Liam Autism (request)

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Requested by Maya

In this one Liam was adopted by Niall's parents when he was 2.
Niall's pov

We are about to start our take me home tour. Liam is autistic. He has lived with me in Ireland for as long as I can remember. His mum and dad didn't want him because he is nonverbal autistic although he does say a few words sometimes and it is normally to me and they didn't understand him. Ever since I found that out I have been very overprotective of Liam and Liam doesn't like me leaving him. The boys know about Liam but they don't know he is nonverbal autistic or that he is autistic.

During our first tour I left Liam behind because I didn't want the fans or the boys to make fun of him and so he could finish school up. But he didn't do hardly anything and he got picked on at school so my mum and dad persuaded me to take Liam on tour with me and if he gets homesick he can go back to Ireland when he wants. I go into mine and Liam's room and I say to Liam "Are you ready to meet the boys Liam?" Liam looks up at me and nods his head he says quietly "Make fun me?" I know what he means by that and I say to him "No buddy they won't. I won't let them" Liam nods and I say "let's go bud we need to go and get on an aeroplane" Liam nods and jumps up and pulls me out of the room.

I laugh and he smiles slightly my mum spots us coming downstairs and she says to me "Niall can I talk to you?" I nod and say to Liam "I'll be back in a minute" Liam nods and sits on the sofa. My mum leads me into the kitchen and she says to me "Look after Liam won't you?" I nod and say "I won't let any harm come to Liam. You know that mum" my mum says "I know you won't Niall. Just make sure that the others in your band doesn't make fun of him" I nod and say "They won't if they know what is good for them." Mum smiles at me and says "Let's take you two to the airport" I nod and we go back into the living room.

I say to Liam "Are you ready to go and get on the aeroplane Li?" He nods excitedly and we go to the car. We drive to Dublin airport. When we get to the airport Liam hugs mum and mum says to him "Love you Liam." Liam smiles and says "Love too" mum comes to me and and hugs me and she says "Love you Niall. Look after Liam for me" I say "love you too mum. I will look after him" mum nods and I say to Liam "Come on bud let's go to the plane" he nods and waves to mum. We show our boarding passes to the person on the desk and we go and find our seats on the plane. I say to Liam "Let's get you strapped in buddy" he nods and gets strapped in. I put his ear defenders on and he grabs my hand looking scared. I say to Liam "You will be alright buddy I promise" he nods and grips my hand tighter as the plane starts to move. He squeezes his eyes shut as we take off. I gently rub his back with my free hand.

Once we are in the air I take off his ear defenders and say to him "Your ok bud. You can open your eyes now" he nods and slowly opens his eyes. He leans his head on my shoulder and I smooth his hair and say "Are you ready to meet the boys" Liam shrugs and I say "Don't worry about it Liam." He signs what is they don't like me and they make fun of me? I say to him knowing he is scared "Don't worry about that buddy I'm sure they will like you" he nods.

Once we land at Leeds Bradford airport I pull Liam up and take him to the main entrance where the other boys are meeting us. I spot Louis running towards me and Liam hides behind my back slightly peering over my shoulder. Louis says loudly "Niall how good to see you" Liam whimpers slightly not a fan of loud noises. Louis looks behind me as the other boys come over to us. Louis says "Who is that behind you?" I say "Let's get to the car before I say anything I promise" Louis nods and I take Liam's hand and lead him to Louis car.

Once we get to the car Louis says to Liam "Who are you?" Liam grabs hold of his hair like he does when he is really scared or unsure I say "Louis, Harry, Zayn this is my brother Liam. He is nonverbal autistic" Louis says "You never said Liam was autistic" I say "I didn't want you to make fun of him like his biological parents did. He is a sweet boy once you get to know him" Harry says "We won't make fun of him." He then says to Liam "Hi Liam. I'm Harry one of Niall's friends" Liam looks up at me and I nod. Liam signs hi Harry I'm Liam. Zayn looks at Liam and says "You are cute Liam. I'm Zayn by the way" Liam looks up at me again and I nod again. He signs hi Zayn I'm Liam. Louis smiles at Liam "You are too cute Liam. I don't know why your brother decided to hide who you really are from us. We don't care about what disabilities you have. I'm Louis" Liam smiles and signs thank you Louis that is so kind I'm Liam.

Half way through the car ride Liam signs to me I'm tired Niall I say "You can go to sleep if you want buddy" he nods and signs but I need the toilet. I say to Louis "Can we stop at the next services please" Louis nods and says "We should probably get some lunch anyways". About five minutes later Louis pulls into the services and we all get out of the car Liam signs Niall can you come with me please? I nod and say "We are just going to the toilet" the others nod and Louis says "What does Liam want? I know what you want already" I say to Liam "What do you want for lunch Liam?" He signs cheese burger with no pickle and no onion and chips and a water I nod and say to Louis "He wants a cheese burger with no pickles and no onion and chips with water" Louis nods and I quickly take Liam to the toilet.

Once we get into the mens toilet he starts to shake his head panicking slightly I say "Li what's wrong buddy?" He signs no mens toilet I take him out and to the disabled toilet I say to him "Is that better buddy?" He nods and signs stay in here with me. I nod and he quickly does his business and I help him to wash his hands before I take him to the table where the Harry is. Harry says "Louis and Zayn will be over in a minute. They are just getting the lunch" I nod. Liam lays his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes Harry says "Is he alright?" I nod and say "he told me in the car that he was tired" Harry looks confused and says "I don't want to be rude but I thought you said he is nonverbal" I say "It is good to ask questions Haz. He is. He used sign language like he did when you spoke to him and he does say a few words but not many" Harry nods and Louis and Zayn come over with lunch I say to Liam "Liam buddy lunch is here." He slowly opens his eyes and we eat our meals.

Once we finish our meals we go back to the car and I help Liam in the car and I sit next to him I strap us both in and Liam leans his head on my shoulder the others get in the car and Louis starts the engine. Once we start driving Liam signs to me. Can I go to sleep please? I say to him "Of course bud. You didn't need to ask to go to sleep" he nods and closes his eyes.

Once we get to London I gently unstrap us both and I gently pick Liam up and carry whom up to the house. I gently lay him down on the sofa and Zayn says to me "Does Simon and Paul know that Liam is coming with us?" I shake my head and say "I knew I forgot something. I'll go and call them now" Simon says "You are going to call who Niall" I say "I was going to call you to let you know I have my brother with me who is nonverbal autistic. He hates it when I leave him. I couldn't leave him again" Simon nods and says "I know your mum told me knowing that you forgot to tell me" I laugh and I feel a tug at my sleeve. I look at Liam and he signs. Who is that man I say "That's Simon Liam. He is the big boss at our management company" Liam nods and I say to Simon "This is Liam Simon" Simon says "Hi Liam" Liam signs Hi Simon.

About halfway through the tour still Niall's pov

We are half way through one of our concerts and Liam is watching from backstage like he normally does. Today has been quite a hard day for him. He is missing Ireland but he doesn't want to leave me so we have had a couple of meltdowns from Liam. I am quite worried about him at the moment. I have been keeping an eye on him throughout this whole concert. The fans know that Liam is on tour with us because a couple of concerts Liam has refused to leave my side. I am quite surprised that Liam isn't attached to me at the moment. I look over at Liam and see he is having another meltdown and Lou is trying to calm him down. I see him sign I want Niall. Lou looks over at me and she shrugs. I go over to them and Liam signs to me I want you Nini. I gently hug him and he grips onto me tightly. I gently rub his back and say "Li buddy calm down" Liam's breathing calms down a bit and I try to pull back but Liam grips onto me tighter I say to him "Li bud do you want to come on stage for the rest of the concert?" Liam nods and let's go of me. I gently wipe the tears away from his face and he grabs my hand. I take him on stage.

At the end of the tour no one's pov

Both Liam and Niall are at home in Ireland. Liam signs to Niall. Can I go on tour with you and the boys again I had fun. Niall says to Liam "You would have to ask mum bud but I don't see why not" Liam nods and they both fall asleep.

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