?" I whisper "My arm really hurts." I feel Louis rub my back.

Louis' pov

I say to J Balvin "Thank you for looking after Liam whilst he hurt himself" J Balvin nods and says "Your welcome. Hope your arm gets better Liam" Liam nods against my chest and J Balvin leaves the room. I say to Liam "Come on babe, let's get you to the hospital." Liam nods and I help him up.

I help him to my car and to strap in. I drive us to the hospital. Once we are at the hospital I get out of the car and help Liam out and help him to the hospital. We get taken straight back to a privet room and a doctor walks in. "Hello boys how may I help you?" I say "I think Liam has broken his arm." The doctor nods and says to Liam "Could I have a look at your arm please Liam?" Liam nods and shows the doctor his arm. The doctor gently touches Liam's arm and Liam whimpers as the doctor feels around where there is some swelling. The doctor nods and says "I think it is broken as well. Let's get you to x-ray to be sure" we both nod and get taken down to x-ray.

After the x-ray still Louis pov

We are back in the room again. Liam is cuddled into me falling asleep. We are waiting for the doctor to come back in the room to tell us the results. A couple of minutes later the doctor walks back in and says "His arm is broken. What colour cast would you like Liam?" Liam responds "Purple please." The doctor nods and puts a purple cast on Liam.

After the cast is put on Liam the doctor says "He will need to come back in 6 weeks to get his cast off" I nod and say "Thank you doctor" we leave the room and I help Liam out to my car. I drive us home. Once we are back home. I look over at Liam and see him asleep. I smile. I quietly get out of the car. I go round to Liam's side and I carefully open the door. I unstrap Liam and gently lift him up and carry him into the house. I lay him on the sofa and I take off his shoes and I take off my shoes. I gently lift his head and I sit down. I lower Liam's head into my lap.

6 weeks later no one's pov

Liam got his cast off after 6 weeks. Once the music video was released the fans loved the music video.

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