Liam sick during a photoshoot

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our up all night tour. We have had a busy day today. We have already had 4 interviews, a meet and greet and a signing and a photoshoot. We are about to have another photoshoot now as well. We are just going to a new location that is quite far away. I am starting to feel really nauseous. I hope it is just travel sickness and not a stomach bug.

I am sat in between Niall (who is my boyfriend) and Harry. I lay my head on Niall's shoulder and he says "You alright babe?" I nod and say "I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night" Niall says "You should have woken me up babe. I would have helped you get to sleep" I nod and Niall says "Get some sleep now yeah. We are about an hour and a half away from the photoshoot site" I nod and close my eyes. Niall gently rubs my nauseous stomach and soon I'm asleep.

Niall's pov

Liam has just fallen asleep. As soon as Liam layed his head on my shoulder I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I know he is not feeling well but he won't admit it. Harry says "Is he alright?" I respond "I don't know Haz. He says he is fine and didn't sleep well last night but he feels warmer than normal" Louis says "It is warm in the car maybe it is just that." I nod and respond "Hopefully."

About an hour and a half later we arrive at the photoshoot site and I gently wake Liam. He groans but opens his eyes I say to him "We are at the photoshoot site Liam" Liam nods and slowly gets out of the car. We get our hair and make up done. Lou says to Liam "Liam are you feeling alright buddy? You feel slightly warm and you look pale" Liam nods and says "I'm fine" Lou nods her head and says "Of you need anything just come back here" Liam nods and we go to the where we got told to go.

A few hours later still Niall's pov

We have all done our solo shoots and now we are doing our group shoots. We have a couple more photos to take before Liam doubles over and throws up all over himself and the floor. I rub his back as Louis puts a bucket under his chin. I gently lower him to the floor and he grabs hold of the bucket throwing up into it letting our heartbreaking quiet sobs every time he gets a break. I continue to rub his back and whisper comforting words to him. Once he is done he collapses against me too weak to hold himself up crying slightly. I gently hum a tune to him and soon he is asleep.

Lou and Paul comes over to us and Paul says "Is he alright?" I shake my head and say "He feels really warm and he has thrown up all over himself" Paul nods and says "Let's get you lot back to the dressing rooms then you can get changed and I can take you home" we all nod and I gently pick Liam up and Zayn brings the bucket and says "I'll clean this out so we can take it in the van just incase" we all nod and Zayn goes into the bathroom. I carry Liam to the dressing rooms and help him to get changed without waking him up. I get changed myself and I carry Liam out to the van and I see everyone already there. I carefully put Liam in the car next to Harry like how we were sitting before. Harry holds Liam up as I get in the van and I shut the door and help Liam to strap in and I strap myself in and Paul says "Are we all ready to go?" We all but Liam since he is asleep say "Yeah we are" Paul nods and drives off.

About half way through the journey still Niall's pov

So far there has been no incidents in the van Liam has been asleep since he fell asleep after he threw up the first time. Liam says "Nini gonna be sick" I nod and put the bucket in Liam's lap. He immediately throws up over the bucket. I gently rub Liam's back and say "Shh your doing so well." Paul asks "Do we need to stop?" I nod and respond "Yes please" Paul nods and finds somewhere for us to stop. He pulls over in a lay-by and I help Liam to unstrap and help him out. Once we are out he starts throwing up again. I gently rub his back and say "Shh" I hum a gentle tune to him and soon he has finished throwing up and he falls back asleep. Louis takes the bucket to the forest bit by the lay-by to empty it out and I carefully get back in the van. Once Louis is back Paul drives off again.

Once they are home still Niall's pov

I gently carry Liam up to the house and up to our room. I lay him on the bed and I lay next to him and gently rub his stomach.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 4 days. Niall was with him the whole time he was sick. Luckily no one else got sick.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora