Liam homesick (all friendship but mainly Niam)

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Louis- 23
Zayn- 22
Harry- 21
Niall- 21
Liam- 16

Niall's pov

We are in the middle of our Take Me Home tour and Liam has been really quiet. Harry, Zayn, Louis and I are worried about our youngest brother. I mean he has always been quieter than us but Liam has barley spoken to us in about a month and he is always looking at his phone. I decide to find out what is wrong with our Lili. But in the morning because it is 11pm. I get woken up at a random time in the morning. I look at my phone and I see it is 2am. I listen and I hear the sound again. It is a sob. Who would be sobbing at 2am? I open my curtains and see that Liam's curtains are open and he is not in bed. I get out of bed and follow the sound.

I find Liam on the sofa crying holding something in his arms. I sit next to him. "Li are you ok?" He looks at me and hides the thing he was holding under the pillow on the sofa "Li what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He starts crying again. I pull him into a hug and he says "I miss my mum and dad" i rub his back and back I think to myself 'Poor Li is homesick' I gently pull him onto my lap and I rock him. He starts reach out to grab the thing he was holding but he stops himself. I grab the stuffed dog from under the pillow and I hand it to him "Is this what you want? Because if you want it you can have it." He clings to me and holds the stuffed animal to him "What's your puppy's name?" He looks at me and says "Puppy. I have had it since I was a baby" I smile at him and he starts crying again "What's wrong Li" he starts sobbing "I miss mummy and daddy" I gently rock him and I say to him "How about in the morning we ring them yeah" he nods and he slowly falls asleep. I carefully pick him up and carry him into the bunk room and I try to put him down in his bunk but he holds on to me tighter. I give up and I grab our blankets and I go back into the main area of the bus and I carefully lay down with Liam and I fall asleep.

The next morning. I am being shaken my someone and I wake up and I see Harry standing over us and he scared me "Bloody hell Harry. Why did you do that?" I whisper yell so I don't wake Liam up. "I just wondered why you and Liam are asleep on the sofa instead of your bunks." I sigh. "You know how Liam has been quite distant from us?" Harry nods and I continue "Liam is homesick." Harry's eyes widen and he says "How do you know?" I look down at our youngest and smallest brother and say "I woke up and heard him crying at about two in the morning and he says he misses his mum and dad. Bless him it must be hard for him being sixteen and being away from home for ten out of twelve months of the year" Harry nods and says "Let's let him sleep and we will go and wake up Louis and Zayn" I nod and I try to get up but Liam holds on tighter. I look at Harry and I say "Liam isn't letting go and I don't want to wake him up by forcing him to let go." Harry nods and says "I will go and wake up Louis and Zayn up" I nod and Harry goes into the bunk room. I feel Liam shift in his sleep. I look down at him and I smile fondly down at Liam and I gently run my fingers through his hair.

He starts to wake up "Ni-Ni" I look down at him and I say "Morning Li how are you?" He looks at me and says sadly "I miss my mummy and daddy." I feel my heartbreak at how sad Liam sounds. I look at the world clock on my phone and I see that it is 4pm in the uk. "Do you want to call them Liam?" He nods and I hand him his phone and he turns it on and he rings his mum.

Liam's pov

I am cuddled into Niall and I am comfy so I don't want to move. I turn my phone on and I call my mum. But she doesn't pick up and I start crying. Niall rubs my back and says "What's wrong Lili?" I continue to cry "Sh..she didn't pick up" I feel Niall rock me and I slowly calm down and Niall says "Why don't you try to call your dad yeah?" I nod and I ring my dad and he picks up after a few rings "Hey Lili" I start crying again "Daddy. I miss you" my dad says "Li I am so proud of you you have done so well over the past three years. Going on tour and doing school and your GCSEs. Both me and mum is very proud of you." I still have tears running down my face "Is mummy there?" More tears fall "She is out at the moment shopping. Do you want me to get her to call you when she gets home?" I nod but then I realise that he can't see me and I say in small voice "Yes please" I hear my dad say "Ok I will get her to call you when she gets home" I nod and say "Ok bye daddy." I end the call and cuddle into Niall more and I say "He is going to get mummy to call in a bit when she gets home from shopping" Niall nods. Harry comes out "Morning Liam" I quickly hide puppy under the blankets more so no one else will find out "Morning Hazzy"  Harry smiles at me and I give him a small smile back. "How are you this morning Li?" I shrug my shoulders and say "I miss my mum and dad" and I pout "Have you tried calling them?" I nod and say "I rang mum earlier but she didn't answer but I rang dad instead and he picked up and said he would get mum to ring me when she is home" Harry nods.

After 5 minutes my phone starts to ring. I look down and see it is my mum. I forget that Harry is in the room and pick up and say whilst crying "Mummy. I miss you" I hear my mum's voice saying "Li I miss you too baby. But I am so proud of you honey. You are away from home most of the year touring the world and doing what you always wanted to do. I love you so much Liam. You will be home before you know it yeah" I nod and say "I love you too mummy. I miss you and daddy" I hear my mum sigh "Liam do you have puppy with you?" I nod and say "Yeah" I can hear that she is smiling "I am sure the other boys will look after you yeah Liam" I smile slightly and say "Yeah." I hear a faint knocking down the phone "Li I have got to go. There is someone at the door and dad has gone to get the car MOT done." I nod and say "Ok mummy. I love you and daddy. Bye" I hear my mum say "I will let dad know you love him. Speak to you soon Liam." The call ends and I bury my face in Niall's chest and I sob.

Harry's pov

Liam finishes on the phone to his mum, and he starts sobbing. I sit on the sofa next to Niall and I rub his back. I hear him say "I miss mummy and daddy. I miss England." I look at Niall. None of us has ever seen Liam this upset before. Louis comes out and straight into big brother mode seeing well hearing Liam cry. He sits on the sofa on the other side of Niall. "What's wrong Li?" Liam just continues to cry. Niall says "Liam is homesick"

Louis pov

I rub Liam's leg that is on top of me. We have all been worried about Liam over the past few weeks and now we know that Liam is missing his mum and dad. "Li, have you called your mum and dad?" He nods and starts crying more. I start to get really worried about Liam. "Li you need to calm down buddy. We will be home before you know it." He nods and his sobs soon turn to sniffles. Liam takes his head out of Niall's shoulder and I hand him a tissue to wipe his nose. "Would you like some water?" He nods and I get up and I go into the kitchen and I fill up a glass of water and I give it to him and he takes small sips.

I go into the bunk room to make sure Zayn is getting up. I open his curtain and see he is dressed but has fallen back asleep. I shake him and I shout in his ear "ZAYN GET UP!" He jumps and says "Louis you idiot" I smirk at him but then I go all serious "Liam is homesick. Poor baby" Zayn looks worriedly towards the door. "Poor kid must be so hard for him being away from home for most of the year." I nod. "He has spoken to his parents. So hopefully he should cheer up" Zayn nods and we go back out.

We see Liam is still sat on Niall cuddled up to him but is facing the television. Harry is also cuddling them "Hey we want to join the cuddle. You can't have a band cuddle without us." Liam says smiling "You can join in there is enough room for all of us" I smile at Liam and say "I love it when you smile Lili" we all cuddle together on the sofa and we watch toy story 1,2&3 for Liam and we watch the first 2 Harry Potter movies before we all fall asleep cuddling. After a day of relaxing and Liam talking to his family we were back to performing and doing interviews making sure to keep Liam busy during the day and making sure he has spoken to his family at least once a day.

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