A Mob Boss's Heirs (Book 3 of...

By royal888

1.6M 73.5K 19.1K

Fiction Awards Winner in 2017 & Crystal Awards Winner 2016 Please read this book after Book... More

Author's Note
Family Tree - Spolier Alert
1. Faith Must Be Accepted
2. Sibling Troubles
3. Home Sweet Home
4. Intense Young Rosarios (Part 1)
5. Intense Young Rosarios (Part2)
6. A Typical Sunday
7. Contrast Within Family Life
8. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 1)
9. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 2)
10. Tough Love
11.Fighting Spirits & Ambitions
12. Early Encounters
13. A Common Room
14. Tough Options
15. Science Project
16. Chaotic Mess
17. Tension in The Air
18. Teenage Challenges
19. Trouble Not Over
20. Messing With The Wrong One
21. Temperamental
22. Reality Is Tough
23. Forbidden Love
24. Standing Out From The Rest
25. Unbelievable Lessons
26. Drama in Lesson (Part 1)
27. Drama In Lesson (Part 2)
28. An Eventful Session
29. Tough Teenage Life
30. Parental Power
31. Family Moments
32. Teenage Wrath
33. Coming On Hard
34. The Aftermath
35. Teenage Distress
36. Talking To Him
37. Complicated Lessons
38. The Art Room
39. An Evening With Him
40. Boys Are Boys
41. Teenage Worries
42. Getting There Slowly
43. Strong Jealousy
44. Confessions (Part 1)
45. Confessions (Part 2)
46. Teenage Impatience
47. Teenage Desires
48. Getting Breathless
49. Teenage Drama
50. Warm Glow Inside
51. Parental Love
52. Heart Felt Remorse
53. His Beauty Is His Only
54. Fury In Her Gorgeous Eyes
55. Loving Her His Way
56. Power In Their Hands
57. Military Disciplinary Moments
58. His Style Of Loving Her
59. Defeat Can Turn Into Triumph One Day
60. Power Of Authority
61. Power Of Diplomacy
62. At The Zone
63. The Heirs Plotting
64. The House Of Giovanni (Part 1)
65. The House Of Giovanni (Part 2)
66. The House Of Giovanni (Part 3)
67. The House Of Giovanni (Part 4)
68. The House Of Giovanni (Part 5)
69. Cruelty Hours
70. Survival Camp Hours (Part 1)
71. Survival Camp Hours (Part 2)
72. Count Down Starts
73. The Interrogation
74. The Interrogation Heat
75. Watching Stars
76. A Couple At Last
77. Back To School As A Couple
78. Strictly Forbidden
79. Cousins At Their Dinner
80. Rosario Mansion
81. Offense is a good Defense
82. His Cousin
83. Her Heavenly Presence
84. Heirs Dreams
85. Rulers Rule
86. Taking Him on
87. Actions Have Consequences
88. Truce Can't Prevent Defeat
89. His Father's Words
90. An Heir's Conflict
91. Justice & Sweetness
92. A Sister's Duty
93. A Confrontation
94. Cake Rhymes With Snake
95. Loyalty To The Beloved
96. Loving the Outsider
97. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 1)
98. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 2)
99. A dance & SleepOver (Part 3)
100. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 4)
101. Forget Me Not
102. A Covenant
103. The Past Times
104. Watching Her
105. Belonging
106. Sleepless Night
107. Long Night
108. Morning Heart To Heart
109. Destined For An Heir
110. His Possesive Eyes
111. Milan Calling
112. His Return
113. His Strictness
114. Touching His Heart
115. A Kiss Worth Waiting For
116. An O'Neil's Ultimatum
117. Secrets In His Heart
118. A memory of the past
119. Wanting It Badly Enough
120. The Beast Unleashed
122. The Prom ( Part 1)
123. The Prom ( Part 2)
124. The Prom (Part 3)
125. The Prom (Part 4)
126. The Prom (Part 5)
127. The Prom (Part 6)
128. The Prom (Part 7)
129. The Prom (Part 8)
130. The Prom (Part 9)
131. The Prom (Part 10)
132. The Prom (Part 11)
133. Harsh Lessons

121. War Path Challenge

9.1K 546 139
By royal888

Vienna was watching Tristan as he was leading her group through a maze. The game had started now and she was in Tristan's group. Why wasn't she surprised? He wanted her everywhere with him. She hoped she didnt make any mistakes. This was a do or die game. Heck, it was even more than a game. This was a power quest. No one was after gaining a win. They wanted to claim they had power. This was a called a war path challenge for a reason. You had to under take a path and to capture as many weapons as possible. The team that captured the most weapons was going to win. But they were armed with guns shooting paint and also airsoft guns. If you shot someone, they became your prisoner and you could do what you wanted with them until their team mates came to release them. A chill ran down her spine at the thought of what Tristan had done to some kids from the Italian team who had been lost in the maze. Once they had come face to face with Tristan's group, they were not fast enough to shoot. So they were shot. Tristan had made them strip to their under wear and had made them to push ups under a cactus as the needles pireced their bottom's skin. He then had forcefully had taped them to a nettle plant until the Italian team found them but they couldnt use them for their team if they found them since Tristan had shot them with paint. The guys were out of the game but were painfully taped a nettles as they were being stung making them cry. Tristan had taped their mouths closed too so they didnt shout which was going to make it hard for Vitale and Andreas's team to find them.

Vienna was in awe of Tristan's leadership. He did manage to get their group to find many weapons hidden in the maze. It was a good group exercise. But it was hard to witness the painful punihsments. Tristan was creative too. The next students he found from the Italian team, he made them eat raw chillies making them cry as he shot them with paint and taped them to more nettle plants not gving them water. He was ruthless at times and this was meant to be the mild version of his punishments. Vanessa had whispered to her as she had looked away that this was nothing. Tristan did much worse if she wasnt there. She was being considerate in front of her. He cleaned up his punishing act in front of her so she didnt get upset.

The maze was huge. She couldnt believe how big the place was. They were capturing more and more weapons. Where were the other team? Most likely at the other side. They had designed the game so the two teams did not become face to face easily. One team entered from the entrances from one side of the maze and the other team came from the other entrance. It was impssoble to meet unless you lost your way. The final meeting was going to be in the middle in a clearing where there were trenches and that was going to a war. Once they udnertook the path to war, they faced the war.

Once the group reached the clearing, they didnt sign of the italians at their trenches so they had to wait. Tristan set up white flags on the trenches so it gave bothe teams time to set up. It was a break time. Minutes later Vincenzo's group and other groups on the American team showed up slowly too. The Italian team made an appearance slowly at their trench at the other side of the clearing and they set up white flags too to give them time to refuel and devise some strategies to beat the Americans.

It was no secret to Vienna that more than anything Tristan wanted to capture Letizia. They were going to strike the trench and there was a prize on letizia's head to Vincenzo's displeasure. But Viggo has assured Vienna that Vitale was going to defend her. But heavens knew what Tristan had planned for Letizia behind the trenches.

As the Italians brought down their white flags, the attack started. Andreas managed to get so many people from the Italian team. He was the best shooter amongst them. His gradfather was an assasin for the Rosarios and he had the genes.

As the white flags went up, the Americans retreated and many were captured from the Italian side. Vienna gasped in horror as she saw Letizia. She walked towards the group and watched Vincenzo walk upto Tristan "I need a word."

Tristan rolled his eyes "I have a feeling what you want to say. The answer is no..."

Vincenzo started arguing with Tristan as he took him aside away from earshot. As the two leaders were arguing, she walked to Viggo and took him to a quiet corner and whispered in an urgent tone " What do we do? Letizia is captured.,,,"

Viggo sighed " Don't worry. Vincenzo has it under control... He would fix this..,"

Vienna whispered back while shaking her head " He would kill her... How can Vincenzo stop him?" It was common knowledge that Tristan wanted revenge on Letizia for forcing Clarisa to kiss Vincenzo. Tristan had all but declared war on her last night.

Viggo whispered back " Nothing had happened yet.... But Vincenzo won't let anything happen to Letizia. He might let Tristan scare her off a bit but he won't do any damage. Vincenzo would stop Tristan." He then narrowed his eyes as Vienna didn't look convinced.

Vienna argued " I have to do something... I will let her go..,"

Viggo gasped " Are you crazy? This war path challenge is not an ordinary game. If you betray the team, then we may have to forfeit. No way. Tristan would not take kindly to you if you break the rules of the game..."

Vienna argued " Letizia is dead... I have to do something. She is my friend. Tristan is too harsh. He treats girls and boys the same way..."

Viggo argued " Vienna. Let Vincenzo handle this,,,"

Vienna nodded " Ok... fine...." She then walked away.

Viggo didn't think Vienna had it in her but to his horror she suddenly ran towards Letizia. He gasped as he watched her set letizia free uncuffing her and to every one's shock un cuffed her hand. She then grabbed her hand and asked her to run with her. No one dared stop her or to shoot or even make any noise showing objection. Vienna was Tristan's girl. The rules didn't apply to her like they did to others.

The others were confused as to why Vienna was helping the enemy and running to the Italian Trenches but didn't dare question it. This had happened too fast.

The Italian team started cheering. Vincenzo and Tristan noticed something was wrong and once they questioned the team they quickly made their way to the other trench. Minutes later they came back and he made a sign that said to everyone that the war was over.... Tristan announced that they had called it even. it was an even win win. It was truce. Vienna had broken the rule. So there was a compromise. Andreas and Vitale could easily not accept the truce and declare they were winners but they hadn't.

Tristan was not happy about how Vienna had interfered in his revenge mission... Today seemed to be Vincenzo's day just like how yesterday he was the one claiming victory. He had his way. Tristan was mad at Vienna but he wasn't too mad.... If anyone else had done what she had done he would have put them on a court hearing judged by himself in front of the whole team but the rules didn't apply to his Queen. He was going to deal with her his way. He watched as his queen shyly made her way to their trench awaiting the further  announcements.

Tristan stared her down as her brother informed everyone that the war was over and they were going to lunch. Of course after lunch there was going to be  more fun. The Italian kids liked dancing and singing a lot so he could imagine the cafeteria was going to be noisy and packed.

As the kids made their way out of the maze through an aunderground passage out of the maze towards the hotel, Tristan spotted Vienna. She was avoiding him. He wasn't going to allow her to do that. He walked to her and cleared his thrust as he was walking next to her " Look there Vienna... What do you see over there?"

Vienna sucked in a breath and stopped. She turned to him " Where?"

Tristan pointed to a direction in the underground tunnel wall " Over there?"

Vienna looked but didn't notice anything. Both of them were now standing in the middle of the underground tunnel that lead from the maze to the hotel and others were ahead now.

Tristan gave her a smirk " Vienna... Look closer..."

Vienna looked again and as she was looking, she noticed him wrapping his arm around her and carrying her. Before she knew it, Tristan opened a hidden door within the wall and took her inside. He closed the door and Vienna took a step backward and her back hit the wall. She noticed she was in another tunnel path that was identical to the one the cake from. It was as lit up as the other route with fluorescent lights.

Vienna looked up at Tristan and wished she had some space to move backward. He was looking at her in a way that said she was in deep trouble. She knew why they were there. He wanted to deal with her. She swallowed hard " Tristan ... I am sorry..."

Tristan shook his head " Not good enough... You let her get away... She didn't deserve to get away but you helped her..." He took a step towards her and she felt intimidated. She was surrounded by Tristan, literally. His chest had filled the space in front of her. She looked up and whispered " I am sorry... I had to help her... I am sorry... Letizia is my friend... I know I shouldn't have done what I did... Next time I will discuss it with you....."

Tristan looked down into her eyes. He was lost in them already. He had to teach Vienna to learn a lesson not to interfere in his plans. He spoke in a serious tone " There is no next time..., Vienna, I need you to understand this can't keep happening..... I give you a choice.... From now on you look the other way Vienna or you don't interfere when I am acting on a matter that's not involving you... What you did was uncalled for... If you were anyone else, I wouldn't be even discussing this with you... I would be showing you what happens when you defy me... You are my queen... There is a hierarchy.... A queen rules with his king.... She doesn't sympathise with the prisoners in the dungeon... She rules .... Don't feel sorry for those who dig their own graves by messing with the king..."

Vienna looked into his eyes " I am sorry... But ... Tristan... If I wasn't your queen, what would you have done to me right now..."

Tristan shook his head " I can't imagine that.,, You are my queen... I can only imagine what I want to do to you now as my queen..."

Vienna bit her lip  " What's that?"

Tristan sighed " It's lunch time... I am hungry... What I want right now is to take you somewhere nice for lunch but now when you tease me biting your lip, it makes me want to kiss you... I think your lips would taste better than any thing I would be tasting at any restaurant..."

His words made her blush. She whispered " Oh... I am sorry Tristan..." She then stood on her tiptoes and touched her hands gently on her chest as she kissed his lips.

Tristan was left breathless as she moved her lips against his. This was the invitation he needed. When she initiated the kiss, he acted on his heart. He deepened the kiss and took control as he wrapped his arms around her.

After he was satisfied with the kiss he pulled away and noticed she was breathing heavily. He spoke in a low tone " Vienna .... Tell me who you belong to...."

Vienna knew this was what he wanted to hear. She didn't know where it came from but she wanted to rebel. She shrugged " Remind me..."

Tristan narrowed his eyes " You only belong to me..." He then leaned close as he attached his lips to hers...

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