Chapter 58

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I actually love this one tbh

FINALLY have some Kavi God bless

Time line is right around the beginning of book 3

Time line is right around the beginning of book 3

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Kirstie had fallen asleep in the hospital bed, the nurses suggesting she do so before labor actually starts to get as much energy as possible. 

Avi was just laying beside her on the bed, one arm over her stomach as he stared at the ceiling. A father. He was going to be a father. 

He was going to start a family with the kindest, bravest woman he'd ever met. 

Avi grinned for a second. He wished he could've grown up with someone like Kirstie in his life... How different he'd be, if he'd had such an amazing role model.

Avi was content with that thought for a moment, before he slid his hand slowly down Kirstie's stomach and reprocessed the information. 

He was about to have a baby. A few hours from now, he'd have a daughter. 

Kirstie was going to have a baby. Scott was going to be an uncle. Kevin was going to be a Godparent. Or maybe the other way around... He hadn't decided yet. Or maybe he should let Kirstie decide. 

Avi took another deep breath, and suddenly he was overwhelmed. What if he was a terrible father? He'd never really seen a good one... How could he possibly be good at it if he'd never seen anyone do it right?

What if he let Kirstie down?

What if he let his baby down?

What if he let himself down?

Avi pulled his arm away from his wife, and tried to get out of the bed in the calmest way he could to not wake her. 

He then ran into the bathroom of the hospital, dialing Scott's number as he ran. "Are you guys almost here?"

"Yeah, should only be a few minutes. Why? Oh my God is it starting?!"

"No, shut up. Just get here, please."

"Kevin's going as fast as he can. Is something wrong?"

"No. Just get here."

"You said that already." 

"I'm aware. Just get here." And then he hung up. 


Scott left Mitch in the waiting room with Kevin, before he rushed down the hall into the bathroom Avi said he'd be in. 

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