Chapter 137

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Part three. Told you it was terrible xD


Mitch was roughly shoved into the van, his top half on the hood, while his legs dangled down the side. Jamie spread his legs, trying to yank down Mitch's underwear, though Mitch tried to hold onto them.

Jamie used his elbow to bash Mitch's face into the hood of the car, hoping to distract him enough to get his underwear off.

Mitch's nose immediately began bleeding, and he continued to cry as he also continued to fight back. "Get off of me!" He shouted loudly, hoping to get the others' attention. 

Jamie ignored him of course, grabbing his neck and pulling the front of his underwear down enough to press Mitch's body against the hot vehicle. "You like that, you fucking whore?"

Mitch cried out loudly at the burn of it, and desperately tried to back away from the hot metal against him. 

Jamie smirked at that, before grabbing Mitch's length to try to arouse him. "Let's embarrass you in front of your daughter, huh? You like when I touch you?"

Grace was the first to see him, and she jumped out of the car. Her wounded arm held to her chest for protection, she started running over to him. "Mitchie!"

Jake jumped out to grab her other arm, Kirstie coming over as well. 

Jake saw Mitch, and immediately knew that he owed it to Scott, for all he's done for Alex, to at least try to save him.

Jake rushed over to Jamie, who immediately punched him in the nose. Jake stood back up, and kicked Jamie between the legs. 

Jake never saw Kirstie run over, but Kirstie grabbed Mitch's arm to try to pull him away from the situation.

Todrick kept Grace where she was, but then turned to her. "Hey, if Mitch is right there... We need to go get the others. Need to get Scott."

Grace nodded quickly, and started running toward the house. "We don't have much time."

Tony got out of the car too, chasing after Grace because he knew what they were gonna do. 

Jamie shoved Kirstie to the ground, and she cried out when her back hit the hard concrete. Jake turned to go to her aid, because that's the kind of Alpha he was, and with his back turned, Jamie grabbed Mitch around the waist to pull him back toward the car. 

Mitch shouted for help, and Jake came running to him, pulling him as hard as he could away from Jamie. 

In his new position, Jamie stood in front of the back of the van, and he glanced over at the screen to see that Mitch's pack was being let out of the room. He immediately ditched the idea of Mitch and turned to run inside the house with a loud curse. 

Mitch watched him go, and then crumbled in Jake's arms to start bawling loudly. 

Jake held him tightly, kissing his forehead. "It's okay, Mitchie. It's okay, shh. You're okay now."

Jake then wandered back over to Kirstie, bending down to see if he could pick her up too, because she was crying almost as loud as Mitch. 

The rest of the pack suddenly came flooding out of the house, Todrick holding Kevin's hand as they ran out first. 

Avi and Grace were next, Avi immediately coming to Kirstie and trying to help her. Jake took that as his excuse to pick Mitch up in his arms and rush him toward their car. 

Landon came out of the house too, being dragged by Travis. Alex was right behind them, but he kept glancing behind him like he forgot something. 

Kevin was trying to systematically get everyone in the car, rushing as much as he could while Todrick started up the car. 

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