Allergy testing- request

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Liam's pov

Today I am going to get an allergy test done. I am actually quite scared. I go over to Niall and say "Could you come with me to the allergy testing please Ni?" Niall nods and follows me out to the car. We drive to the allergy clinic and I go and sign myself in.

10 minutes later I get called back and I get up with Niall and we go back to the room. "Hello boys" I smile at the nurse but I grip Niall's hand "Hello" Niall responds obviously sensing I am nervous "I am going to write some numbers on your arm" I nod and stick out my arm for the nurse and he writes numbers 1-11 on my arm. He drops a drop of liquid on my arm "That is yeast." I nod and he drops two drops by two and three "These are dust, American and British" I nod and he drops some more on five and six "These are tree pollen and grass" I nod and he drops another drop on my arm "Cat. Do you have any pets?" I nod and say "One dog" the nurse says "Does your dog make you itchy or sneeze?" I shake my head and the nurse drops some more liquid on my arm "Dog" the nurse drops more on me and says "Fish and shellfish and the last one egg now I am going Di push the drops under your skin" I nod and grip Niall's hand tighter. The nurse pricks the drops under my skin and surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

15 minutes later the results come back and I am allergic to the dust and pollen. Both tree and grass. We go back to the car and drive back to the hotel to let the boys know what I am allergic to.

A/n Sorry it is short. I don't know what actually goes on during the allergy testing because I have never had an allergy test before that I can remember.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now