Liam severe concussion

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Liam's pov

We are on our on the road again tour. We are on stage. Louis and I are having a water fight Niall is watching and shaking his head. I run over to him and Niall whispers to me "Li be careful babe. I don't want you injuring yourself." I nod and start to run again because Louis is coming with a bucket full of water.

About five minutes towards the end of the concert still Liam's pov

Louis and I have got each other completely soaked. The stage is also very slippery. Louis has another bucket full of water and starts running towards me. I start running but as I start running I feel my legs slip out from underneath me and I fall to the ground. I black out.

Niall's pov

I see Liam slip to the floor and smack his head on the floor if the stage. I run over to him and see him unconscious. I gently tap his cheek "Liam wake up" Liam's eyes slowly opens and he looks around blankly. I ask him "Liam are you alright?" He continues to look around blankly. Then he says " Where we?" I ask confused "Li what do you mean?" I see Louis and Harry run over to us and Harry says to me "Is he alright?" I shake my head and say "He isn't making any sense. He just keeps on looking around blankly and he was out cold when I got to him" Louis says "I'll go and get Paul to call an ambulance." I nod and Liam turns his head towards me. He smiles slightly then throws up all over himself and me. He puts his hand on his head and whimpers

Liam's pov just before he throws up

I feel really sick. My eyesight is all blurry and I have a ringing sensation in my ears. I feel more nauseous. I turn my head and I see my Niall. I smile but then I loose my battle with my stomach and I throw up all over myself and my Niall. I whimper and hold my head in pain.

Niall's pov

I gently rub Liam's back and say to him "Let's get you off stage" I carefully help Liam to sit up he instantly falls back again. He whimpers. I slowly help him to sit up again and I keep a steadying hand on Liam's back.

I slowly help Liam to stand up and I keep my hands on his back to help him since he is swaying badly. I quickly say to the audience "Sorry about this. Liam will be alright. We will get him checked out and we will see you soon" I slowly lead Liam off stage.

Paul and Louis comes over and Paul says "The ambulance will be here in a few minutes." I nod and Liam leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I say to him "Li you need to stay awake for me" Liam instantly starts crying. I ask "Hey why you crying for babe?" He just continues to cry. I sit him on the sofa and I sit next to him. I help Liam get out of his vomit covered clothes and into some clean clothes. I quickly take off my vomit covered clothes and get into some clean clothes.

About two minutes later the paramedics get lead through the door by management. The paramedics load Liam up on the stretcher and Liam starts crying again. He says slurred "My Nini" one of the paramedics says "One person can come with us. We need to know what happened" I nod and gently take Liam's hand and we go to the ambulance. One of the paramedics starts to drive back to the hospital.

One of them asks Liam "What's your name?" Liam looks at me and says "Liam" the paramedic nods and asks "Do you remember what happened Liam?" Liam shrugs and responds "Water fight. I don't know" the paramedic nods and asks "Were you unconscious at any point?" Liam shrugs and the paramedic asks "Was he unconscious?" I nod and say "He and Louis was having a water fight and they got the stage slippery. He started to run and slipped over and smacked his head on the stage. He was unconscious for about a minute and he was quite dazed and confused. He also threw up as well." The paramedic nods and we get to the hospital

Liam gets wheeled out of the ambulance and into the hospital. Doctors rush over and takes Liam he starts crying and says "My Nini" the doctor says "You come with us. No point upsetting him" I nod and take Liam's hand. We get taken into a private ward and the doctor assess Liam. He says "I think he has a severe concussion. I would like to do a MRI scan to rule out any serious brain injuries." I nod and Liam looks at me terrified. He isn't too much of a fan of small spaces. I gently rub his knuckles and the doctor says "Let's get this over with" I nod and say "Liam isn't a fan of small spaces." The doctor nods and says "We can put some completely black glasses so that he won't be able to see anything through." I nod and we get taken down to the MRI room.

The doctor explains to the radiologist that Liam isn't a fan of small spaces. The radiologist hands Liam the glasses and Liam puts them on. The radiologist says to me "You will have to come behind this screen" I nod and stand behind the screen. The radiologist starts the machine up and I watch the whole process. About 45 minutes later Liam is finally done and he gets pulled out. I  go over to him and take off his glasses. Liam screws his eyes shut at the bright light. The doctor says "Let's get you boys back up to the ward" I nod and help Liam into the wheelchair. I wheel Liam back to the ward and the doctor says to me "The results should be back by the morning. We want to keep him here over night." I nod and say "Can I stay with him?" The doctor nods and says "He needs someone with him constantly for 48hours. And he will need to be woken up every two hours" I nod and the doctor leaves the room.

Liam looks at me and says "Cuddle me" I nod and  get into bed next to Liam. I allow Liam to cuddle into my chest. Liam quickly falls asleep and I quickly take a photo of us and send it to the group chat with the caption 'Li has a severe concussion. The have done a MRI to rule out any serious brain damage the results should be back in the morning. He is allowed to sleep he just has to be woken up every two hours. We are staying in the hospital over night.' Louis messages back saying 'Oh no. Hopefully he will be released tomorrow.' Harry responds 'Poor Liam. Hope he feels better soon. Do the fans know?' I message back saying 'Not yet I was just about to post a tweet explaining what happened but I wanted to update you first' I go onto Twitter and post the same photo with the caption 'Daddy direction will be absolutely fine. He just has a severe concussion which he is being treated for in the hospital for tonight. He had an MRI scan to rule out any major brain injuries but that was just as a precaution. Before any of you say that he isn't allowed to sleep after a concussion. The doctor said it was fine. He just needs to be woken up every couple of hours just to be on the safe side. Thank you for the support whilst we help Liam recover and hopefully we will be back in no time. #GetWellSoonDaddyDirection'

The next morning still Niall's pov

Both Liam and I are exhausted. We were both woken up every two hours in the night. Liam is really grumpy since he doesn't do well on little amounts of sleep. The doctor comes in and says "Morning. How are you feeling today Liam?" Liam responds "Tired. I wanna go sleep" Liam rubs his eyes and yawns. The doctor nods and says "You can go home now. The results came back normal for the brain scan. He will still need to be woken up every two hours for the next 24 hours and someone has to be constantly with him as well" I nod and the doctor continues "He May experience headaches for the next two to three weeks due to the concussion." I nod and text Paul saying we are ready to be picked up.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after the next few weeks. They had a few days off so Liam could recover from his concussion. Liam thanked Niall for looking after him and he thanked the fans for sending him get well soon messages

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