Liam panic attack part 4

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Liam's pov

We are about three months into our on the road again. Zayn has just left the band. We are trying to sort everything out because he left during the tour. Management has been on me making sure that no one else wants to leave the band. Today we have just finished our fourth and final interview and I am about to go to a meeting with management. I really don't want to go alone but management only want me to go. Niall said that he would wait outside for me because he knows what management are like. They have caused me to have a few panic attacks in the past and we don't want that to happen again.

Niall has to wait out in the lobby of management he hugs me and says "Text me when the meeting is over and I will meet you by the stairs" I nod and the panic starts to build in my chest. I say "I don't wanna face management alone." A small tear escapes my eye and Niall pulls back. He gently wipes the tear away and says "I promise babe. I will still be here when the meeting is over" I nod and Niall says "You better get up there before someone comes down" I nod and I walk the familiar rout to our management's office.

Once I get there I take a deep breath and knock on the door. "Come in" I open the door and shut it behind me. "Hello Liam. Have a seat" I nod and sit down. Once I am sat down management says "None of the other boys want to leave I assume" I nod and say "No one else wants to leave sir" he nods and says "We need to talk about why Zayn left. He never told any of us why he left. Liam do you know why he left?" I shake my head "All he told us was that he wanted to be a normal twenty two year old. That is it" management says "Are you sure Liam? You don't look very sure about that" I say "I'm sure sir. Zayn never told any of us why he wanted to leave except that he wanted to be a normal twenty two year old." After that management luckily drops the subject of Zayn because what I told them is all that Zayn told us. We have no clue why he wanted to leave. Our manager says "Liam are you listening" I nod and he says "Alright what did I say then?" I say "Um. I..I dddon't kknnow sssirr" our manager says "I thought so. Liam you need to start paying attention more. You zone out most of the time" I look down and say "I'm sorry. I'll try not to zone out again"

About five minutes before the meeting ends still Liam's pov

I know I am going to have a panic attack soon. I need Niall. Our manager says "We have received good feedback from the tour so we don't think we need to change anything. Do you think we need to change something?" I shake my head and say "No I don't think so sir" he nods and says "I don't think there is anything more that we need to talk about. You are free to go. But before you do. You need to still make sure that the boys don't want to leave" I nod and say "Of course sir" he says "You are dismissed" I leave the room and text Niall 'I'm done. Please help me' Niall messages back saying 'Has the meeting finished?' I message back 'Yeah. I am trying not to have a panic attack. Please help' Niall messages back 'I am not allowed to leave the lobby. You are going to have to come down then I will give you a big hug' I message back 'alright'

I start to make my way down to the lobby. When I get to the lobby I look round for Niall needing comfort. I can't see him anywhere "Nini?" I feel arms rap around me and I instantly know who it is. I turn around and bury my face in Niall's chest. "Calm down babe. I can feel you shaking" I say "Iii cccaan't bbbbbrreaaathhhhh"

Niall's pov

As soon as Liam said he can't breath I instantly pull back and grab Liam's inhaler out of my bag. I take Liam somewhere more private and I gently poke his inhaler at his lips. He opens his mouth and I press down on the medicine end. I count to ten as he breaths in and I say "Do you need another puff?" Liam nods and I press it again and I count to ten again. I say "You good now?" Liam nods but I see the tears in his eyes. I pull him into a hug and I rub his back as I feel tears soak through my top. Soon I feel Liam getting heavier. I look down at him and see that he is asleep. I carefully lift him up into my arms and carry him to my car. Once we are at my car I carefully open the door and I carefully put Liam in the car. I strap him in and shut the car door. I go round to my side and get in. I drive back to the bus.

Once we are at the bus it is 12am. I get out of the car and I go round to Liam's side of the car. I carefully open his door and unstrap him. I gently lift him up and he begins to wake up. I say "Shh go back to sleep. I'll carry you" Liam nods against my neck and promptly falls back asleep. I carefully shut the door and lock it. I quietly go into the bus and I lay Liam on the sofa and I go and quickly shut the bus door. I go back to the main area of the bus and see Liam still asleep. I get on the sofa next to him and he instantly curls close to me. I lay down behind him and fall asleep myself.

The next morning no one's pov

Liam told everyone about the meeting and they were annoyed at management for making Liam have another panic attack. Liam felt better after talking to everyone about the meeting but he was exhausted. Luckily they had the whole day off so they had a lazy day and watched what ever movies Liam wanted

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