Liam and Zayn sick

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Liam's pov

It is midnight and we have started off our take me home tour. I am still awake with a sore stomach. I want Zayn but I know he won't be happy if I wake him up. I rub my stomach and soon I fall into a restless sleep.

The next morning still Liam's pov

I get shaken awake roughly "Go 'way. Stop shaking me. I feel sick" I hear Louis say "Don't even attempt to fake, Zayn is sick. You don't even look sick" I sit up and Louis continues "Get dressed we need to go to an interview" I nod sadly and Louis says "Don't even attempt to tell the other boys. I am going to tell them that you are faking." Louis leaves the room and tears start to fall down my face. I slowly start to get dressed. Niall comes in and sees the tears on my face. "Hey what's up buddy. Are you ok? You look pale" I shake my head "I feel sick. Louis doesn't believe me. He said that he would tell you and Harry that I'm faking" Niall responds "He hasn't told me but I was in the bathroom and came in here to get some clothes." Niall feels my forehead "You feel a little warmer than usual. Do you think you could make it through today. Did Louis already tell you that Zayn is sick management said that the rest of us have to go and do the interviews" I nod but I know I probably won't and I say to Niall "Do you believe me that I'm sick?" Niall nods and says "Of course I do." I respond "Can you stay with me today." Niall nods and we go back out to the main area of the bus.

As soon as we are out Louis says "I don't know what Liam told you in there Niall but don't believe him he has already tried to fake his way out of today" I look at the floor with tears threatening to spill. Louis looks over at me and says "Don't start crying. That isn't going to work. I know you are faking"

After the second interview still Liam's pov

I feel like I'm about to throw up. I rush to the bathroom with Niall right behind me. As soon as I am in a bathroom stall I crash to my knees and start heaving up everything I have in my stomach. I start crying and I say through rounds of vomit "I want Zayn"

Niall's pov

I rub Liam's back as he throws up and I keep on hearing him say that he wants Zayn. My heart breaks for Liam. Once he stops throwing up he collapses on me sobbing. After a couple of minutes Louis comes in and says "Niall Liam we need to go to..." his voice trailed off seeing Liam sobbing on me and vomit in the toilet. "Liam I'm so sorry, I thought you were faking" Louis gently places a hand on Liam's forehead "Li you are burning up let's get you back to the bus to relax. We are already late for the next interview" we nod and I help Liam up and to the van

Once we are at the van I help Liam sit down and help him strap in. I sit next to him and strap myself in and he rests his head on my shoulder and he falls asleep "Is he sick" I nod and Louis says to Paul "Paul I know that Zayn is sick but now Liam is too. Can we go to the bus to look after them both?" Paul says "Let me call management then I will let you know but we will take Liam to the bus"

Once we get to the bus I gently carry Liam in not wanting to wake him up. I see Zayn sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket watching the tv on a quiet volume "Hey Zee how are you feeling?" Zayn shrugs and says "I'm feeling better. I've thrown up once since you left but I'm feeling slightly better. Is Liam ok?" I respond "No, I think he has a similar bug to you. He threw up after the second interview" Zayn looks concerned "Was he ok though?" I nod and say back to him "He was fine other than throwing up. I looked after him" Zayn nods. I sit down with Liam laying with his head on my lap and his feet across Zayn's lap. Harry and Louis comes on the bus and Harry says "We after some persuasion have the rest of the week off to look after Zayn and Liam speaking of which we need to check your fevers" Zayn responds "I checked mine just before you came in and it was 38.0 so almost not a fever" Harry nods and goes to grab the ear thermometer knowing Liam preferred that one. He hands it to me and I gently place it in his ear and press the button "His fever is 39.2 we need to lower it." The others agree

Liam begins to slowly wake up and he rushes to the bathroom and slams the door. I go after him and knock on the door gently and say "Li are you ok in there?" He groans and says "No" I respond "Can I come in?" Liam groans again and says "Bring the sick bowl as well" I rush to the kitchen and grab the sick bowl and I go back to Liam. I open the door and see that I was a little too late. Liam is sat on the toilet with vomit on his top and he is trying not to throw up again. I hand Liam the bowl and he immediately starts vomiting into the bowl he says "I want Zayn." I gently rub his back and once he is done I take the bowl away and I go to fill up the bath with cool water.

I leave the room and ask Louis to empty the sick bowl so I don't set Liam off again and I go and grab Liam some clean clothes. I go back to Liam and say to him "You going to get in the bath buddy?" Liam nods and allows me to help him in the bath. I have him sit there for a little while before I take his temperature again. "38.7 you can get out but you need to wear these clothes. I don't want your fever to get too high again" Liam nods and gets himself dried and dressed

No one's pov

Zayn was better the next day and it took Liam another few days before he was back on his feet

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